factory-go is a fixtures replacement inspired by factory_boy and factory_bot.
It can be generated easily complex objects by using this, and maintain easily those objects generaters.
$ go get -u github.com/hyuti/factory-go/factory
- Define a simple factory
- Define a factory which has input type different from output type
- Use factory with random yet realistic values
- Define a factory includes sub-factory
- Define a factory includes a slice for sub-factory
- Define a factory includes sub-factory that contains self-reference
- Define a sub-factory refers to parent factory
- Define a factory has input type different from output type
- 🚧️ Add Features section for README
- 🚧️ Bulk create feature
- 🚧️ Bulk update feature
- 🚧️ Bulk delete feature
Here is a list of integration examples with some popular ORM libraries (Please pay atttention this is not an official integration):
The original repo of this project has not been actived for a long time, so this is a fork and maintained by me. Any contributions will be appreciated.
Jun Kimura