Functions to parse roman numeral strings (like the ones used for chord analysis)
A roman numeral symbol is a string like "bVIImaj7"
that can be used to represent chords in an abstract tonallity.
Get the properties of a roman numeral:
// =>
// {
// empty: false,
// name: "bVIIMaj7",
// roman: "VII",
// acc: "b",
// chordType: "Maj7",
// alt: -1,
// step: 6,
// major: true,
// oct: 0
// }
function accepts a Pitch
as argument:
import { interval } from "@tonaljs/note";
import { roman-numeral } from "@tonaljs/roman-numeral";
romanNumeral(interval("3m")).name; // => "bIII"
Take a look to @tonal/chord-progressions or @tonal/key