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Product Tags

Jonathan Moore edited this page Jun 5, 2017 · 1 revision

Product Tags are similar to Product Categories and translated in the same way - see Product Categories page.

It's important to remember that Product Tags are NOT for SEO keywords: SEO keyword type stuff should be part of your product description, excerpts etc.

Product Tag is actually a way of grouping different products together in the system, like Product Categories.

  • Product Categories are a hierarchical way of organising the product catalogue
  • Product Tags are a way of grouping products from different categories

What do Product Tags do?

  • Product Tags are pages, which are visited by users and search engines, and have their own url, slug and description and so on, so should be as meaningful as other pages on your site: tag pages which have no description and only show a single product are useless to your site visitors and possibly worse than useless for Search Engines (may be ranked negative for duplicate content with the product page)
  • Product Tags are shown as links on the Product page
  • Like other pages, Product Tags are translatable: the language switcher will work if the translation is available and should show the equivalent translated products
  • Product Tags can be used in certain shortcodes and queries to efficiently to group items for display (much faster than a text search).

For the reason the recommended and implemented option is to always create the Tag translations so the site is coherent and consistent.

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