This project is a web application that stores information for multiple tasks, departments, and employees in an organization. The information can be viewed, added to, edited, and deleted, and there are relationships that link what departments that each employee works for as well as the tasks that are assigned to them.
There is a dashboard that displays the overview of all of this information for the users to view. Users can search for a specific task, department and employee. There is also a calendar that displays the tasks for the users to view and, the employees birthdates.
This project is also build with API with laravel that can be look at the link git :
Access the web application at
Access the web application that used Laravel API at (Unfortunately we didn't finish the API because it would take too much time to implement it now, and we decided to focus more on the front-end part, as Laravel is the subject of web3 we are taking next block)
Firstly, if you want the application like this you need to generate npm install in your local computer. Then try to install angular with your terminal. Generate some components you needed and make sure you follow the Hero Tutorial in Angular Documentation.
To run this project locally clone it. install the dependencies by typing npm install in your CLI. then, type npm start to run the server.
To build a production ready version, just type npm run build-prod.
Authors: Nhi Do, Thibault Hentges, and Hafizh Zuhdi.