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Dan Stoner edited this page Apr 22, 2015 · 28 revisions

iDigBio Query Format

The iDigBio query format is intended to be an easy to write query format for our APIs. Its basic structure consists of a JSON dictionary, with zero or more top-level keys that reference fields in our indexes. (See: Index Fields)

A basic multi-field query looks like this:

    "scientificname": {
        "type": "exists"
    "family": "asteraceae"

That query will look for anything in the family Asteraceae that also has the scientific name field populated.

Multiple fields are combined with the "AND" operator.

More details on the query types supported below. Note, the query types under all fields should work on any field in the index, including the non-string fields. The query types under the other sections will only work with fields of the matching type.

All Fields

Searching for a field being present in the record

  "scientificname": {
    "type": "exists"

Searching for a field being absent in the record

  "scientificname": {
    "type": "missing"

Full text searching

  "data": {
    "type": "fulltext",
    "value": "aster"

Searching for a value within a field

  "family": "asteraceae"

Searching for multiple values within a field

  "family": [

Searching for a value by prefix

  "family": {
    "type": "prefix",
    "value": "aster"

Boolean Fields

Searching for a boolean value

  "hasImage": true

Numeric Fields

Searching within a range for a numeric field

  "minelevation": {
    "type": "range",
    "gte": "100",
    "lte": "200"

Date Fields

Searching within a range on a date field

  "datecollected": {
    "type": "range",
    "gte": "1800-01-01",
    "lte": "1900-01-01"

Geographic Point Fields

Searching within a bounding box on a point field

  "geopoint": {
    "type": "geo_bounding_box",
    "top_left": {
      "lat": 19.23,
      "lon": -130
    "bottom_right": {
      "lat": -45.1119,
      "lon": 179.99999

Searching within a radius around a geopoint

  "geopoint": {
    "type": "geo_distance",
    "distance": "100km",
    "lat": -41.1119,
    "lon": 145.323