This gem adds a button to html elements that have the 'translatable' class. When pressing the button, it will send the text of the element to the /translate url which will send the data to the predefined translator. In the callback, it will update the text of the element with the translated content.
Add this line to your application’s Gemfile:
gem 'translator', github: 'ipet/translator'
And add the javascript file in app/assets/javascripts/application.js
after jQuery.
//= require jquery
//= require translator
Add translator initializer
module Translator
setup do |config|
config.user_lang_method = :current_language
config.callback = proc do |text,from, to|
# Block that gets called when translating text
CustomTranslator.translate(text, from: from, to: to, content_type: 'text/html')
rescue => e
"#{e.class.to_s} #{e.message}"
ApplicationController method that will be called to detect the language of the user
config.user_lang_method = :method_name
Block that will be called when clicked on the translate button on en element.
config.callback = proc {}