- This project focuses on design of a 8x4 right Barrel Shifter using NMOS pass transistor logic using synopsis custom complier in 28nm Technology node with operating voltage of 1.8V .The project is build using commercial Tools like Synopsis custom complier . Refer following website for more details on Barrel Shifter:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barrel_shifter
- Introduction
- Creation of project
- Reference Circuit
- Reference Waveform
- Methodology
- Schematic
- Circuit Schematic
- Netlist
- Initial Transitent Analysis
- Waveforms
- References
- Contributor
- Acknowledgments
- Barrel Shifter is a digital circuit that can shift a data word by a specified number of bits without the use of any sequential logic, only pure combinational logic, i.e. it inherently provides a binary operation important function to optimize the RISC processor, so it is used for rotating and transferring the data either in left or right direction. This shifter is useful in lots of signal processing ICs. The Arithmetic and the Logical Shifters additionally can be changed by the Barrel Shifter Because with the rotation of the data it also supply the utility the data right, left change all mathemetically or logically.A purpose of this project is to design CMOS using NMOS Pass Transistor logic.CMOS based 8 bit barrel shifter has implemented in this project using synopsis tools using SAED 28nm PDKs Tech lib files
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CMOS transmission gates may be used in place of the simple pass transistor switches.In this project, a 8x4 right barrel shifter circuit using NMOS pass transistor logic is implemented synopsis tool.The shifter circuit takes 8 inputs bits and shifts them according to 5 control shift bits and generates 4 output bits
- Realization of 8 x 4 barrel shifter with 4-bit binary to gray
- Design of Various 4 Bit Shifters using CMOS
Contact:[email protected]
Kunal Ghosh, Co-founder, VSD Corp. Pvt. Ltd. - [email protected]
Kunal Ghosh, Co-founder, VSD Corp. Pvt. Ltd. - [email protected]
Synopsys team
Sammer Durgoji NIT Karnataka