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iamazadi committed Mar 26, 2024
1 parent 1e36919 commit b304fbb
Showing 1 changed file with 21 additions and 138 deletions.
159 changes: 21 additions & 138 deletions models/planethopf.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,59 +9,17 @@ figuresize = (1080, 1920)
segments = 30
basemapsegments = 30
modelname = "planethopf"
boundary_names = ["Australia", "Japan", "United States of America", "United Kingdom", "Antarctica", "Iran", "Chile", "France", "South Africa", "Turkey", "Pakistan", "India", "Russia", "Canada", "Mexico"]
boundary_names = ["United States of America", "Australia", "Iran", "Canda", "Mexico", "Chile", "Brazil", "Turkey", "Pakistan", "India", "Russia", "China", "Antarctica"]
frames_number = 720 # 360 * length(boundary_names)
samplename = "United States of America"
indices = Dict()
ratio = 0.999
= ℝ³(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
= ℝ³(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
= ℝ³(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)
linewidth = 10.0
arrowsize = GLMakie.Vec3f(0.02, 0.02, 0.04)
eyeposition = normalize(ℝ³(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)) * π
lookat = ℝ³(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
up = normalize(ℝ³(1.0, 0.0, 0.0))
totalstages = 1 # length(boundary_names)
initialized = [false for _ in 1:totalstages]

paralleltransport(q, α, θ, segments)
Parallel transport the basis frame at point `q` in the direction angle `α` with distance `θ`,
and smoothness `segments`.
function paralleltransport(q::SpinVector, α::Float64, θ::Float64, segments::Int)
h = Quaternion(q)
= K(1) * h
= K(2) * h
= K(3) * h
v = sin(α) * K(1) + cos(α) * K(2)
θ₀ = θ / segments
track = [h]
track1 = [x¹]
track2 = [x²]
track3 = [x³]
for i in 1:segments
n = exp(v * i * θ₀) * h
= normalize(x¹ - dot(x¹, n) * n)
= normalize(x² - dot(x², n) * n)
= normalize(x³ - dot(x³, n) * n)
push!(track, n)
push!(track1, x¹)
push!(track2, x²)
push!(track3, x³)
track, track1, track2, track3

makefigure() = GLMakie.Figure(size = figuresize)
fig = GLMakie.with_theme(makefigure, GLMakie.theme_black())
pl = GLMakie.PointLight(GLMakie.Point3f(0), GLMakie.RGBf(0.0862, 0.0862, 0.0862))
al = GLMakie.AmbientLight(GLMakie.RGBf(0.9, 0.9, 0.9))
lscene = GLMakie.LScene(fig[1, 1], show_axis=false, scenekw = (lights = [pl, al], clear=true, backgroundcolor = :black))

colorref = FileIO.load("data/basemap_color.png")
basemap_color = FileIO.load("data/basemap_mask.png")
Expand All @@ -79,127 +37,55 @@ for i in eachindex(countries["name"])

function getcenter(nodes)
center = [0.0; 0.0; 0.0]
for i in eachindex(nodes)
geographic = convert_to_geographic(nodes[i])
center = center + geographic
center[1] = 1.0 # the unit spherical Earth
center[2] = center[2] ./ length(nodes)
center[3] = center[3] ./ length(nodes)

makefigure() = GLMakie.Figure(size = figuresize)
fig = GLMakie.with_theme(makefigure, GLMakie.theme_black())
pl = GLMakie.PointLight(GLMakie.Point3f(0), GLMakie.RGBf(0.0862, 0.0862, 0.0862))
al = GLMakie.AmbientLight(GLMakie.RGBf(0.9, 0.9, 0.9))
lscene = GLMakie.LScene(fig[1, 1], show_axis=false, scenekw = (lights = [pl, al], clear=true, backgroundcolor = :white))

θ1 = float(π)
timesign = 1
q = SpinVector(ℝ³(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), timesign)
chart =/ 2, -π / 2, π / 2, -π / 2)
q = Quaternion(ℝ⁴(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0))
chart = (-π / 4, π / 4, -π / 4, π / 4)
basemap1 = Basemap(lscene, q, chart, basemapsegments, basemap_color, transparency = true)
basemap2 = Basemap(lscene, q, chart, basemapsegments, basemap_color, transparency = true)

whirls = []
_whirls = []
for i in eachindex(boundary_nodes)
center = getcenter(boundary_nodes[i])
hue = dot(Quaternion(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0), Quaternion(0.0, vec(center)...)) * 360
# hue = i / length(boundary_names) * 360
color = GLMakie.HSVA(hue, 100, 100, 0.25) # getcolor(boundary_nodes[i], colorref, 0.5)
_color = GLMakie.HSVA(hue, 100, 100, 0.05) # getcolor(boundary_nodes[i], colorref, 0.1)
w = [SpinVector(boundary_nodes[i][j], timesign) for j in eachindex(boundary_nodes[i])]
color = getcolor(boundary_nodes[i], colorref, 0.5)
_color = getcolor(boundary_nodes[i], colorref, 0.1)
w = [σmap(boundary_nodes[i][j]) for j in eachindex(boundary_nodes[i])]
whirl = Whirl(lscene, w, 0.0, θ1, segments, color, transparency = true)
_whirl = Whirl(lscene, w, θ1, 2π, segments, _color, transparency = true)
push!(whirls, whirl)
push!(_whirls, _whirl)

ps = [GLMakie.Point3f(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) for _ in 1:3]
tails = []
heads = []
arrowcolors = []
for i in 1:segments
hue = Int(floor(i / segments * 360.0))
arrowcolor = GLMakie.Observable([GLMakie.HSVA(hue, 100, 100, 1.0), GLMakie.HSVA(hue, 100, 100, 0.5), GLMakie.HSVA(hue, 100, 100, 0.25)])
push!(arrowcolors, arrowcolor)
_tails = GLMakie.Observable(ps)
_heads = GLMakie.Observable(ps)
push!(tails, _tails)
push!(heads, _heads)
GLMakie.arrows!(lscene, _tails, _heads, fxaa = true, color = arrowcolor, linewidth = 0.01, arrowsize = GLMakie.Vec3f(0.02, 0.02, 0.02))

linepoints = GLMakie.Observable(GLMakie.Point3f[]) # Signal that can be used to update plots efficiently
linecolors = GLMakie.Observable(Int[])
lines = GLMakie.lines!(lscene, linepoints, linewidth = linewidth, color = linecolors, colormap = :rainbow, transparency = false)
lines.colorrange = (0, frames_number) # update plot attribute directly
starman = FileIO.load("data/Starman_3.stl")
starman_sprite = GLMakie.mesh!(
color = [tri[1][2] for tri in starman for i in 1:3],
colormap = GLMakie.Reverse(:Spectral)
scale = 1 / 350
GLMakie.scale!(starman_sprite, scale, scale, scale)

function animate(progress, totalprogress, frame)
index = indices[samplename]
center = getcenter(boundary_nodes[index])
function animate(progress::Float64)
center = getcenter(boundary_nodes[1])
r, θ, ϕ = convert_to_geographic(center)
ψ = totalprogress * 4π
ψ = progress * 4π
α = exp(im * ψ / 2.0)
β = Complex(0.0)
γ = Complex(0.0)
δ = exp(-im * ψ / 2.0)
transform = SpinTransformation(α, β, γ, δ)
q = transform * SpinVector(θ , ϕ, timesign)
# q = transform * SpinVector(θ , ϕ, timesign)
q = Quaternion(transform * SpinVector(ℝ³(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), 1))
update!(basemap1, q)
update!(basemap2, antipodal(q))
update!(basemap2, G(θ1, q))
# update!(basemap1, chart)
# update!(basemap2, chart)
for i in eachindex(boundary_nodes)
points = SpinVector[]
points = Quaternion[]
for node in boundary_nodes[i]
r, θ, ϕ = convert_to_geographic(node)
push!(points, transform * SpinVector(θ, ϕ, timesign))
push!(points, exp/ 4 * K(1) + θ / 2 * K(2)) * q)
update!(whirls[i], points, θ1, 2π)
update!(_whirls[i], points, 0.0, θ1)

α = sin(totalprogress * 2π) * 2π
θ = cos(progress * 2π) * 2π
track, track1, track2, track3 = paralleltransport(q, α, θ, segments)
for i in 1:segments
x = project(track[i])
= normalize(project(track1[i]))
= normalize(project(track2[i]))
= normalize(project(track3[i]))
tails[i][] = [GLMakie.Point3f(vec(x)...) for _ in 1:3]
heads[i][] = [GLMakie.Point3f(vec(x¹)...), GLMakie.Point3f(vec(x²)...), GLMakie.Point3f(vec(x³)...)]
hue = Int(floor(i / segments * 360.0))
arrowcolors[i][] = [GLMakie.HSVA(hue, 100, 100, 0.25), GLMakie.HSVA(hue, 100, 100, 0.5), GLMakie.HSVA(hue, 100, 100, 1.0)]

linepoints[] = map(x -> GLMakie.Point3f(vec(project(x))...), track)
push!(linecolors[], frame)
notify(linecolors) # tell points and colors that their value has been updated

ang, u = getrotation(ẑ, normalize(project(track3[end])))
_q = Quaternion(ang / 2, u)
initial1 = ℝ³(vec(_q * Quaternion(0.0, vec(ẑ)...) * conj(_q))[2:4])
v = project(normalize(track1[end]))
ang1, u1 = getrotation(cross(initial1, v), v)
q1 = Quaternion(ang1 / 2, u1)
rotation = q1 * _q
rotation = GLMakie.Quaternion(vec(rotation)[2], vec(rotation)[3], vec(rotation)[4], vec(rotation)[1])
GLMakie.rotate!(starman_sprite, rotation)
p = project(track[end])
GLMakie.translate!(starman_sprite, GLMakie.Point3f(vec(p)...))
global lookat = ratio * lookat + (1.0 - ratio) * p

updatecamera() = begin
Expand All @@ -209,11 +95,8 @@ end

write(frame::Int) = begin
progress = frame / frames_number
stage = min(totalstages - 1, Int(floor(totalstages * progress))) + 1
global samplename = boundary_names[stage]
stageprogress = totalstages * (progress - (stage - 1) * 1.0 / totalstages)
println("Frame: $frame, Stage: $stage, Total Stages: $totalstages, Progress: $stageprogress")
animate(stageprogress, progress, frame)
println("Frame: $frame, Progress: $progress")

Expand Down

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