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This appplication adds onto and patches the base edx common.djangoapps.third_party_auth app to support using variations of the same provider on each subdomain. This was built specifically with KeyCloak in mind to support a different realm on each subdomain.

Updates to this package also add support for dynamically modifying the OAuth2ProviderConfigs through OAuth2 Protected API endpoints.

This document covers installation and backend setup. For customer facing usage and setup see the file.

Prereq Installations



cd $(tutor config printroot)"/env/build/openedx/requirements
git clone --branch koa-tutor-plugin

#Enter the lms shell 
tutor local run lms bash
pip install -e ../requirement/ibl-edx-third-party-auth


#Enter the lms shell 
tutor local run lms bash
pip uninstall ibl_third_party_auth

EdX Setup (To be updated)

  • Become the root sudo -i
  • Open lms/envs/
    • Add ibl_third_party_auth to INSTALLED_APPS
    • Add 'ibl_third_party_auth.backends.KeycloakOAuth2' to AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS
  • In /edx/etc/lms.yml:
    • Set all the fields under REGISTRATION_EXTRA_FIELDS to hidden
  • In lms/
    • Add ibl_third_party_auth urls in front of the original third part auth urls:
# Third-party auth.
    urlpatterns += [
        # IBL
        url(r'', include('ibl_third_party_auth.urls')),
        url(r'^api/third_party_auth/', include('ibl_third_party_auth.api.urls')),
        # Original
        url(r'', include('common.djangoapps.third_party_auth.urls')),
        url(r'^api/third_party_auth/', include('common.djangoapps.third_party_auth.api.urls')),

Enabling Auto Login for SSO Keycloak

If you want to enable auto login for each domain to their keycloak realm:

  • Ensure you've followed instructions for installing ibl-tpa-middleware
  • Set IBL_TPA_MIDDLEWARE_DEFAULT_PROVIDER = 'keycloak' in lms/envs/

Restart the LMS / start-stop the LMS container.

Adding SSO to the CMS (via an external IDP)

When adding SSO to the CMS (disabling SSO over LMS and using some IDP), complete the following:

In /edx/etc/studio.yml, under FEATURES, add/edit the following under FEATURES:


In cms/envs/

  • Setup ibl-tpa-middleware like in the LMS (INSTALLED_APPS, MIDDLEWARE)
  • Add 'ibl_third_party_auth.backends.KeycloakOAuth2', to the front of the AUTHENTICATION_BACKENDS list
  • Add ibl_third_party_auth to the INSTALLED_APPS
  • Comment out the following two lines:
# FRONTEND_LOGOUT_URL = lambda settings: settings.LMS_ROOT_URL + '/logout'
  • Add the following to the bottom of the file:
IBL_TPA_MIDDLEWARE_TARGET_URLS = {'/login', '/register', '/signup', '/signin'}

In cms/

  • Setup the beginning of the urlpatterns definition as follows:
urlpatterns = []
# Third-party auth
    urlpatterns += [
        # IBL
        url(r'', include('ibl_third_party_auth.urls')),
        url(r'^api/third_party_auth/', include('ibl_third_party_auth.api.urls')),
        # Original
        url(r'', include('common.djangoapps.third_party_auth.urls')),
        url(r'^api/third_party_auth/', include('common.djangoapps.third_party_auth.api.urls')),

# Start of normal CMS urlpatterns
# IMPORTANT: The only change here is making `=` -> `+=`
urlpatterns += [
    url(r'', include('openedx.core.djangoapps.user_authn.urls_common')),

IMPORTANT: Note that the urlpatterns after the "Start of normal CMS urlpattern" comment have to be appended now. (urlpatterns = [...] -> urlpatterns += [...])

Restart the CMS.

LMS and CMS Site Configurations

There needs to be a Site and Site Configuration entry for both LMS and CMS. The Site Configurations should have the SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN set to their respective domains.

NOTE: In newer environments, the following may be automatically configured.

In order for Studio to function properly, the following attributes needs to exist in the CMS Site Configuration:

  "is_cms": true

The LMS Site Configuration should not specify the is_cms key and should set its SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN to its domain.

It's possible the CMS Site Configuration will be created through other means, but for completeness:

  • The PREVIEW/LMS_BASE values should be the parent domain of the Studio domain
  • The course_org_filter should list the org that will exist on that LMS_BASE domain
    • This is how View Live and Preview get the domain to use
    • Each org should only exist in one CMS Site Configuration

Optional Settings

The following settings are added in order to support redirecting to a default backend provider's end session endpoint.

See here for more information (section 5 and 5.1).

The following are only relevant if the backend provider has a logout_url set in it's other_settings. These settings will control a query string that can be appended to the end session URL and provide a redirect after logout out of the IDP.


  • TPA_POST_LOGOUT_REDIRECT_FIELD = 'redirect_uri'`
    • Query string field name for post logout redirect from OP
    • Default: redirect_uri
    • URL for post logout redirect from OP
    • Default: current_site
    • If set to None, then no redirect URI query string will be added to the end session endpoint