This is a port of the HUE - Hadoop User Experience file browser application that works with the IBM Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service in IBM Bluemix. It is a Docker image that should be run in the IBM Containers Docker Environment
HUE - the Hadoop User Experience is an open source set of applications for managing Hadoop Clusters that works with most Hadoop distros including the standalone version of the IBM Open Platform with Apache Hadoop.
The IBM Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service in Bluemix is powered by the IBM Open Platform with Apache Hadoop but deviates from the standalone version of the IBM Open Platform in the way WebHDFS URL is protected. Because of this wrinkle, the HUE file browser does not work with the IBM Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service out of the box. This project can be used to create a Docker image based on HUE 3.8.1 that has the code modifications required to support the way WebHDFS authentication is implemented by the IBM Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service in Bluemix.
When run in the [IBM Containers] ( environment and bound to an app that is bound to an instance of the IBM Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service, this image will automatically discover the credentials and URLs needed to access HDFS in the service instance. If run in another Docker environment the credentials and URLs to access the IBM Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service's WebHDFS endpoint must be provided via environment variables.
DISCLAIMER Note that in this image all the other HUE apps are present but have been blacklisted in the hue.ini file so only the file browser can be used - it is the only one that has been tested. The instructions to run HUE on standalone alone version of IBM Open Platform with Apache Hadoop are here Consult these instructions if you would like to get more HUE apps running against the IBM Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service. Note that additional tweaking (a la the file browser) may be required to get the other apps running as well.
- A Bluemix account Sign up in Bluemix, or use an existing account.
- A Docker 1.6.x client
- On 32bit Windows download the client from here, rename it to docker.exe and put it somewhere in your PATH
- On 64bit Windows download the client from here, rename it to docker.exe and put it somewhere in your PATH
- On 32bit Linux download the client from here, rename it to docker, make it executable and put it somewhere in your PATH
- On 64bit Linux download the client from here, rename it to docker, make it executable and put it somewhere in your PATH
- On 32bit Mac OS X download the client from here, rename it to docker, make it executable and put it somewhere in your PATH
- On 64bit Mac OS X download the client from here, rename it to docker, make it executable and put it somewhere in your PATH
- Cloud Foundry CLI 6.11.3 or later
- If you already have the Cloud Foundry CLI verify the version is at least 6.11.3 via the
cf -v
command. If you need to install it get the appropriate one for your platform from [here] (
- If you already have the Cloud Foundry CLI verify the version is at least 6.11.3 via the
- IBM Containers plug-in for Cloud Foundry
- Follow the instructions for setting up the IBM Containers Plugin for Cloud Foundry [here] (
- Verify you can login into Bluemix and to IBM Containers from the command line with the following sequence of commands:
cf login
cf ic login
- Setup the unique path to your private IBM Containers repository
- In the Bluemix dashboard at ( click on START CONTAINERS. If you've never used IBM Containers before you'll be prompted to provide a unique suffix for your private image repository.
- Build the image in your private repository
- Back on the command line, issue the following command (note replace foobar with the unique suffix to your private repository)
cf ic build -t
*Note: This will take a few minutes because building HUE from source takes a while *
i. Note: If you have an existing Bluemix app that you want to bind to the Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service, skip to Step vii. In the Bluemix dashboard click on CREATE APP
ii. Click on Web
iii. Click on SDK for Node.js
iv. Click on CONTINUE
v. Give the app a system wide unique name and click FINISH
vi. When the message indicates that your app has started, click on the Back to Dashboard link
vii. Under Applications click on your application's rectangle
viii. Click on ADD A SERVICE OR API, and then scroll down to the Data & Analytics section
ix. Click on Analytics for Apache Hadoop and then click CREATE
x. Click on RESTAGE when prompted. When the message indicates that your app has restarted, click on the Back to Dashboard link
i. In the Bluemix dashboard click on START CONTAINERS
ii. Click on the icon for the hue-filebrowser-bluemix image
iii. Give the container a name and select Request and Bind Public IP under Public IP Address
iv. Enter 8000 under Public Ports
v. Expand Advanced Options and select the app you created in the previous section under Service Binding
vi. Click CREATE and wait until the container shows as being started
vii. Note the Public IP assigned to the container once it has been started and make sure it's been mapped to the app bound to your instance of the IBM Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service
i. Enter the URL [Container IP]:8000/filebrowser where [Container IP] is the IP bound to the container. For example if the IP is the URL would be
ii. Enter hue
as the username (note no password is required and any username will do )
iii. Verify that you're able to navigate through the HDFS file system on your instance of IBM Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service. You'll have the permissions of the username specified in the service's meta data
i. In the other Docker environment run the command
docker build -t your_tag_name
i. Follow the instructions in step 1 of the previous section
i. In the Bluemix Dashboard under Applications click on your application's rectangle
ii. Scroll down to the bound Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service and click on Show Credentials
iii. Note the values of the username, password and WebHDFS URL
i. Run the Docker image with the following env vars set to the service credentials noted
- WEBHDFS_USER set to the username from the service credentials
- WEBHDFS_PASSWORD set to the password from the service credentials
- WEBHDFS_URL set to the WebHDFS URL from the service credentials
i. Follow Step 3 in the previous section using the appropriate IP Address for the Docker daemon and the port that is mapped to port 8000 of the running image
The HUE filebrowser will not start if the credentials for the Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service are not discoverable via VCAP_SERVICES or the alternative env vars noted the previous section.
If you're unable to access the URL of the running container that is the most likely cause.
The command cf ic logs container_name
will give you access to the logs of the running container.
If the service credentials are found (in VCAP_SERVICES or the alternate env vars) the log will contain something similar to the following:
Validating models...
0 errors found
July 25, 2015 - 14:45:48
Django version 1.6.10, using settings 'desktop.settings'
Starting the development server at
Quit the server with CONTROL-C.
If your logs look like this and the app isn't showing up in your browser:
- Make sure a public IP address is mapped to the running container
- If it is mapped you may have to wait a couple of minutes because the public IP mapping in IBM Containers may not always be instantaneous. Wait a couple of minutes and try again.
If your service credentials are not found the logs will look like the following
Fatal error: cannot find Web HDFS credentials and/or endpoint
If your logs look like this then delete the running container and recreate it making sure to map it to an app that is bound to an instance of the Analytics for Apache Hadoop Service
../hue-3.8.1-bluemix/desktop/core/src/desktop/ Added another config object available via hue.ini that contains the password needed for Basic Authentication against the WebHDFS endpoint
../hue-3.8.1-bluemix/desktop/core/src/desktop/auth/ Commented out code that assumes the hue user is the hdfs user since the user is taken from the Service's VCAP_SERVICES data
../hue-3.8.1-bluemix/desktop/libs/hadoop/src/hadoop/fs/ Modified code that accesses the WebHDFS URL to use Basic Authentication