0x00. C - Hello, World *placeholder
For this task we're given some source code and are required add the necessary function to get the right out. This task is to check if a random number positive or negative else if zero. Also print out both the Number and it's sighned signiture.
$ ./0-positive_or_negative $ -520693284 is negative $ ./0-positive_or_negative $ 561319348 is positive $ ./0-positive_or_negative 0 is zero
For this task we're given some source code and are required add the necessary function to get the right out. This Task I need to look at n's last digit and check it for agenst a set of conditions
if 'n' is greater than 5: the string 'and is greater than 5' if 'n' is 0: the string 'and is 0' if n is less than 6 and not 0: the string and is less than 6 and not 0
$ ./1-last_digit.c $ Last digit of 629438752 is 2 and is less than 6 and not 0 $ ./1-last_digit.c $ Last digit of 45528266 is 6 and is greater than 5 $ ./1-last_digit.c $ Last digit of 809065140 is 0 and is 0
For this task we need to to print a..z with a new-line after, using only putchar()
$ ./2-print_alphabet $ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz $
For this task I need to print a..z and new-line after plus exclude 'e' & 'q' from the list using only putchar(). *Also not fall for the task N not lining up with the file name.
$ ./4-print_alphabt abcdfghijklmnoprstuvwxyz $
For this task we need to to print a..z and again A..Z with a new-line after, using only putchar() *Also not fall for the task N not lining up with the file name.
$ ./3-print_alphabets abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $
For this task have to print a line 0f numbers of base 10 starting at 0.
$ ./5-print_numbers 0123456789 $
For this task have to print a line 0f numbers of base 10 starting at 0 but not using anything but putchar. *You are not allowed to use any variable of type char *You can only use the putchar function (every other function (printf, puts, etc…) is forbidden) *You can only use putchar twice in your code
$ ./6-print_numberz 0123456789 $
This task I require to print the alphabet in reverse using only putchar.
$ ./7-print_tebahpla zyxwvutsrqponmlkjihgfedcba $
this task