Module for integrate OpenLayers to Angular project with Components
Install dependencies:
npm i ol
npm i --save-dev @types/ol
Move ol-maps folder to app folder in your Angular project. Import OL Module in modules when need the OL Maps:
import { OlMapsModule } from './ol-maps/ol-maps.module';
Then set it:
imports: [
Finally, on index.html import OL css:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" type="text/css">
- lat: number (Latitude value of center)
- lon: number (Longitude value of center)
- zoom: number (Zoom data to map)
- width: string (CSS data for width)
- height: string (CSS data for height)
- lat: number (Latitude value of marker)
- lon: number (Longitude value of marker)
- icon: string (Path to image for marker)
- anchor number[] (Number array of icon anchor)
- control: string (Control name. Can be FullScreen, MousePosition, OverviewMap, ScaleLine, ZoomSlider or ZoomToExtent)
- options: object (Options for control)
Contact: [email protected]