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Digital clock card for Home Assistant, highly customizable.


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Better Moment Card

A lovelace card to show time/dates exactly how you want on your dashboard.

Buy Me A Coffee


  • Infinitely customizable
  • Custom fonts
  • HTML/CSS Templating (Multiple Time + States support)
  • Timezone and Locale support
  • Sample styles provided

Documentation - Table of Contents

Example styles

Style 1

type: custom:better-moment-card
  - format: HH:mm:ss
    parentStyle: font-size:3em; text-align:center; padding:0 0 1em 0
  - format: cccc, dd MMMM yy
    parentStyle: font-size:2em; text-align:center;

Style 2

type: custom:better-moment-card
parentStyle: line-height:4em;
  - format: HH:mm:ss
    parentStyle: font-size:4em; text-align:center; font-weight:400;
  - format: cccc, dd MMMM
    parentStyle: font-size:1.6em; text-align:center;

Style 3

The background animations in this preview use "lovelace-bg-animation"

type: custom:better-moment-card
parentStyle: |
  display: grid; 
  grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr; 
  grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr; 
  gap: 0px; 
    'time time riyadh'
    'date date brussells'; 
  - format: HH:mm:ss
    parentStyle: |
      grid-area: time;
  - format: cccc, dd MMMM
    parentStyle: |
      line-height:1em; text-align:center;
      grid-area: date; 
  - format: HH:mm:ss
    timezone: Asia/Riyadh
    parentStyle: |
      grid-area: riyadh;
    template: |
      <strong>๐Ÿ‡ธ๐Ÿ‡ฆ Riyadh</strong>
      <div style="font-size:1.2em;">{{moment}}</div>
  - format: HH:mm:ss
    timezone: Europe/Brussels
    parentStyle: |
      grid-area: brussells;
    template: |
      <strong>๐Ÿ‡ง๐Ÿ‡ช Brussels</strong>
      <div style="font-size:1.2em;">{{moment}}</div>


Search "Better Moment Card" in HACs and Download.

Manual installation

Download the release file then create a folder "better-moment-card" in the www folder inside your Home Assistant install directory. Add the contents of the release zip so the files sits directly inside the folder you created i.e. better-moment-card/better-moment-card.js ... etc, reference it accordingly inside Lovelace custom resources tab in the Dashboard.

  - url: /local/better-moment-card/better-moment-card.js
    type: js

Refresh your browser.

All available options

type: custom:better-moment-card
parentStyle: > # CSS applied to root card container (See DOM Tree) 
  font-family: Avant Garde,Avantgarde,Century
interval: 1000 # In milliseconds: how often DOM is written to (defaults to 1000 - every second)
  exampleHelper: |
    return 1+1; # 2
  - format: yyyy # Date format (table below)
    timezone: Europe/Brussels # Uses IANA format | "useHass" # Use Home Assistant Global TZ | "useEntity[input_select.timezone.state] # Use an entity.
    locale: ar # See Luxon.js API docs for all languages
    localeSetting: # See Luxon.js API docs
        year: "numeric"
        month: "long"
        day: "numeric"
        hour: "numeric"
        minute: "2-digit"
        timeZoneName: "short"
    parentStyle: font-size:2em; text-align:center; # CSS for indivdual instance - See DOM Tree
    template: | 
      It's <strong> {{moment}} </strong> # It's *2024*
  - templateRaw: | # If specified, format, timezone, locale, localeSettings are ignored and can be passed inside {{moment format=* timezone=*}}
      It's currently <strong> {{moment format=HH:mm}} </strong> # It's currently 09:40 (Uses local timezone)
      It's <strong> {{moment format=HH:mm:ss timezone=Europe/Berlin}} in Berlin</strong> 
      # Sets timezone to Europe/Berlin

      This is what the date looks like in <strong> {{moment format=tttt locale=ar}} in Arabic</strong> 

      Berlin is offset <strong> {{moment format=ZZ timezone=Europe/Berlin}} from UTC</strong> # Berlin is offset +0100 from UTC
      Output from my helper is [[exampleHelper]] # 3
      exampleHelper: |
        return 1+2; # 3


By default the plugin will use timezone the device opened on. It will not use uset the Home Assistants time entity which has a 'timezoned' calculated time for performace reasons, offline behaviour. Specify a timezone in the IANA format, you can find them here:

i.e. timezone: Europe/London or {{moment timezone=Europe/London}}

Use Home Assistants timezone:

i.e. timezone: useHass or {{moment timezone=useHass}}

You can also use a sensors value as a Timezone.

All examples:

type: custom:better-moment-card
  - format: tttt
    timezone:  useEntity[input_select.timezone.attribute.someattr] # Uses a TZ from a sensor (Value must be a valid IANA TZ)
  - format: tttt
    timezone: useHass # Uses Home Assistants TZ
  - templateRaw: |
      {{moment timezone=useEntity[input_select.attribute.someattr]}}

Internationalization (Locales)

To use a specific locale defined it like so:

i.e. locale: ar or {{moment locale=ar}}


type: custom:better-moment-card
  - format: tttt
    locale: fr
  - format: tttt
    locale: ar
  - format: tttt
    locale: ca
  - templateRaw: |
      {{moment format=tttt locale=chi}}


alt text

Granualar control

You can use localeSetting to pass in "toLocaleString", refer to Luxon.js toLocaleString


type: custom:better-moment-card
  - format: tttt
    locale: ar
      year: numeric
      month: long
      day: numeric 
      hour: numeric 
      minute: 2-digit
      timeZoneName: short
  - templateRaw: |
      {{moment locale=ar localeSetting={"year": "numeric","month": "long","day": "numeric","hour":"numeric","minute": "2-digit","timeZoneName": "short"} }}

When using localeSetting inside a template or templateRaw, it expects a properly formatted JSON string, if you face issues please check using an online linter and ensure you are passing in a valid JSON string.

Helper functions

You can execute full JS using helper functions, this is intended to give users access to Home Assistant states allowing powerful customization.

type: custom:better-moment-card
   - helper: 
      someTempSensor: |
          var somestring = "Temp is ";
          return somestring + hass.states["binary_sensor.door_sensor_contact"].attribute.temprature

     templateRaw: |
        {{moment format=HH:mm }}
        Data from my temp sensor: [[someTempSensor(hi)]]
      # Date from my temp sensor: Temp is 5
      # Console log output is "hi" 

More usefully, you can create a helper which dynamically gets a sensor state. Below I create dynamicSensor which passes through a param i.e. hass.states[param].state to get the state value. The helper is defined globally which can be accessed by other moments.

type: custom:better-moment-card
  dynamicSensor: |
    return hass.states[param].state
  - templateRaw: >
      {{moment format=HH:mm }}
      Temp: [[dynamicSensor(sensor.garage_multi_sensor_temprature)]] C

APIs available:

Name Object
DateTime Luxon.js instance
hass Home Assistant JS
global_config Full moment config
config Current moment config
param Parameter passed through via helperName(thisparam) i.e. thisparam

Layouts (Sections)

The Sections layout assumes cards are a fixed height but your layout may change the assumption and you may wish to override this.

If you are facing issues with Sections or layout in general, try using layout_options or grid_options to adjust to your desired card size.

type: custom:better-moment-card
  grid_rows: 3
  grid_max_rows: 3
  grid_min_rows: 3
  columns: full
  rows: 3
  - format: HH:mm:ss

AFAIK there is no dynamic option available to me as a dev so this may be required in certain circumstances.

Date/Time Formats

These go inside - format: or {{moment format=HH:mm}}

Standalone token Format token Description Example
S millisecond, no padding 54
SSS millisecond, padded to 3 054
u fractional seconds, functionally identical to SSS 054
uu fractional seconds, between 0 and 99, padded to 2 05
uuu fractional seconds, between 0 and 9 0
s second, no padding 4
ss second, padded to 2 padding 04
m minute, no padding 7
mm minute, padded to 2 07
h hour in 12-hour time, no padding 1
hh hour in 12-hour time, padded to 2 01
H hour in 24-hour time, no padding 9
HH hour in 24-hour time, padded to 2 13
Z narrow offset +5
ZZ short offset +05:00
ZZZ techie offset +0500
ZZZZ abbreviated named offset EST
ZZZZZ unabbreviated named offset Eastern Standard Time
z IANA zone America/New_York
a meridiem AM
d day of the month, no padding 6
dd day of the month, padded to 2 06
c E day of the week, as number from 1-7 (Monday is 1, Sunday is 7) 3
ccc EEE day of the week, as an abbreviate localized string Wed
cccc EEEE day of the week, as an unabbreviated localized string Wednesday
ccccc EEEEE day of the week, as a single localized letter W
L M month as an unpadded number 8
LL MM month as a padded number 08
LLL MMM month as an abbreviated localized string Aug
LLLL MMMM month as an unabbreviated localized string August
LLLLL MMMMM month as a single localized letter A
y year, unpadded 2014
yy two-digit year 14
yyyy four- to six- digit year, pads to 4 2014
G abbreviated localized era AD
GG unabbreviated localized era Anno Domini
GGGGG one-letter localized era A
kk ISO week year, unpadded 14
kkkk ISO week year, padded to 4 2014
W ISO week number, unpadded 32
WW ISO week number, padded to 2 32
ii Local week year, unpadded 14
iiii Local week year, padded to 4 2014
n Local week number, unpadded 32
nn Local week number, padded to 2 32
o ordinal (day of year), unpadded 218
ooo ordinal (day of year), padded to 3 218
q quarter, no padding 3
qq quarter, padded to 2 03
D localized numeric date 9/4/2017
DD localized date with abbreviated month Aug 6, 2014
DDD localized date with full month August 6, 2014
DDDD localized date with full month and weekday Wednesday, August 6, 2014
t localized time 9:07 AM
tt localized time with seconds 1:07:04 PM
ttt localized time with seconds and abbreviated offset 1:07:04 PM EDT
tttt localized time with seconds and full offset 1:07:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time
T localized 24-hour time 13:07
TT localized 24-hour time with seconds 13:07:04
TTT localized 24-hour time with seconds and abbreviated offset 13:07:04 EDT
TTTT localized 24-hour time with seconds and full offset 13:07:04 Eastern Daylight Time
f short localized date and time 8/6/2014, 1:07 PM
ff less short localized date and time Aug 6, 2014, 1:07 PM
fff verbose localized date and time August 6, 2014, 1:07 PM EDT
ffff extra verbose localized date and time Wednesday, August 6, 2014, 1:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time
F short localized date and time with seconds 8/6/2014, 1:07:04 PM
FF less short localized date and time with seconds Aug 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM
FFF verbose localized date and time with seconds August 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM EDT
FFFF extra verbose localized date and time with seconds Wednesday, August 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time
X unix timestamp in seconds 1407287224
x unix timestamp in milliseconds 1407287224054

DOM structure

The parentStyle applies styling to the parent or instance div container.

Each instance (moment) gets it's own ID too (moment-0, moment-1 etc), useful if you're also using card-mod (optional).

|    HA-card              |
|                         |
|  +----------------------+
|  | card-content         |
|  | (parentStyle *)      |
|  |  +-------------------+
|  |  | moment-0          |
|  |  | (parentStyle **)  |
|  |  +-------------------+
|  |  | moment-1          |
|  |  | (parentStyle **)  |
|  |  +-------------------+
|  +----------------------+

YAML Illustration (see asterix *)

type: custom:better-moment-card
parentStyle: |       *
    'date date brussells'; 
  - format: HH:mm:ss
    parentStyle: |   **
  - format: HH:mm:ss
    parentStyle: |   **

Feature requests

Requests for features can be submitted through an issue.


Wrote this for personal use but decided to release it, no warranty.