A lovelace card to show time/dates exactly how you want on your dashboard.
- Infinitely customizable
- Custom fonts
- HTML/CSS Templating (Multiple Time + States support)
- Timezone and Locale support
- Sample styles provided
- Example styles
- Installation
- All available options
- Timezones
- Internationalization (Locales)
- Helper functions
- Layouts (Sections)
- Date/Time Formats
- DOM Structure
type: custom:better-moment-card
- format: HH:mm:ss
parentStyle: font-size:3em; text-align:center; padding:0 0 1em 0
- format: cccc, dd MMMM yy
parentStyle: font-size:2em; text-align:center;
type: custom:better-moment-card
parentStyle: line-height:4em;
- format: HH:mm:ss
parentStyle: font-size:4em; text-align:center; font-weight:400;
- format: cccc, dd MMMM
parentStyle: font-size:1.6em; text-align:center;
The background animations in this preview use "lovelace-bg-animation" https://github.com/ibz0q/lovelace-bg-animation
type: custom:better-moment-card
parentStyle: |
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: 1fr 1fr 1fr;
grid-template-rows: 1fr 1fr;
gap: 0px;
'time time riyadh'
'date date brussells';
- format: HH:mm:ss
parentStyle: |
grid-area: time;
- format: cccc, dd MMMM
parentStyle: |
line-height:1em; text-align:center;
grid-area: date;
- format: HH:mm:ss
timezone: Asia/Riyadh
parentStyle: |
grid-area: riyadh;
template: |
<strong>๐ธ๐ฆ Riyadh</strong>
<div style="font-size:1.2em;">{{moment}}</div>
- format: HH:mm:ss
timezone: Europe/Brussels
parentStyle: |
grid-area: brussells;
template: |
<strong>๐ง๐ช Brussels</strong>
<div style="font-size:1.2em;">{{moment}}</div>
Search "Better Moment Card" in HACs and Download.
Download the release file then create a folder "better-moment-card" in the www folder inside your Home Assistant install directory. Add the contents of the release zip so the files sits directly inside the folder you created i.e. better-moment-card/better-moment-card.js ... etc, reference it accordingly inside Lovelace custom resources tab in the Dashboard.
- url: /local/better-moment-card/better-moment-card.js
type: js
Refresh your browser.
type: custom:better-moment-card
parentStyle: > # CSS applied to root card container (See DOM Tree)
font-family: Avant Garde,Avantgarde,Century
interval: 1000 # In milliseconds: how often DOM is written to (defaults to 1000 - every second)
exampleHelper: |
return 1+1; # 2
- format: yyyy # Date format (table below)
timezone: Europe/Brussels # Uses IANA format | "useHass" # Use Home Assistant Global TZ | "useEntity[input_select.timezone.state] # Use an entity.
locale: ar # See Luxon.js API docs for all languages
localeSetting: # See Luxon.js API docs
year: "numeric"
month: "long"
day: "numeric"
hour: "numeric"
minute: "2-digit"
timeZoneName: "short"
parentStyle: font-size:2em; text-align:center; # CSS for indivdual instance - See DOM Tree
template: |
It's <strong> {{moment}} </strong> # It's *2024*
- templateRaw: | # If specified, format, timezone, locale, localeSettings are ignored and can be passed inside {{moment format=* timezone=*}}
It's currently <strong> {{moment format=HH:mm}} </strong> # It's currently 09:40 (Uses local timezone)
It's <strong> {{moment format=HH:mm:ss timezone=Europe/Berlin}} in Berlin</strong>
# Sets timezone to Europe/Berlin
This is what the date looks like in <strong> {{moment format=tttt locale=ar}} in Arabic</strong>
Berlin is offset <strong> {{moment format=ZZ timezone=Europe/Berlin}} from UTC</strong> # Berlin is offset +0100 from UTC
Output from my helper is [[exampleHelper]] # 3
exampleHelper: |
return 1+2; # 3
By default the plugin will use timezone the device opened on. It will not use uset the Home Assistants time entity which has a 'timezoned' calculated time for performace reasons, offline behaviour. Specify a timezone in the IANA format, you can find them here: https://nodatime.org/TimeZones
i.e. timezone: Europe/London
or {{moment timezone=Europe/London}}
Use Home Assistants timezone:
i.e. timezone: useHass
or {{moment timezone=useHass}}
You can also use a sensors value as a Timezone.
All examples:
type: custom:better-moment-card
- format: tttt
timezone: useEntity[input_select.timezone.attribute.someattr] # Uses a TZ from a sensor (Value must be a valid IANA TZ)
- format: tttt
timezone: useHass # Uses Home Assistants TZ
- templateRaw: |
{{moment timezone=useEntity[input_select.attribute.someattr]}}
To use a specific locale defined it like so:
i.e. locale: ar
or {{moment locale=ar}}
type: custom:better-moment-card
- format: tttt
locale: fr
- format: tttt
locale: ar
- format: tttt
locale: ca
- templateRaw: |
{{moment format=tttt locale=chi}}
You can use localeSetting to pass in "toLocaleString", refer to Luxon.js toLocaleString
type: custom:better-moment-card
- format: tttt
locale: ar
year: numeric
month: long
day: numeric
hour: numeric
minute: 2-digit
timeZoneName: short
- templateRaw: |
{{moment locale=ar localeSetting={"year": "numeric","month": "long","day": "numeric","hour":"numeric","minute": "2-digit","timeZoneName": "short"} }}
When using localeSetting
inside a template
or templateRaw
, it expects a properly formatted JSON string, if you face issues please check using an online linter and ensure you are passing in a valid JSON string.
You can execute full JS using helper functions, this is intended to give users access to Home Assistant states allowing powerful customization.
type: custom:better-moment-card
- helper:
someTempSensor: |
var somestring = "Temp is ";
return somestring + hass.states["binary_sensor.door_sensor_contact"].attribute.temprature
templateRaw: |
{{moment format=HH:mm }}
Data from my temp sensor: [[someTempSensor(hi)]]
# Date from my temp sensor: Temp is 5
# Console log output is "hi"
More usefully, you can create a helper which dynamically gets a sensor state. Below I create dynamicSensor
which passes through a param
i.e. hass.states[param].state
to get the state value. The helper is defined globally which can be accessed by other moments.
type: custom:better-moment-card
dynamicSensor: |
return hass.states[param].state
- templateRaw: >
{{moment format=HH:mm }}
Temp: [[dynamicSensor(sensor.garage_multi_sensor_temprature)]] C
APIs available:
Name | Object |
DateTime | Luxon.js instance |
hass | Home Assistant JS |
global_config | Full moment config |
config | Current moment config |
param | Parameter passed through via helperName(thisparam) i.e. thisparam |
The Sections layout assumes cards are a fixed height but your layout may change the assumption and you may wish to override this.
If you are facing issues with Sections or layout in general, try using layout_options or grid_options to adjust to your desired card size.
type: custom:better-moment-card
grid_rows: 3
grid_max_rows: 3
grid_min_rows: 3
columns: full
rows: 3
- format: HH:mm:ss
AFAIK there is no dynamic option available to me as a dev so this may be required in certain circumstances.
These go inside - format:
or {{moment format=HH:mm}}
Standalone token | Format token | Description | Example |
S | millisecond, no padding | 54 |
SSS | millisecond, padded to 3 | 054 |
u | fractional seconds, functionally identical to SSS | 054 |
uu | fractional seconds, between 0 and 99, padded to 2 | 05 |
uuu | fractional seconds, between 0 and 9 | 0 |
s | second, no padding | 4 |
ss | second, padded to 2 padding | 04 |
m | minute, no padding | 7 |
mm | minute, padded to 2 | 07 |
h | hour in 12-hour time, no padding | 1 |
hh | hour in 12-hour time, padded to 2 | 01 |
H | hour in 24-hour time, no padding | 9 |
HH | hour in 24-hour time, padded to 2 | 13 |
Z | narrow offset | +5 |
ZZ | short offset | +05:00 |
ZZZ | techie offset | +0500 |
ZZZZ | abbreviated named offset | EST |
ZZZZZ | unabbreviated named offset | Eastern Standard Time |
z | IANA zone | America/New_York |
a | meridiem | AM |
d | day of the month, no padding | 6 |
dd | day of the month, padded to 2 | 06 |
c | E | day of the week, as number from 1-7 (Monday is 1, Sunday is 7) | 3 |
ccc | EEE | day of the week, as an abbreviate localized string | Wed |
cccc | EEEE | day of the week, as an unabbreviated localized string | Wednesday |
ccccc | EEEEE | day of the week, as a single localized letter | W |
L | M | month as an unpadded number | 8 |
LL | MM | month as a padded number | 08 |
LLL | MMM | month as an abbreviated localized string | Aug |
LLLL | MMMM | month as an unabbreviated localized string | August |
LLLLL | MMMMM | month as a single localized letter | A |
y | year, unpadded | 2014 |
yy | two-digit year | 14 |
yyyy | four- to six- digit year, pads to 4 | 2014 |
G | abbreviated localized era | AD |
GG | unabbreviated localized era | Anno Domini |
GGGGG | one-letter localized era | A |
kk | ISO week year, unpadded | 14 |
kkkk | ISO week year, padded to 4 | 2014 |
W | ISO week number, unpadded | 32 |
WW | ISO week number, padded to 2 | 32 |
ii | Local week year, unpadded | 14 |
iiii | Local week year, padded to 4 | 2014 |
n | Local week number, unpadded | 32 |
nn | Local week number, padded to 2 | 32 |
o | ordinal (day of year), unpadded | 218 |
ooo | ordinal (day of year), padded to 3 | 218 |
q | quarter, no padding | 3 |
quarter, padded to 2 | 03 |
D | localized numeric date | 9/4/2017 |
DD | localized date with abbreviated month | Aug 6, 2014 |
DDD | localized date with full month | August 6, 2014 |
DDDD | localized date with full month and weekday | Wednesday, August 6, 2014 |
t | localized time | 9:07 AM |
tt | localized time with seconds | 1:07:04 PM |
ttt | localized time with seconds and abbreviated offset | 1:07:04 PM EDT |
tttt | localized time with seconds and full offset | 1:07:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time |
T | localized 24-hour time | 13:07 |
TT | localized 24-hour time with seconds | 13:07:04 |
TTT | localized 24-hour time with seconds and abbreviated offset | 13:07:04 EDT |
TTTT | localized 24-hour time with seconds and full offset | 13:07:04 Eastern Daylight Time |
f | short localized date and time | 8/6/2014, 1:07 PM |
ff | less short localized date and time | Aug 6, 2014, 1:07 PM |
fff | verbose localized date and time | August 6, 2014, 1:07 PM EDT |
ffff | extra verbose localized date and time | Wednesday, August 6, 2014, 1:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time |
F | short localized date and time with seconds | 8/6/2014, 1:07:04 PM |
FF | less short localized date and time with seconds | Aug 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM |
FFF | verbose localized date and time with seconds | August 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM EDT |
FFFF | extra verbose localized date and time with seconds | Wednesday, August 6, 2014, 1:07:04 PM Eastern Daylight Time |
X | unix timestamp in seconds | 1407287224 |
x | unix timestamp in milliseconds | 1407287224054 |
The parentStyle
applies styling to the parent or instance div container.
Each instance (moment) gets it's own ID too (moment-0, moment-1 etc), useful if you're also using card-mod (optional).
| HA-card |
| |
| +----------------------+
| | card-content |
| | (parentStyle *) |
| | +-------------------+
| | | moment-0 |
| | | (parentStyle **) |
| | +-------------------+
| | | moment-1 |
| | | (parentStyle **) |
| | +-------------------+
| +----------------------+
YAML Illustration (see asterix *)
type: custom:better-moment-card
parentStyle: | *
'date date brussells';
- format: HH:mm:ss
parentStyle: | **
- format: HH:mm:ss
parentStyle: | **
Requests for features can be submitted through an issue.
Wrote this for personal use but decided to release it, no warranty.