A set of LWRPs for interacting with postgres using the CLI.
The cookbook requires the 'psql' client utility for postgres to be installed on the node. However there is no depedence on a cookbook that installs this utlility. One can be found here: https://github.com/opscode-cookbooks/postgresql.git
The cookbook is simply a set of LWRPs that you can use in your own cookbook. A simple example follows.
psql_user "myuser" do
host node['fqdn']
port node['postgresql']['config']['port']
admin_username 'postgres'
admin_password node['postgresql']['password']['postgres']
password 'secret'
grant_create_db false
grant_superuser false
psql_database "mydatabase" do
host node['fqdn']
port node['postgresql']['config']['port']
admin_username 'postgres'
admin_password node['postgresql']['password']['postgres']
owner 'myuser'
template 'template_postgis'
encoding 'DEFAULT'
tablespace 'MyTablespace'
collation 'fr_FR'
connection_limit -1
psql_permission "myuser@mydatabase => all" do
host node['fqdn']
port node['postgresql']['config']['port']
admin_username 'postgres'
admin_password node['postgresql']['password']['postgres']
username 'myuser'
database 'mydatabase'
permissions ['ALL']