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This repository hosts the published syllabi (as PDF) for some recent courses:

Plain text components

Plain text components are maintained in the directory zetteln/, where they are queryable with ZettelGeist. To do that, clone the repository. Then, assuming you have installed ZettelGeist, and activated the Python virtual environment, do the following:

$ cd path/to/zg-syllabi/zetteln
$ zimport --database index.db --create --fullpath --dir .
$ zfind --database index.db --get-all-tags | less

To view metadata for documents with a given tag, run (e.g.)

$ zfind --database index.db --query-string 'tags:presentation' --show-all

To view the document payloads, add the option --show-document to the above command, or open or view the files themselves. Filenames are included among the metadata printed by --show-all.

For more on queries, see the ZettelGeist manual. (ZettelGeist queries have some known bugs, described in this issue).


Syllabi for spring 2024 are built with Pandoc using the lua filter include-files. Components for each syllabus are gathered within files tagged 0frame. Each of these 'frames' also supplies a suggested Pandoc command for generating the PDF.

Syllabi for earlier courses were built with the ZettelGeist publication workflow, with scripts adapted from George K. Thiruvathukal's working example. These scripts have been moved to the directory zg-scripts. See 105f2b2c393c7d82543ec80e8f053d9d85e607b6.


  • generates skeleton schedules. See the comment at the head of the file.
  • bibliographies/ contains bibliographical details for use by Pandoc's citeproc
  • config/ contains some files that control formatting. The Citation Style Language files control the formatting of bibliographical details., publishing-options.json, and were formerly used within the ZettelGeist publication workflow.