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Simple, clean, and efficient meeting scheduling app.

Tech Stack


Project Structure

├── drizzle.config.ts
├── next.config.mjs
├── node_modules
├── package.json
├── src
│   ├── app
│   │   └── [ all front-end routes ]
│   ├── components
│   │   └── [ front-end components ]
│   ├── db
│   │   ├── index.ts
│   │   ├── migrations
│   │   └── schema.ts
│   ├── lib
│   └── server
│       ├── actions ( mutate or insert data )
│       │       └── [ entity ]
│       │           └── [ verb ]
│       │               └── action.ts
│       └── data ( query data )
│           └── [ entity ]
│               └── queries.ts
└── tsconfig.json

Local Development


Local Setup

  1. Clone this repository locally
  2. Navigate to the root directory and install the dependencies.
    1. cd ZotMeet
    2. pnpm install
  3. Start the development server
    1. pnpm dev (run pnpm dev --host if you want to access the server from other devices on your network)
  4. The app should be viewable at localhost:3000 by default. Changes to the code will automatically update the page. If you ran pnpm dev --host, you can access the app from other devices on your network at host-ip:3000.

Local Database Setup

  1. Go to the Postgres official website and download the database for your specific OS. (Here is more information, if you get stuck)
  2. While running the setup, ensure that pgAdmin is downloaded alongside Postgres itself
  3. Once connected to the Postgres Server, Right click on databases -> create -> database, and name it zotmeet.
  4. In the ZotMeet project root directory, pnpm db:generate will generate any updated database migrations.
  5. Create a .env file, and set DATABASE_URL=postgres://yourusername:yourpassword@localhost:5432/zotmeet
  6. Run pnpm db:migrate to apply all the migration changes to your local database.

Committing Changes

  • Follow the Conventional Commits specification when writing commit messages.
    • E.g., git commit -m "feat: add this feature"; git commit -m "fix: fix this bug".
  • Keep commits and PRs atomic.
    • A PR should be a single feature or bug fix.
    • A commit should be a single logical change.

Environment Variables

If you need credentials for the .env file, contact the project lead (Sean).

After changes to the .env file, run pnpm run check to update SvelteKit's auto-generated environment variable types.

Database Schema

    users {
        string id PK, FK
        string email
        string passwordHash
        timestamp createdAt
    groups {
        uuid id PK
        string name
        string description
        timestamp createdAt
        string createdBy FK
    usersInGroup {
        string userId FK
        uuid groupId FK
    members {
        int id PK
        string displayName
    availability {
        string memberId FK
        uuid meetingId FK
        json meetingAvailabilities
        enum status
    meeting {
        uuid id PK
        string title
        string description
        string location
        json dates
        boolean scheduled
        char fromTime
        char toTime
        uuid groupId FK
        int hostId FK
    sessions {
        string id PK
        timestamp expiresAt
        string userId FK

    meeting ||--o{ availability : has
    users ||--o{ usersInGroup : has
    groups ||--o{ usersInGroup : contains
    members ||--o| users : extends
    members ||--o{ availability : provides
    users ||--o{ sessions : has 