Dec 15, 2023 circom 2.1.7
Fixing typos and improving documentation.
Improving error messages: missing tags in inputs and use of operator ++x.
Adding info of number of private inputs in witness in R1CS message and removing message of circom safe.
Fixed Bugs
Fixing a panic produced when the two branches of an if instruction are not compatible.
Fixing C++ code generated: input counter decrease inside assert => Moved outside the assert.
Fixing c++ code generated for macos with clang 14.0.0.
Fixing a bug in parallel definition at component level not working as expected.
Fixing a bug in parallel components not working as expected when considering assignments of the inputs given by names (A()(in_1 <== x, in_2 <== y)).
Fixing a bug in c++ code generation produced when the last assigned input has size 0.
Fixing a panic: handling case array of components with different signals (signals defined inside blocks ifs).
Fixing a panic: error when processing sizes of arrays of variables in functions, panic in merger when processing complex expressions.
You can’t perform that action at this time.