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Sadjad F Baygi edited this page Mar 19, 2023 · 1 revision

Mass error

This parameter represents the maximum allowed mass errors for individual isotopologues with respect to those of candidates from reference IPDB.

Profile Cosine Similarity

Profile Cosine Similarity is a mathematical measurement of two mass spectrometry profiles. PCS measurements can only take into account isotopologues from the reference IPDB.

$$ PCS = \sum_{i=1}^{NP} \frac{I_i^{lib}I_i^{exptl}}{{\sqrt {\sum_{i=1}^{NP} I_i^{lib}}}{\sqrt {\sum_{i=1}^{NP} I_i^{exptl}}}} $$

where $I_i$, $NP$, superscripts of $lib$ and $exptl$ values represent isotopologue intensities, number of isotopologues, and library and experimental isotopic patterns, respectively.

Normalized Euclidean Mass Error (NEME)

Normalized Euclidean mass error (NEME) is a new metric which is able to utilize resolution power of high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) instruments to evaluate quality of isotopic matching.

$$ NEME = \sqrt {{\sum_{i = 1}^{NP}\left(M_i^{lib} - M_i^{exptl}\right)^2}/{NP}} $$

where $M_i$, $NP$, superscripts of $lib$ and $exptl$ values represent isotopologue masses, number of isotopologues, and library and experimental isotopic patterns, respectively.