A Java converter from GC proprietary data to Allotrope's ASM data.
A project from IFP Energies Nouvelles, a public research, innovation and training organization in the fields of energy, transport and the environment.
import fr.ifpen.allotropeconverters.gc.GcToAllotropeJsonConverter;
import fr.ifpen.allotropeconverters.gc.chemstation.ChemStationToAllotropeMapper;
import fr.ifpen.allotropeconverters.gc.chemstation.ChemStationToAllotropeMapperBuilder;
String folderPath = "path to folder containing .ch, .xml and .txt files";
String filePath = "path to .ch file";
// Using default mapper
GcToAllotropeJsonConverter converter = new GcToAllotropeJsonConverter();
// Conversion from folder to Allotrope JSON
ObjectNode allotropeFromFolder = converter.convertFolderToAllotrope(folderPath);
// Conversion from .ch file to Allotrope JSON
ObjectNode allotropeFromFile = converter.convertChFileToAllotrope(filePath);
// ChemStation to Allotrope mapper can be customized
ChemStationToAllotropeMapperBuilder builder = new ChemStationToAllotropeMapperBuilder();
ChemStationToAllotropeMapper mapper = builder.withZoneId(ZoneId.of("Europe/Paris"))
GcToAllotropeJsonConverter customizedConverter = new GcToAllotropeJsonConverter(mapper);
// Convert folders and files
// [...]
- Chemstation V179
- Chemstation V181
Support for Thermo's Chromeleon data.
The code is available under the CeCILL 2.1 license,
which is compatible with GNU GPL, GNU Affero GPL and EUPL.
The ASM JSON schemas are available under CC-BY-NC 4.0 terms.