I'm a passionate and product oriented iOS software engineer who’s been in the game since 2014. I love to lead and grow engineering teams both technically and managerially.
As a part of the Mobile Architecture & Infrastructure team in Avito (MAU 50M), I lead various activities - from CI/CD and core iOS Frameworks to build scripts and Bitbucket extensions.
At the moment I am working at Anytype, where we built and launched a slick, block based text editor with database functions. I started as lead iOS engineer and as I progressed in the organization, I shifted into the role of engineering manager. And after almost two years of management journey I returned back to engineering track with new knowledge and even more passion. The main reason: I really love programming.
I’m productivity mad scientist with high empathy, open heart and positive energy. Product mindset, rock solid fundamental CS and mathematics background. I prefer skin-in-the-game type of partnership. Also I really love hugs. My pillars are spirit, openminded/openhearted people, love and gratitude.
P.S. Vibe check video
All my recent engineering work is open-sourse