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Voip Open Linear Tester Suite

Functional tests for a VoIP systems based on voip_patrol, sipp, sox, opensips, and docker

10'000 ft. view

The system is designed to run simple call scenarios, that you usually do with your desk phones.
Scenarios are run one by one from scenarios folder in alphabetical order, which could be considered a limitation, but also allows you to reuse the same accounts in a different set of tests. This stands for Linear in the name ;) So, call some destination(s) with one(or more) device(s) and control call arrival on another phone(s).
But wait, there is more. VOLTS also can integrate with your MySQL and/or PostgreSQL databases to write some data there before the test and remove it after.
Also, it can record (and play, obviously) media during the call and do media checks of these files (currently basic via SoX)
It will make and receive calls and configure the database. It's not doing transfers at the moment. Sorry. I don't need em
And to add, you can definitely use it in TDD approach when adding functionalities to your existing PBX system. Test-Fail-Fix.

The suite consists of 8 parts, that are running sequentially

  1. Preparation - at this part we're transforming templates to real scenarios of voip_patrol, sipp, database and media_check using Jinja2 template engine with jinja2_time extension to put some dynamic data based on time.
  2. Start of a Websocket-TLS proxy to provide possibility of use WSS transport for the voip_patrol scenarios.

  1. Running database scripts. Usually - put some data inside some routing or subscriber data.
  2. Running voip_patrol or sipp scenario.
  3. Again running database scripts. Usually - remove data that had been put at stage 3.
  4. Run media_check if necessary to analyse obtained media files

  1. Tearing down a Websocket-TLS proxy.
  2. Report - at this part we're analyzing the results of the previous steps reading and interpreting file obtained running steps 3-6. Printing results in the desired way. Table by default. Steps 3-6 are running sequentially against scenarios files prepared in step 1. One at a time. Again, it's for Linear


Suite is designed to run locally from your Linux PC or Mac (maybe). And of course, docker should be installed. It's up to you.
To build, just run ./ Script will build 6 docker images and tag em accordingly.
In a case if voip_patrol or sipp is updated, you need to rebuild these containers again, you can do it with ./ -r


After building, just run


Simple, isn't it? This will run all scenarios found in scenarios folder one by one. To run a single scenario, run

./ <scenario_name>


./ scenarios/<scenario_name>

Want to have some long debug data for the test?

./ <scenario_name> <log_level>

To get full, use 10 as a log_level. You will have a lot of info on the console screen.
After running of the suite you can always find a voip_patrol presented results in tmp/output folder.

But simply run something blindly is boring, so before this, best to do some


We suppose to configure 2 parts here. First, and most complexes are


VOLTS scenarios are combined voip_patrol/sipp, database, and media_check scenarios, that are just being templatized with Jinja2 style. Mostly done not to repeat some passwords, usernames, domains, etc.
Also, due to using jinja2-time extension, it's possible to use dynamic time/date values in your scenarios, for example testing some time-based rules on your PBX. For full documentation on how to use this type of data, please refer to jinja2-time documentation.
As you will see below, the core for all type of tests are actually voip_patrol or sipp, others are just helpers around.

Global config

Values for templates are taken from scenarios/config.yaml
One thing to mention here, is that vars from global section transform to c. (for config or g. for global, c. and .g are equal) and from accounts to a. in templates for shorter notation.
There is a special name scenario_name that is transforming to a scenario file name stripped .xml extension.
Also, all settings from global section are inherited to the accounts section automatically unless they are defined there explicitly.


  domain:     '<SOME_DOMAIN>'
  transport:  'tls'
  srtp:       'dtls,sdes,force'
  play_file:  '/voice_ref_files/8000_12s.wav'
    type:       'mysql'
    user:       'sipproxydbrw'
    password:   'sipproxydbrwpass'
    base:       'sipproxydb'
    host:       'mysipproxydb.local'
    username:       '88881'
    auth_username:  '88881-1'
    password:       'SuperSecretPass1'
    username:       '88882'
    auth_username:  '88882-67345'
    password:       'SuperSecretPass2'
    username:       '90001'
    auth_username:  '90001'
    password:       'SuperSecretPass3'

VoIP - patrol

To get most of it, please refer to voip_patrol config, but here follows some basic example to show the idea of the templating.

Make a register

    <section type="voip_patrol">
            <action type="register" label="Register {{ a.88881.label }}"
                transport="{{ a.88881.transport }}"
                <!-- Account parameter is more used in receiving calls on this account later -->
                account="{{ a.88881.label }}"
                <!-- username would be a part of AOR - <sip:username@realm> -->
                username="{{ a.88881.username }}"
                <!-- auth_username would be used in WWW-Authorize procedure -->
                auth_username="{{ a.88881.auth_username }}"
                password="{{ a.88881.password }}"
                registrar="{{ c.domain }}"
                realm="{{ a.88881.domain }}"
                <!-- We are expecting to get 200 code here, so REGISTER is successful -->
            <!-- Just wait 2 sec for all timeouts -->
            <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="2000"/>
Websocket transport notice.

As voip_patrol itself is not supporting websocket transport, OpenSIPS is used as a TLS-WSS SIP proxy. Using of it is simple, you just specify transport="wss" in your voip_patrol section, but under the hood it's using combination of tls transport and proxy option, so you can't use proxy option along with WebSocket transport.
There is also a possibility to debug what is passing the proxy as it posts HEP encapsulated SIP traffic on a localhost. You can capture it with sngrep using

$ docker exec -it volts_opensips sngrep -L udp:

during running tests, or using local installation of sngrep with

$ sudo sngrep -L udp: port 8888

where 8888 is an OPENSIPS_HEPD_PORT specified in the

Point, you need to use turn section of your voip_patrol configuration to make sure media is passing. See the example below.


You can just add your existing SIPP scenarios mainly unchanged and they would be run with the following command:

sipp <target> -sf <scenario.xml> -m 1 -mp <random_port> -i <container_ip>


    <section type="sipp">
            <action transport="{{ c.transport }}" target="{{ c.domain }}">
                <scenario name="Options">
                OPTIONS sip:check_server_health@{{ c.domain }} SIP/2.0
                Via: SIP/2.0/[transport] [local_ip]:[local_port];branch=[branch]
                Max-Forwards: 70
                To: <sip:check_server_health@{{ c.domain }}>
                From: sipp <sip:check_server_health@[local_ip]:[local_port]>;tag=[call_number]
                Call-ID: [call_id]
                CSeq: 1 OPTIONS
                Contact: <sip:check_server_health@[local_ip]:[local_port]>
                Accept: application/sdp
                Content-Length: 0
                    <recv response="200" timeout="200"/>

Attribute Description
transport Actual transport SIPP will use. Values are udp(default), tcp or tls.
socket_mode single (default) - with one socket for all calls or multi - with one socket for each call.
target What you usually specify as target when running standalone SIPP. If transport is TLS and no port is specified, 5061 is appended by default.
call_rate -r option in SIPP. Set the call rate (in calls per seconds). 10 by default.
max_calls -m option in SIPP. Stop the test and exit when 'max_calls' calls are processed. 1 by default.
max_concurrent_calls -l option in SIPP. Set the maximum number of simultaneous calls. 10 by default.
total_timeout How long to wait for a test to preform in seconds. 600 (10 minutes) by default


Database config is also done in XML, section database. We have 2 stages of database scripts.

Stage Description
pre Launched before running voip_patrol. Usually stage to put some accounts data, routing, etc.
post Obviously, running after voip_patrol. For cleanup data inserted in pre stage.

So, inside the database action you specify the tables you're working with. Each table section has 4 attributes.

Attribute Description
name Actually name of the table we're working with.
type Could be insert, replace and delete. Forming actual INSERT, REPLACE and DELETE SQL statements for the database.
continue_on_error Optional. Em.. ignore errors on performed actions and continue no matter what. By default database actions will be stopped after encountering the first error.
cleanup_after_test Optional. Allows you not to write an explicit post stage for your insert types. Will automatically form delete type on post stage for all insert (but not replace) that were declared on pre stage

Make a register with the database

<!-- Test simple register -->
    <section type="database">
             <!-- "sippproxydb" here is referring to an entity in "databases" from config.yaml. -->
            <action database="sippproxydb" stage="pre">
                <!-- what data are we gonna insert into the "subscriber" table? -->
                <table name="subscriber" type="insert" cleanup_after_test="true">
                    <field name="username" value="{{ a.88881.username }}"/>
                    <field name="domain" value="{{ c.domain }}"/>
                    <field name="password" value="{{ a.88881.password }}"/>
    <section type="voip_patrol">
            <action type="register" label="Register {{ a.88881.label }}"
                transport="{{ a.88881.transport }}"
                <!-- Account parameter is more used in receiving calls on this account later -->
                account="{{ a.88881.label }}"
                <!-- username would be a part of AOR - <sip:username@realm> -->
                username="{{ a.88881.username }}"
                <!-- auth_username would be used in WWW-Authorize procedure -->
                auth_username="{{ a.88881.auth_username }}"
                password="{{ a.88881.password }}"
                registrar="{{ c.domain }}"
                realm="{{ a.88881.domain }}"
                <!-- We are expecting to get 200 code here, so REGISTER is successful -->
            <!-- Just wait 2 sec for all timeouts -->
            <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="2000"/>

Media check

You can analyze calls recording with various media tools. Currently only SoX is supported.
Media check is also described in XML

Attribute Description
type Mandatory. Media check test to be performed. Currently only sox.
file Mandatory. Path to file to check. Have to be aligned with record in one of voip_patrol actions. Best to have it with distinct names and currently with /output/ prefix due to container interconnection (will be fixed later), see the example below for a better picture
delete_after Do we delete file after media check? yes/no. yes by default
print_debug Print debug info on file on the console while testing. Useful for adjusting filter parameters. yes/no. no by default
sox_filter Used if type is sox. Semicolon-separated expressions to test values obtained by SoX utility with the given file. Usually to check some float values like length or amplitude. See below more detailed description
SoX media check

Within this check parameters from the file are collected by sox utility, more precisely - sox --i <file>, sox <file> -n stat, sox <file> -n stats.
In a sox_filter attribute you can write a string to check some given values against collected parameters. All filter expressions should be true to test pass. Best to be explained on the example

sox_filter="length s -ge 10; length s -le 11"

Here we have 1 parameter - length s that should be greater than or equal 10 and less than or equal 11. length s is one of the result parameters that are obtained by sox <file> -n stats.
Point here is used not traditional <= style notation, but bash (-eq is ==, -lt is <, -gt is >, -le is <=, -ge is >=, -ne is !=) style comparsion operators. This is done due to traditional comparison symbols (<,>) are part of XML notation
Getting parameters names is simple - they are converted from sox outputs, for example:

# sox 8000_12s.wav -n stats
DC offset  -0.000078    -> 'dc offset'     float
Min level  -0.321594    -> 'min level'     float
Max level   0.430359    -> 'max level'     float
Pk lev dB      -7.32    -> 'pk lev db'     float
RMS lev dB    -29.63    -> 'rms lev db'    float
RMS Pk dB     -16.78    -> 'rms pk db'     float
RMS Tr dB     -74.77    ...
Crest factor   13.04    ...
Flat factor     0.00    ...
Pk count           2    ...
Bit-depth      15/16    -> 'bit-depth'     string
Num samples     531k    -> 'num samples'   string
Length s      12.034    -> 'length s'      float
Scale max   1.000000    ...
Window s       0.050    ...

Here all parameter names are lowercase. One more example with the data above:

sox_filter="length s -ge 11; crest factor -lt 10; bit-depth -eq 15/16"

All number-like values are automatically treated as numbers and you can apply -lt, -ge type of comparisons.

Make a call to echo number and analyze the outcome

<!-- Call echo service and name sure receive an answer -->
    <section type="voip_patrol">
            <action type="codec" disable="all"/>
            <action type="codec" enable="pcma" priority="250"/>
            <action type="codec" enable="pcmu" priority="249"/>
            <action type="call" label="Call to 11111 (echo)"
                transport="{{ a.88881.transport }}"
                <!-- We are expecting answer here -->
                caller="{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
                <!-- Setting R-URI -->
                callee="11111@{{ a.88881.domain }}"
                from="sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
                to_uri="11111@{{ c.domain }}"
                max_duration="20" hangup="10"
                auth_username="{{ a.88881.username }}"
                password="{{ a.88881.password }}"
                realm="{{ c.domain }}"
                play="{{ c.play_file }}"
                srtp="{{ a.88881.srtp }}"
                <!-- We heed to record file on an answer. To analyze it below now it MUST be with "/output/" path prefix -->
                record="/output/{{ scenario_name }}.wav"
            <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="30000"/>
    <section type="media_check">
            <action type="sox"
                sox_filter="length s -ge 10; length s -le 11"
                <!-- File name is the same as in the "record" attribute in the "call" action above. Now it MUST be with "/output/" path prefix -->
                file="/output/{{ scenario_name }}.wav"
</config> parameters

Not that much to configure here, mostly you'll be interested in setting environment variables at the start of the script

Variable name Description
REPORT_TYPE Actually, the report type, that would be provided at the end.
table - print results in a table, only failed tests are printed.
json - print results in JSON format, only failed tests are printed.
table_full, json_full - print results in table or JSON respectively, but print full info on tests passed
LOG_LEVEL voip_patrol/sipp/sox log level on the console. In the case of the sipp scenarios debug it's useful to have this value equal to 3.
You can set this value using 2nd parameter while running single scenario

There are other options available, check


As a result, you will have a table like this.

|                              Scenario |                                               VoIP Patrol | SIPP | Database | Media | Status |             Text |
|                           01-register |                                                      PASS |  N/A |      N/A |   N/A |   PASS |  Scenario passed |
|                                       |                                      Register 88881       |      |          |       |   PASS | Main test passed |
|                          02-call-echo |                                                      PASS |  N/A |      N/A |   N/A |   PASS |  Scenario passed |
|                                       |                                      Call to 11111 (echo) |      |          |       |   PASS | Main test passed |

|            51-call-echo-media-control |                                                      PASS |  N/A |      N/A |  PASS |   PASS |  Scenario passed |
|                                       |                                      Call to 11111 (echo) |      |          |       |   PASS | Main test passed |
| 52-delayed-call-forward-unconditional |                                                      PASS |  N/A |     PASS |   N/A |   PASS |  Scenario passed |
|                                       |                                      Register 90012       |      |          |       |   PASS | Main test passed |
|                                       |                                      Register 90013       |      |          |       |   PASS | Main test passed |
|                                       |                      Receive call on 90012 and not answer |      |          |       |   PASS |    Call canceled |
|                                       |   Call from 90011 to 90012 (delay forward 25 sec) ->90013 |      |          |       |   PASS | Main test passed |
|                                       |                       Receive call on 90013       finally |      |          |       |   PASS | Main test passed |
|                53-server-check-health |                                                       N/A | PASS |      N/A |   N/A |   PASS | SIPP test passed |

Scenarios ['49-teams-follow-forward', '50-team-no-answer-forward'] are failed!

That means your system is not OK, or something need to be tuned with the tests.
Not really much to describe here, just read info on the console.

Scenario Examples

Examples shown in this section can duplicate examples from the section above. For more examples, refer to the scenarios folder.

Make a successful register

  • Here we assume that account data is known to our target system, ex. PBX.
    <section type="voip_patrol">
            <action type="register" label="Register {{ a.88881.label }}"
                transport="{{ a.88881.transport }}"
                <!-- Account parameter is more used in receiving a call on this account later -->
                account="{{ a.88881.label }}"
                <!-- username would be a part of AOR - <sip:username@realm> -->
                username="{{ a.88881.username }}"
                <!-- auth_username would be used in WWW-Authorize procedure -->
                auth_username="{{ a.88881.auth_username }}"
                password="{{ a.88881.password }}"
                registrar="{{ c.domain }}"
                realm="{{ a.88881.domain }}"
                <!-- We are expecting to get 200 code here, so REGISTER is successfull -->
            <!-- Just wait 2 sec for all timeouts -->
            <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="2000"/>
  • .. but what if we need to add account data to PBX dynamically? Assume, that we have a SIP Proxy as a target system here.
<!-- Test simple register -->
    <section type="database">
             <!-- "sippproxydb" here is referring to an entity in "databases" from config.yaml. "stage" is explained a bit below -->
            <action database="sippproxydb" stage="pre">
                <!-- what data are we gonna insert into the "subscriber" table? -->
                <table name="subscriber" type="insert" cleanup_after_test="true">
                    <field name="username" value="{{ a.88881.username }}"/>
                    <field name="domain" value="{{ c.domain }}"/>
                    <field name="password" value="{{ a.88881.password }}"/>
    <section type="voip_patrol">
            <action type="register" label="Register {{ a.88881.label }}"
                transport="{{ a.88881.transport }}"
                <!-- Account parameter is more used in receiving a call on this account later -->
                account="{{ a.88881.label }}"
                <!-- username would be a part of AOR - <sip:username@realm> -->
                username="{{ a.88881.username }}"
                <!-- auth_username would be used in WWW-Authorize procedure -->
                auth_username="{{ a.88881.auth_username }}"
                password="{{ a.88881.password }}"
                registrar="{{ c.domain }}"
                realm="{{ a.88881.domain }}"
                <!-- We are expecting to get 200 code here, so REGISTER is successfull -->
            <!-- Just wait 2 sec for all timeouts -->
            <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="2000"/>

Expect fail on register

We're deleting data the from database and restoring it afterward.

    <section type="database">
            <action database="sippproxydb" stage="pre">
                <table name="subscriber" type="delete" cleanup_after_test="true">
                    <field name="username" value="{{ a.88881.username }}"/>
                    <field name="domain" value="{{ c.domain }}"/>
                    <field name="password" value="{{ a.88881.password }}"/>
    <section type="voip_patrol">
            <action type="register" label="Register {{ a.88881.label }}"
                transport="{{ a.88881.transport }}"
                account="{{ a.88881.label }}"
                username="{{ a.88881.username }}"
                auth_username="{{ a.88881.auth_username }}"
                password="{{ a.88881.password }}"
                registrar="{{ c.domain }}"
                realm="{{ a.88881.domain }}"
                <!-- We are expecting to get 407 code here, maybe your registrar sending 401 or 403 code. So - adjust it here. -->
            <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="2000"/>

Simple call scenario

Register with 1 account and make a call from 90001 to 88881. Max wait time to answer - 15 sec, duration of connected call - 10 sec.
Point we don't register account 90001 here, as we're not receiving calls on it, just need to provide credentials on INVITE.
Also trick, match_account in accept perfectly links with account in register.

        <!-- As we're using call functionality here - define the list of codecs -->
        <action type="codec" disable="all"/>
        <action type="codec" enable="pcma" priority="250"/>
        <action type="codec" enable="pcmu" priority="249"/>
        <action type="codec" enable="opus" priority="248"/>
        <action type="register" label="Register {{ a.88881.label }}"
            transport="{{ a.88881.transport }}"
            account="{{ a.88881.label }}"
            username="{{ a.88881.username }}"
            auth_username="{{ a.88881.auth_username }}"
            password="{{ a.88881.password }}"
            registrar="{{ c.domain }}"
            realm="{{ c.domain }}"
            <!-- Make sure we are using SRTP on a call received. This is done here as accounts are created before accept(answer) action -->
            srtp="{{ a.88881.srtp }}"
        <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="2000"/>
        <action type="accept" label="Receive call on {{ a.88881.label }}"
            <!-- This is not a load test - so only 1 call is expected -->
            <!-- Make sure we have received a call on a previously registered account -->
            match_account="{{ a.88881.label }}"
            <!-- Hangup in 10 seconds after answer -->
            <!-- Send back "200 OK" -->
            code="200" reason="OK"
            transport="{{ a.88881.transport }}"
            <!-- Make sure we are using SRTP -->
            srtp="{{ a.88881.srtp }}"
            <!-- Play a file back to gather RTCP stats in the report -->
            play="{{ c.play_file }}"
        <action type="call" label="Call {{ a.90001.label }} -> {{ a.88881.label }}"
            <!-- We are waiting for an answer -->
            caller="{{ a.90001.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
            callee="{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
            from="sip:{{ a.90001.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
            to_uri="{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
            max_duration="20" hangup="10"
            <!-- We are specifying all auth data here for INVITE -->
            auth_username="{{ a.90001.username }}"
            password="{{ a.90001.password }}"
            realm="{{ c.domain }}"
            srtp="{{ a.90001.srtp }}"
            play="{{ c.play_file }}"
        <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="30000"/>

Advanced call scenario

Register with 2 accounts and call from he third one, not answer on 1st and make sure we receive a call on the second. So, your PBX should be configured to make a Forward-No-Answer from 88881 to 88882.
Also make sure, that on 88882 we got the call from 90001 (based on CallerID).

        <action type="codec" disable="all"/>
        <action type="codec" enable="pcma" priority="250"/>
        <action type="codec" enable="pcmu" priority="249"/>
        <action type="codec" enable="opus" priority="248"/>
        <action type="register" label="Register {{ a.88881.label }}"
            transport="{{ a.88881.transport }}"
            account="{{ a.88881.label }}"
            username="{{ a.88881.username }}"
            auth_username="{{ a.88881.auth_username }}"
            password="{{ a.88881.password }}"
            registrar="{{ c.domain }}"
            realm="{{ c.domain }}"
            srtp="{{ a.88881.srtp }}"
        <action type="register" label="Register {{ a.88882.label }}"
            transport="{{ a.88882.transport }}"
            account="{{ a.88882.label }}"
            username="{{ a.88882.username }}"
            auth_username="{{ a.88882.auth_username }}"
            password="{{ a.88882.password }}"
            registrar="{{ c.domain }}"
            realm="{{ c.domain }}"
            srtp="{{ a.88882.srtp }}"
        <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="2000"/>
        <action type="call" label="Call from 90001 to 88881->88882"
            transport="{{ a.90001.transport }}"
            caller="{{ a.90001.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
            callee="88881@{{ c.domain }}"
            from="sip:{{ a.90001.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
            to_uri="88881@{{ c.domain }}"
            max_duration="20" hangup="10"
            auth_username="{{ a.90001.username }}"
            password="{{ a.90001.password }}"
            realm="{{ c.domain }}"
            <!-- Set some high ring timeout, so delayed forward will happen -->
            srtp="{{ a.90001.srtp }}"
            play="{{ c.play_file }}"
        <action type="accept" label="Receive call on {{ a.88881.label }}"
            match_account="{{ a.88881.label }}"
            <!-- We're expecting a CANCEL here. And it's not optional -->
            transport="{{ a.88881.transport }}"
            srtp="{{ a.88881.srtp }}"
        <action type="accept" label="Receive call on {{ a.88882.label }}"
            match_account="{{ a.88882.label }}"
            code="200" reason="OK"
            transport="{{ a.88882.transport }}"
            srtp="{{ a.88882.srtp }}"
            play="{{ c.play_file }}">
            <!-- Check that From header matching what we need. This way we can control CallerID. Adjust domain (and whole regex) accordingly -->
            <check-header name="From" regex="^.*sip:{{ a.90001.label }}@example\.com>.*$"/>
        <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="20000"/>

Advanced call scenario - 2. Now with databases.

Schema - SIP Proxy subscriber and then we have Asterisk behind as PBX.


  domain:           '<SIP_DOMAIN>'
  domain_wss:       '<SIP_WSS_DOMAIN>'
  transport:        'tls'
  srtp:             'sdes,force'
  dtls:             'dtls,force'
  stun_address:     ''
  play_file:        '/voice_ref_files/8000_2m30.wav'
  asterisk_context: 'default'
    type:       'mysql'
    user:       'sipproxyrw'
    password:   'sipproxyrwpass'
    base:       'sipproxy'
    host:       'mysipproxydb.local'
    type:       'pgsql'
    user:       'asteriskrw'
    password:   'asteriskrwpass'
    base:       'asterisk'
    host:       'myasteriskdb.local'
    username: '90011'
    password: 'SuperSecretPass1'
    ha1:      'SuperSecretHA1'
    username: '90012'
    password: 'SuperSecretPass2'
    ha1:      'SuperSecretHA2'

And now we need to populate all databases and make a call!

<!-- Register with 90012 and receive a call from 90011 -->
    <section type="database">
        <!-- add subscribers to sip proxy -->
            <action database="sippproxydb" stage="pre">
                <table name="subscriber" type="insert"  cleanup_after_test="true">
                    <field name="username" value="{{ a.90011.username }}"/>
                    <field name="domain" value="{{ c.domain }}"/>
                    <field name="ha1" value="{{ a.90011.ha1 }}"/>
                    <!-- here password due to ha1 is useless, so we can put some data based on jinja2_time.TimeExtension ( -->
                    <field name="password" value="{% now 'local' %}"/>
                <table name="subscriber" type="insert"  cleanup_after_test="true">
                    <field name="username" value="{{ a.90012.username }}"/>
                    <field name="domain" value="{{ c.domain }}"/>
                    <field name="ha1" value="{{ a.90012.ha1 }}"/>
                    <field name="password" value="{% now 'local' + 'days=1', '%D' %}"/>
            <!-- add endpoints and aors to Asterisk -->
            <action database="astdb" stage="pre">
                <table name="ps_endpoints" type="insert"  cleanup_after_test="true">
                    <field name="id" value="{{ a.90011.label }}"/>
                    <field name="transport" value="transport-udp"/>
                    <field name="aors" value="{{ a.90011.label }}"/>
                    <field name="context" value="{{ c.asterisk_context }}"/>
                    <field name="disallow" value="all"/>
                    <field name="allow" value="!all,opus,alaw"/>
                    <field name="direct_media" value="no"/>
                    <field name="ice_support" value="no"/>
                    <field name="rtp_timeout" value="3600"/>
                <table name="ps_aors" type="insert"  cleanup_after_test="true">
                    <field name="id" value="{{ a.90011.label }}"/>
                    <field name="contact" value="sip:{{ a.90011.label }}@{{ c.domain }}:5060"/>
                <table name="ps_endpoints" type="insert"  cleanup_after_test="true">
                    <field name="id" value="{{ a.90012.label }}"/>
                    <field name="transport" value="transport-udp"/>
                    <field name="aors" value="{{ a.90012.label }}"/>
                    <field name="context" value="{{ c.asterisk_context }}"/>
                    <field name="disallow" value="all"/>
                    <field name="allow" value="!all,opus,alaw"/>
                    <field name="direct_media" value="no"/>
                    <field name="ice_support" value="no"/>
                    <field name="rtp_timeout" value="3600"/>
                <table name="ps_aors" type="insert"  cleanup_after_test="true">
                    <field name="id" value="{{ a.90012.label }}"/>
                    <field name="contact" value="sip:{{ a.90012.label }}@{{ c.domain }}:5060"/>
    <section type="voip_patrol">
    <!-- Make a call from one endpoint to other -->
            <action type="codec" disable="all"/>
            <action type="codec" enable="pcma" priority="250"/>
            <action type="codec" enable="pcmu" priority="249"/>
            <action type="codec" enable="opus" priority="248"/>
            <action type="register" label="Register {{ a.90012.label }}"
                transport="{{ a.90012.transport }}"
                account="{{ a.90012.username }}"
                username="{{ a.90012.label }}"
                auth_username="{{ a.90012.username }}"
                password="{{ a.90012.password }}"
                registrar="{{ c.domain }}"
                realm="{{ c.domain }}"
                srtp="{{ a.90012.srtp }}"
            <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="2000"/>
            <action type="accept" label="Receive call on {{ a.90012.label }} from {{ a.90011.label }}"
                match_account="{{ a.90012.username }}"
                code="200" reason="OK"
                transport="{{ a.90012.transport }}"
                srtp="{{ a.90012.srtp }}"
                play="{{ c.play_file }}">
                <check-header name="From" regex="^.*sip:{{ a.90011.label }}@.*$"/>
            <action type="call" label="Call {{ a.90011.label }} -> {{ a.90012.label }}"
                caller="{{ a.90011.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
                callee="{{ a.90012.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
                from="sip:{{ a.90011.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
                to_uri="{{ a.90012.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
                max_duration="20" hangup="10"
                auth_username="{{ a.90011.username }}"
                password="{{ a.90011.password }}"
                realm="{{ c.domain }}"
                srtp="{{ a.90011.srtp }}"
                play="{{ c.play_file }}"
            <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="30000"/>

Adding media check.

<!-- Call echo service and name sure receive an answer -->
    <section type="voip_patrol">
            <action type="codec" disable="all"/>
            <action type="codec" enable="pcma" priority="250"/>
            <action type="codec" enable="pcmu" priority="249"/>
            <action type="call" label="Call to 11111 (echo)"
                transport="{{ a.88881.transport }}"
                <!-- We are expecting answer here -->
                caller="{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
                <!-- Setting R-URI -->
                callee="11111@{{ a.88881.domain }}"
                from="sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
                to_uri="11111@{{ c.domain }}"
                max_duration="20" hangup="10"
                auth_username="{{ a.88881.username }}"
                password="{{ a.88881.password }}"
                realm="{{ c.domain }}"
                play="{{ c.play_file }}"
                srtp="{{ a.88881.srtp }}"
                <!-- We heed to record file on answer. To analyze it below now it MUST be with "/output/" path prefix -->
                record="/output/{{ scenario_name }}.wav"
            <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="30000"/>
    <section type="media_check">
            <action type="sox"
                <!-- We are testing that the outcome of the recorded file is between 10 and 11 seconds and checking amplitude -->
                sox_filter="length s -ge 10; length s -le 11; maximum amplitude -ge 0.9; minimum amplitude -le -0.5"
                <!-- File name is the same as in the "record" attribute in the "call" action above. Now it MUST be with "/output/" path prefix -->
                file="/output/{{ scenario_name }}.wav"

Call to ECHO via WSS (WebSocket + DTLS), make sure media is received

<!-- Call echo service and make sure receive an answer with media -->
    <section type="voip_patrol">
            <action type="codec" disable="all"/>
            <action type="codec" enable="pcma" priority="250"/>
            <action type="codec" enable="pcmu" priority="249"/>
            <action type="turn" enabled="true" server="{{ c.stun_address }}" stun_only="true"/>
            <action type="wait" ms="5000"/>
            <action type="call" label="Call to 11111 (echo) WSS"
                caller="{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
                callee="11111@{{ a.88881.domain_wss }}"
                from="sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}"
                to_uri="11111@{{ c.domain }}"
                max_duration="20" hangup="10"
                auth_username="{{ a.88881.username }}"
                password="{{ a.88881.password }}"
                realm="{{ c.domain }}"
                play="{{ c.play_file }}"
                srtp="{{ a.88881.dtls }}"
                record="/output/{{ scenario_name }}.wav"
            <action type="wait" complete="true" ms="30000"/>
    <section type="media_check">
            <action type="sox"
                sox_filter="length s -ge 9; length s -le 11; maximum amplitude -ge 0.9; minimum amplitude -le -0.5"
                file="/output/{{ scenario_name }}.wav"

Running SIPP tests

    <section type="sipp">
            <action transport="{{ c.transport }}" target="{{ c.domain }}">
                <!-- sipp {{ c.domain }}:5061 -sf scen.xml -m 1 -r 1 -t ln -tls_cert /etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem -tls_key /etc/ssl/private/ssl-cert-snakeoil.key -->
                <scenario name="Options">
                OPTIONS sip:check_server_health@{{ c.domain }} SIP/2.0
                Via: SIP/2.0/[transport] [local_ip]:[local_port];branch=[branch]
                Max-Forwards: 70
                To: <sip:check_server_health@{{ c.domain }}>
                From: sipp <sip:check_server_health@[local_ip]:[local_port]>;tag=[call_number]
                Call-ID: [call_id]
                CSeq: 1 OPTIONS
                Contact: <sip:check_server_health@[local_ip]:[local_port]>
                Accept: application/sdp
                Content-Length: 0
                    <recv response="200" timeout="200"/>


Adding some auth to SIPP

    <section type="sipp">
            <action transport="{{ c.transport }}" target="{{ c.domain }}">
                <recv response="407" auth="true">


                    ACK sip:[service]@[remote_ip]:[remote_port] SIP/2.0
                    Via: SIP/2.0/[transport] [local_ip]:[local_port]
                    From: {{ a.88881.label }} <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@[local_ip]:[local_port]>;tag=[call_number]
                    To: sut <sip:[service]@[remote_ip]:[remote_port]>[peer_tag_param]
                    Call-ID: [call_id]
                    CSeq: 1 ACK
                    Contact: sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@[local_ip]:[local_port]
                    Max-Forwards: 70
                    Content-Length: 0


                <send retrans="500">

                    INVITE sip:[service]@[remote_ip]:[remote_port] SIP/2.0
                    Via: SIP/2.0/[transport] [local_ip]:[local_port]
                    From: {{ a.88881.label }} <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@[local_ip]:[local_port]>;tag=[call_number]
                    To: sut <sip:[service]@[remote_ip]:[remote_port]>
                    Call-ID: [call_id]
                    CSeq: 2 INVITE
                    Contact: sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@[local_ip]:[local_port]
                    [authentication username={{ a.88881.username }} password={{ a.88881.password }}]
                    Max-Forwards: 70
                    Content-Type: application/sdp
                    Content-Length: [len]

                    o=user1 53655765 2353687637 IN IP[local_ip_type] [local_ip]
                    t=0 0
                    c=IN IP[media_ip_type] [media_ip]
                    m=audio [media_port] RTP/AVP 0
                    a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000


and some load as well. Why not?

Note: this example in particular was to test push notification server, that's why it have iOS references

    <section type="database">
             <!-- "sippproxydb" here is referring to an entity in "databases" from config.yaml. -->
            <action database="sippproxydb" stage="pre">
                <!-- what data are we gonna insert into the "subscriber" table? -->
                <table name="subscriber" type="insert" cleanup_after_test="true">
                    <field name="username" value="{{ a.88881.username }}"/>
                    <field name="domain" value="{{ c.domain }}"/>
                    <field name="password" value="{{ a.88881.password }}"/>
    <section type="sipp">
            <action transport="{{ c.transport }}"
                    target="{{ c.domain }}"
                <scenario name="UAC REGISTER - UnREGISTER with Auth">
                    <send retrans="500">
                            REGISTER sip:{{ c.domain }}:[remote_port] SIP/2.0
                            Via: SIP/2.0/[transport] [local_ip]:[local_port];branch=[branch]
                            From: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}>;tag=[pid]VOLTsTag00[call_number]
                            To: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}:[remote_port]>
                            Call-ID: {% now 'utc', '%H%M%S' %}///[call_id]
                            CSeq: 1 REGISTER
                            Contact: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@[local_ip]:[local_port];pn-prid=EFFDB4D8C32F845036CA3555003D44E98C82EA3F8437BD3499D14A17B039D5B6:voip&FC86D3D61AAFCC5D18AAC9D4CEDC6C70505080693FD21D0E62B5061FD4516ADE:remote;pn-provider=apns;;pn-silent=1;pn-timeout=0;pn-msg-str=IM_MSG;pn-call-str=IC_MSG;pn-groupchat-str=GC_MSG;pn-call-snd=notes_of_the_optimistic.caf;pn-msg-snd=msg.caf;transport=[transport]>;+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:65f9b73f-d655-4dd3-8633-10d8122c5299>"
                            Max-Forwards: 70
                            Supported: replaces, outbound, gruu, path
                            User-Agent: LinphoneiOS/4.6.5 (iPhone) LinphoneSDK/5.2.45
                            Accept: application/sdp
                            Accept: text/plain
                            Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml
                            Expires: 60
                            Content-Length: 0


                    <recv response="100" optional="true" rrs="true"></recv>

                    <recv response="401" auth="true"></recv>

                    <send retrans="500">
                            REGISTER sip:{{ c.domain }}:[remote_port] SIP/2.0
                            Via: SIP/2.0/[transport] [local_ip]:[local_port];branch=[branch]
                            From: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}>;tag=[pid]VOLTsTag00[call_number]
                            To: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}:[remote_port]>
                            Call-ID: {% now 'utc', '%H%M%S' %}///[call_id]
                            CSeq: 1 REGISTER
                            Contact: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@[local_ip]:[local_port];pn-prid=EFFDB4D8C32F845036CA3555003D44E98C82EA3F8437BD3499D14A17B039D5B6:voip&FC86D3D61AAFCC5D18AAC9D4CEDC6C70505080693FD21D0E62B5061FD4516ADE:remote;pn-provider=apns;;pn-silent=1;pn-timeout=0;pn-msg-str=IM_MSG;pn-call-str=IC_MSG;pn-groupchat-str=GC_MSG;pn-call-snd=notes_of_the_optimistic.caf;pn-msg-snd=msg.caf;transport=[transport]>;+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:65f9b73f-d655-4dd3-8633-10d8122c5299>"
                            Max-Forwards: 70
                            Supported: replaces, outbound, gruu, path
                            User-Agent: LinphoneiOS/4.6.5 (iPhone) LinphoneSDK/5.2.45
                            Accept: application/sdp
                            Accept: text/plain
                            Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml
                            Expires: 60
                            [authentication username={{ a.88881.username }} password={{ a.88881.password }}]
                            Content-Length: 0


                    <recv response="100" optional="true"></recv>

                    <recv response="200" crlf="true"></recv>

                    <pause milliseconds="5000"/>

                    <send retrans="500">
                            REGISTER sip:{{ c.domain }}:[remote_port] SIP/2.0
                            Via: SIP/2.0/[transport] [local_ip]:[local_port];branch=[branch]
                            From: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}>;tag=[pid]VOLTsTag00[call_number]
                            To: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}:[remote_port]>
                            Call-ID: {% now 'utc', '%H%M%S' %}///[call_id]
                            CSeq: 1 REGISTER
                            Contact: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@[local_ip]:[local_port];pn-prid=EFFDB4D8C32F845036CA3555003D44E98C82EA3F8437BD3499D14A17B039D5B6:voip&FC86D3D61AAFCC5D18AAC9D4CEDC6C70505080693FD21D0E62B5061FD4516ADE:remote;pn-provider=apns;;pn-silent=1;pn-timeout=0;pn-msg-str=IM_MSG;pn-call-str=IC_MSG;pn-groupchat-str=GC_MSG;pn-call-snd=notes_of_the_optimistic.caf;pn-msg-snd=msg.caf;transport=[transport]>;+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:65f9b73f-d655-4dd3-8633-10d8122c5299>"
                            Max-Forwards: 70
                            Supported: replaces, outbound, gruu, path
                            User-Agent: LinphoneiOS/4.6.5 (iPhone) LinphoneSDK/5.2.45
                            Accept: application/sdp
                            Accept: text/plain
                            Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml
                            Expires: 0
                            Content-Length: 0


                    <recv response="100" optional="true" rrs="true"></recv>

                    <recv response="401" auth="true"></recv>

                    <send retrans="500">
                            REGISTER sip:{{ c.domain }}:[remote_port] SIP/2.0
                            Via: SIP/2.0/[transport] [local_ip]:[local_port];branch=[branch]
                            From: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}>;tag=[pid]VOLTsTag00[call_number]
                            To: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@{{ c.domain }}:[remote_port]>
                            Call-ID: {% now 'utc', '%H%M%S' %}///[call_id]
                            CSeq: 1 REGISTER
                            Contact: "VOLTS UAC TESTER" <sip:{{ a.88881.label }}@[local_ip]:[local_port];pn-prid=EFFDB4D8C32F845036CA3555003D44E98C82EA3F8437BD3499D14A17B039D5B6:voip&FC86D3D61AAFCC5D18AAC9D4CEDC6C70505080693FD21D0E62B5061FD4516ADE:remote;pn-provider=apns;;pn-silent=1;pn-timeout=0;pn-msg-str=IM_MSG;pn-call-str=IC_MSG;pn-groupchat-str=GC_MSG;pn-call-snd=notes_of_the_optimistic.caf;pn-msg-snd=msg.caf;transport=[transport]>;+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:65f9b73f-d655-4dd3-8633-10d8122c5299>"
                            Max-Forwards: 70
                            Supported: replaces, outbound, gruu, path
                            User-Agent: LinphoneiOS/4.6.5 (iPhone) LinphoneSDK/5.2.45
                            Accept: application/sdp
                            Accept: text/plain
                            Accept: application/vnd.gsma.rcs-ft-http+xml
                            Expires: 0
                            [authentication username={{ a.88881.username }} password={{ a.88881.password }}]
                            Content-Length: 0


                    <recv response="100" optional="true" rrs="true"></recv>
                    <recv response="200"></recv>

                    <!-- definition of the response time repartition table (unit is ms)   -->
                    <ResponseTimeRepartition value="10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 100, 150, 200"/>

                    <!-- definition of the call length repartition table (unit is ms)     -->
                    <CallLengthRepartition value="10, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 5000, 10000"/>

