- Plugin update:
- Supported versions:
1.19.4 - 1.21
- Required Java version:
- /chat - displays list of available commands
- /chat enable - unlocks the ability to write in the chat
- /chat disable - blocks the ability to write in the chat
- /chat premium - allows to write in the chat only for premium users
- /chat slow [time] - sets time slowdown
- /chat reload - reloads plugin configuration
- /adminchat - message to staff members
Additional functions:
- Staff members chat (/adminchat)
- Censorship of individual phrases/words
- MiniMessage support! (https://docs.adventure.kyori.net/minimessage.html)
- flamechat.command.chat - master permission for the /chat command
- flamechat.command.enable - the ability to unlock global chat
- flamechat.command.disable - the ability to lock global chat
- flamechat.command.clear - the ability to clear global chat
- flamechat.command.slow - the ability to slowdown global chat
- flamechat.reload - plugin configuration reload
- flamechat.bypass.locked - the ability to write in a blocked chat
- flamechat.bypass.slow - bypass chat slowdown
- flamechat.bypass.censor - bypass censorship in chat
- flamechat.bypass.premium - bypass for typing when chat is only for premium users
- flamechat.adminchat - admin chat access
Support - Discord server: FlameCode.pl - Twój pomysł Nasze wykonanie