A collection of utils for golang
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"
func main() {
var result []byte = encoding.Sha256EncodeBytes([]byte("Encoding This String to Bytes using sha256"))
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"
func main() {
var result string = encoding.Sha256EncodeString("Encoding This String to String using sha256")
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"
func main() {
var result []byte = encoding.Sha512EncodeBytes([]byte("Encoding This String to Bytes using sha521"))
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"
func main() {
var result string = encoding.Sha512EncodeString("Encoding This String to String using sha512")
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"
func main() {
var result []byte = encoding.Base64EncodeBytes([]byte("Encoding This String to Bytes using Base64"))
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"
func main() {
var result string = encoding.Base64EncodeBytes("Encoding This String to String using Base64")
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"
func main() {
var result []byte = encoding.Base64DecodeBytes([]byte("RGVjb2RpbmcgVGhpcyBTdHJpbmcgdG8gQnl0ZXMgdXNpbmcgQmFzZTY0"))
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/encoding"
func main() {
var result string = encoding.Base64DecodeString("RGVjb2RpbmcgVGhpcyBTdHJpbmcgdG8gU3RyaW5nIHVzaW5nIEJhc2U2NA")
Add an item to the arraylist
func (al *ArrayList) Add(item interface{}) {}
Get the index of an item
func (al *ArrayList) IndexOf(item interface{}) int {}
Get the size of the arraylist
func (al *ArrayList) Size() int {}
Check if a list contains an item
func (al *ArrayList) Contains(item interface{}) bool {}
Clear the list
func (al *ArrayList) Clear() {}
Get an item given the index (Can panic if index is out of bound)
func (al *ArrayList) Get(index int) interface{} {}
Iterate over the array given an Iterator Function
func (al *ArrayList) Iterate(fun func(item interface{}, index int)) {}
Panic if the given index is OutOfBound
func (al *ArrayList) RangeCheck(index int) {}
Set an item into the arrayList in the given index (Can panic if index is out of bound)
func (al *ArrayList) Set(index int, item interface{}) {}
Remove an item in the given index (Can panic if index is out of bound)
func (al *ArrayList) RemoveIndex(index int) (item interface{}) {}
Remove an item from the arraylist
func (al *ArrayList) Remove(item interface{}) {}
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/list"
func main() {
// create a new arraylist
var theList *list.ArrayList = list.NewArrayList()
element1 := "An Item"
element2 := "Another Item"
// Add an item
// Remove an item
// Clear The List
If you know how many items you can fit into the arrayList you can create it with an initial size.
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/list"
func main() {
// create a new arraylist
var initialSize int = 100
var theList *list.ArrayList = list.NewArrayListSize(initialSize)
// do stuff with the arrayList
This improve a lot the timings when adding new elements.
Example: Adding 10.000.000 Items on the arrayList
List created with list.NewArrayList() timings: 783071 microSeconds
List created with list.NewArrayListSize(10000000) timings: 315598 microSeconds
You can see that creating the list with a known starting size is more efficient
As java documentation say 'A container object which may or may not contain a non-null value.'
Check if there is an item in the OptionalContainer
func (o *Optional) IsPresent() bool {}
Get the item in the OptionalContainer
func (o *Optional) Get() interface{} {}
Call the function if the item is presente into the OptionalContainer (Chainable)
func (o *Optional) IfIsPresent(f func(item interface{})) *Optional {}
Call the function if the item is NOT presente into the OptionalContainer (Chainable)
func (o *Optional) IfNotPresent(f func()) *Optional {}
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/optional"
func main() {
// create a new arraylist
var optional1 *optional.Optional = optional.Of(nil) // this will panic, cannot provide null items
var optional2 *optional.Optional = optional.OfNullable(nil) // this is fine, null-Able, can contain a null var.
optional1.IfIsPresent(func(item interface{}) {
print("The Item is present ", item)
optional1.IfNotPresent(func() {
print("The Item is NOT present")
// Or you can chain the functions
optional1.IfIsPresent(func(item interface{}) {
print("The Item is present ", item)
}).IfNotPresent(func() { // here is the chained function.
print("The Item is NOT present")
Used chars for random strings (safe and unsage):
- 0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz-
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/random"
func main() {
length := 10 // string length
var result string = random.GenerateSafeString(length)
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/random"
func main() {
var result1 int = random.RandomIntSafe(0, 100) // generate an int beetwen 0 and 100
var result2 int = random.RandomInt64Safe(0, 100) // generate an int64 number beetwen 0 and 100
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/random"
func main() {
length := 10 // string length
var result string = random.GenerateString(length)
import "github.com/iimrudy/vUtils/random"
func main() {
var result1 int = random.RandomInt(0, 100) // generate an int beetwen 0 and 100
var result2 int = random.RandomInt64(0, 100) // generate an int64 number beetwen 0 and 100