Allows users to rate and write reviews on the classes they took. User can browse through other people's reviews for classes. Users can find classes that fit their requirements and make better decisions when choosing which classes to take. Key features include class recommendations and sorted reviews based on quality.
- Sorting algorithm that utilizes Apple's Natural Language Framework to sort reviews based on quality. It calculates three factors, the relevancy of the review (keywords), the length/time posted/number of likes, and the tone of the review. NLP features including tokenization, sentiment analysis, embedding, and lemmatization were used. Tokenization and lemmatization to get the keywords in the review, sentiment analysis to determine the tone of the review, word embedding to determine the relevancy of the given review depending on its content.
- Class recommendation algorithm that recommends classes to the user based on their major and selected interests. The algorithm retreives tthe top 10 classes tagged to the user's interests, adding that to the top 10 classes tagged to the top 5 interests based on their major.
- Category: Education
- Mobile: Mobile is essential for instant reviewing of classes. Users can easily write reviews and read reviews from their phone.
- Story: Allows users to be educated on the classes they choose to take. Helps users find classes that are a good fit for them personally.
- Market: Students who attend University of California, Irvine can utilize this app.
- Habit: Users can write and read reviews anytime. Peak use will likely be during class registration periods.
- Scope: Currently the app only servers classes from one school. Can be expanded to serve students from multiple schools.
Required Must-have Stories
- User can login, logout, and signup
- User can search for a class
- User can view classes in the home feed
- User can see the detailed view for a class and write a review
- User can write a review for a class
- User can view the classes they reviewed in their profile
- User can filter classes using tags (stored in database)
- User is recommended classes based on their interests and major
Optional Nice-to-have Stories
- User can save a list of favorited classes
- User can input all the classes they've taken and be shown only the classes they have prereqs for
- Users can sort by rating, department, etc
- Date and username is displayed on the reviews
- Ratings show up as star symbols
- Like, dislike, save reviews
- Recently searched, datetime posted
- Filter for search
- Filter review comments for curse words
- Reviews are sorted from higher to lower quality
- Login/logout screen
- User can login
- User can logout
- Registration screen
- User can create account
- Stream
- User can scroll through feed seeing classes with ratings
- User can click on a class to see the details view
- Profile screen
- User can see account information
- User can view their reviews
Tab Navigation (Tab to Screen)
- Home tab
- Search tab
- Profile tab
Flow Navigation (Screen to Screen)
- Home -> Details
- Search -> Details
- Profile -> Details
- Profile -> Tags
Property | Type | Description |
comment | String | User's comments about class |
rating | Number | User's rating of class overall out of 5 |
likeCount | Number | Number of likes |
difficulty | Number | User's rating of class difficulty out of 5 |
class | Pointer to another Parse Object | The class that is being reviewed |
author | Pointer to another Parse Object | The user who wrote the review |
Property | Type | Description |
courseCode | String | The course code of class |
rating | Number | Overall class rating |
difficulty | Number | Overall class difficulty out of 5 |
department | String | Department class is apart of |
Property | Type | Description |
username | String | Account username |
interestTags | Array | Array of tags user selects |
major | String | User's academic major |
List of network requests by screen
Home Feed Screen
- (Update/PUT) Update class overall rating
- (Read/GET) Query all classes
- (Read/GET) Query recommended classes
Details View Screen
- (Read/GET) Query all reviews for that class
- (Read/GET) Query class ratings
- (Update/PUT) Update reviews (after creating new review)
Create Review Screen
- (Create/POST) Create a review for a class
Profile Screen
- (Read/GET) User's major
- (Read/GET) User written reviews
- (Update/PUT) If user changes major
Tags Screen
- (Read/GET) All tags, which tags are selected/unselected
- (Update/PUT) When user changes selections of tags
Peter Portal API (courses)
- Base URL -
HTTP Verb | Endpoint | Description |
GET | /all | Gets all courses in course catalogue |
GET | /{courseID} | Course department + course number (without spaces) |