You can find the original project at:
Read file aicontest_spec.txt
for a more in-depth description of the game.
Prepare the environment with conda, see engine readme file
conda create --name pythonHB python=3.9
conda activate pythonHB
python3 -m pip install -U pygame --user
... launch ai context ...
conda deactivate
python engine/ \
--map 'maps/grid.txt' \
--bots 'python examples/RandBot/'
python engine/ \
--map 'maps/grid.txt' \
--bots 'python examples/RandBot/' \
'python examples/RandBot/' \
'python examples/RandBot/' \
'python examples/RandBot/' \
'python3.6 bots/RandBot/'
- The game consists on programming small artificial intelligence software units (agents) that are launched inside the game as subprocesses.
- The agents aim to collect as many points as possible by conquering lighthouses and conquering land between lighthouses.
- The agents are restricted in time to make decisions that influence the environment
- 2D world, with no wrapparound
- Left bottom is (0,0), increases positively going right / up
- Initially 0
- Computed at each time step accoring to a formula that takes into account proximity to lighthouses
- When agent goes through cell with energy, it collects that energy
- 1+, each has a id given by the engine 0..N
- 8 possible directions to move in the board
- Can be free or conquered by an agent
- If it is conquered that means some energy had been left there, this energy decreases over time until reaching 0
- When the energy of a lighthouse reaches 0 the agent loses control over it
- Energy can be refilled
- Cells nearby lighthouses collect energy with a formula that takes proximity into account
- Owning lighthouses gives small points to agents
- 2 lighthouses can be connected, if owned by the same agent
- Connections can not cross other connections
- Connections can not cross other lighthouses
- To establish a connection agent must be located in a lighthouse and own the key of the remote lighthouse
- Connections give extra points to the agents
- Connections can form triangles, in which case, the agent receives extra points for all the area under the triangle
At game start the engine gives agents the following information encoded as a JSON
- player id
- total number of players
- initial position
- boolean map of the game ( with playable / non playable cells )
- positions for lighthouses
"player_num": 0,
"player_count": 2,
"position": [1, 2],
"map": [
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 1, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 1, 1, 0, 0],
[0, 0, 0, 0, 0]],
"lighthouses": [
[1, 1], [3, 1], [2, 3], [1, 3]
The following happens every round start, actioned by the game engine
- Cells increase the energy by += floor( constant - distance_to_nearest_lighthouse). Maximum energy es 100.
- If agent is on a cell of a lighthouse, it obtains its key
- Lighthouse energy is decremented in 10
Agent receives the following information at each round:
- Current location
- Score
- Energy available
- A energy map of nearby cells ( distance <= 3)
- Information for each lighthouse (location, owner id, energy, list of connected lighthouses, boolean indicating if agent has the key or not)
"position": [1, 3],
"score": 36,
"energy": 66,
"view": [
[-1,-1,-1, 0,-1,-1,-1],
[-1, 0, 0,50,23,50,-1],
[-1, 0, 0,32,41, 0,-1],
[ 0, 0, 0, 0,50, 0, 0],
[-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1],
[-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,-1],
[-1,-1,-1, 0,-1,-1,-1]
"lighthouses": [
"position": [1, 1],
"owner": 0,
"energy": 30,
"connections": [[1, 3]],
"have_key": false
"position": [3, 1],
"owner": -1,
"energy": 0,
"connections": [],
"have_key": false
"position": [2, 3],
"owner": 1,
"energy": 90,
"connections": [],
"have_key": false
"position": [1, 3],
"owner": 0,
"energy": 50,
"connections": [[1, 1]],
"have_key": true
- Do nothing
"command": "pass"
- Move
"command": "move",
"x": -1,
"y": 1
- Conquer / refill lighthouse
"command": "attack",
"energy": 80
- Connect to other lighthouse
"command": "connect",
"destination": [1, 1]
- The engine can respond to our requests with OK response
"success": true
or with KO response
"success": false,
"message": "Player does not have the destination key"
- Initially 0 points Per round the engine gives the following points
- +2 per lighthouse
- +2 per link
- +1 per cell under triangle
- Thorugh stdio / stdout
- Based on JSON messages (string must end with '\n')
- If using stderr the agent must identify itself before the message including '[BOTNAME]' prior to the message
- Bot must be destroyed when engine closes
with it (EOF)