Repository for "PhrasIS: phrase inference and similarity benchmark" paper
PhrasIS is a dataset of Phrase pairs with Inference and Similarity annotations for the evaluation of semantic representations. The dataset is analyzed, showing the relation between inference labels and similarity scores, and is evaluated with several well-known techniques obtaining satisfactory performance.
- Python 3
- NumPy
- SciPy
- Pandas
- Seaborn
- heatmapz
All dependencies in exception of heatmapz are installed when setting the conda environment
To install heatmapz please run pip3 install heatmapz
Experiments can be run either in Python 3 using the given conda environment or launching the 00.launchColab ipython notebook.
Running the following command will create an environment called phrasis with all required dependencies:
conda env create -f environment.yml
To activate the environment run the following command:
conda activate phrasis
To deactivate the environment run the following command:
conda deactivate
To run the ipython notebook file, clone or import the github repo in google colab or local installation of jupyter notebook and run the file
- PhrasIS dataset can be found in ./dataset
We compute a bunch of lexical and onthology based features, including :
- jaccard overlap
- length differences
- wordnet similarity features: lch, jcn, wup, ...
We compute several models, including:
- Machine Learning models: DecisionTree, LogisticRegression, SVM, ...
- Ensemble methods: Random Forest, ExtraTree, Bagging, ...
- Kernel Ridge