Command line interface for Plugin Machine.
- Install globally, which is recommended:
npm i plugin-machine -g
- Install as a dependency of plugin:
npm i plugin-machine
- Use via npx
npx plugin-machine login
The pluginMachine.json
file is used to configure how your plugin with the CLI. It is provided when you use Plugin Machine for your plugin.
- "slug" - The slug of your plugin, will determine the name of the generated zip.
- "nodeVersion" - What version of Node the CLI will use for node, yarn and npm commands.
- Allowed values: '14'| '16'| '17'
- Default: '16'
- "phpVersion" - What version of PHP the ClI will use for composer commands
- Allowed values: '7.3'| '7.4'| '8.0'| '8.1'
- Default: '7.4'
You may optionally set these variables:
- Instead of using the login command, set token with an environment variable.
Many commands require login. You can either use the login command, which presists your token in your host machine's file system, or you can use the --token
- Login to plugin machine.
- When logged in, go to /dashboard/api to see API token.
plugin-machine login
- Will prompt for token
plugin-machine login --token=your-token
- Will log in with your token
plugin-machine login --token=your-token --ci
- Logs in with token, writing it to ./pluginMachineAuth.json
- Make sure to delete this
- Logout
plugin-machine login
These Commands Require login
All plugin
commands will assume that the current directory is the root directory of the plugin. You may pass a different directory with --pluginDir flag: plugin-machine plugin add --pluginDir=../something
- Update pluginMachine.json
plugin-machine plugin config
- Download pluginMachine.json for a plugin
plugin-machine plugin config --pluginId=7
plugin-machine plugin add
This command runs any npm or composer commands found in pluginMachine.json's "buildSteps" key.
- Prepare for a production-ready, installable zip.
plugin-machine plugin build
- Optionally, copy files to a directory
plugin-machine plugin build --buildDir=build
Build plugin, create zip, and upload
plugin-machine upload --zipFirst
plugin-machine upload --zipFirst --pluginDir=/path-to-plugin-dir
Zip files, based on pluginMachine.json's "buildIncludes" key.
plugin-machine plugin zip
Zip files, in directory set in --buildDir option
plugin-machine plugin zip --buildDir=build
Build and then zip build
plugin-machine plugin build --buildDir=plugin-name
plugin-machine plugin zip --buildDir=plugin-name
Upload file
plugin-machine upload
plugin-machine upload
- Output some debug information
plugin-machine debug
- Output some debug information
plugin-machine version
Docker shortcuts:
- Kill all Docker containers running on the machine:
plugin-machine docker kill
- Runs:
docker kill $(docker ps -q)
You can also install this as a module in a node.js project, and use the api directly.
import {createDockerApi,getPluginMachineJson,pluginMachineApi} from 'plugin-machine';
//Create instance of Docker API
const pmDockerApi = await createDockerApi({
//options are optional
//Get the pluginMachine.json file for the plugin
const pluginMachineJson = getPluginMachineJson(
//Optional ovverides
import {pluginMachineApi} from 'plugin-machine';
//Get token from somewhere
let token = '';
const pluginMachine = await pluginMachineApi(token);
- Get the plugin machine json file for a saved plugin
await pluginMachine.getPluginMachineJson(pluginId);
- Add a feature to a plugin
await pluginMachine.addFeature(pluginMachineJson,data)
- Get one file, from a feature
await pluginMachine.getFeatureCode(
- Upload a new version
must exist.
await pluginMachine.uploadVersion(
- Upload a zip file
must exist.
await pluginMachine.uploadFile(
fileName, filePath
- Get all versions of plugin
let versions =await pluginMachine.uploadVersion(
import {builder,createDockerApi,getPluginMachineJson} from 'plugin-machine';
const {
} = builder;
//Setup pmDockerApi and pluginMachineJson first.
const pmDockerApi = await createDockerApi({});
const pluginMachineJson = getPluginMachineJson('/path/pluginMachine.json');
).then( () => {
'./',//dir plugin is in
).then( () => {
import {builder,createDockerApi,getPluginMachineJson} from 'plguin-machine';
const {
} = builder;
//Setup pmDockerApi and pluginMachineJson first.
const pmDockerApi = await createDockerApi({});
const pluginMachineJson = getPluginMachineJson('/path/pluginMachine.json');
).then( () => console.log('built!'));
await copyBuildFiles(
'./',//plugin root directory
'output'//subdir of plugin dir to copy file sto
).then( () => console.log('copied!'));
await zipDirectory(
).then( () => console.log('zipped!'));
- Node.js 14+
npm start
- run cli
npm run dev
- run force debug cli
npm run type-check
- run type-check and lint
npm run lint
- run type-check and lint, fixing fixable errors
npm run build
- run swc
- this only development, not production
- run swc
npm run test
- launches test runner by watch mode
npm run test:ci
- Runs tests for CI, IE once, not a watcher.
npm run coverage
get coverage report