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Cesaire J. K. Fouodo


Recent technological advances have enabled the simultaneous collection of multi-omics data, i.e., different types or modalities of molecular data across various organ tissues of patients. For integrative predictive modeling, the analysis of such data is particularly challenging. Ideally, data from the different modalities are measured in the same individuals, allowing for early or intermediate integrative techniques. However, they are often not applicable when patient data only partially overlap, which requires either reducing the datasets or imputing missing values. Additionally, the characteristics of each data modality may necessitate specific statistical methods rather than applying the same method across all modalities. Late integration modeling approaches analyze each data modality separately to obtain modality-specific predictions. These predictions are then integrated to train aggregative models like Lasso, random forests, or compute the weighted mean of modality-specific predictions.

We introduce the R package fuseMLR for late integration prediction modeling. This comprehensive package enables users to define a training process with multiple data modalities and modality-specific machine learning methods. The package is user-friendly, facilitates variable selection and training of different models across modalities, and automatically performs aggregation once modality-specific training is completed. We simulated multi-omics data to illustrate the usage of our new package for conducting late-stage multi-omics integrative modeling.

fuseMLR is an object-oriented package based on R6 version 2.5.1. Refer to our cheat sheet for a quick overview of classes and functionalities.


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Package overview

The following figure illustrates the general architecture of fuseMLR:

The general architecture of fuseMLR includes the collection classes Training, TrainLayer, and TrainMetaLayer. TrainLayer and TrainMetaLayer are stored within a Training instance, while TrainData, Lrnr, and VarSel (for variable selection) are stored within a TrainLayer or MetaTrainLayer instance. An Training object can be used to automatically conduct layer-specific variable selection and train layer-specfic and meta models.

Usage example

The following example is based on simulated data available in fuseMLR. Data have been simulated using the R package InterSIM, version 2.2.0.


A) Simulated data.

Two types of data were simulated: training and testing datasets. Each consists of four data.frames—gene expression, protein expression, methylation data, and target variable observations. Individuals are organized in rows, variables in columns, with an additional column for individual IDs. In total, $70$ individuals with $50$ individuals pro layer have been simulated for training, and $23$ ($20$ per layer) for testing. Individuals do not necessarily overlapped. Effects have been introduced for gene expression and methylation by shifting the means by $0.5$ to create case-control study with $50$% prevalence. Individuals do not necessarily overlap. Effects were introduced in gene expression and methylation by shifting the means by 0.5 to create a case-control study. For illustration, the number of variables was kept smaller than what is typically expected in reality. The data simulation code is available here.

# This is a list containing two lists of data: training and test.
# Each sublist contains three entities.
str(object = entities, max.level = 2L)
## List of 2
##  $ training:List of 4
##   ..$ geneexpr   :'data.frame':  50 obs. of  132 variables:
##   ..$ proteinexpr:'data.frame':  50 obs. of  161 variables:
##   ..$ methylation:'data.frame':  50 obs. of  368 variables:
##   ..$ target     :'data.frame':  70 obs. of  2 variables:
##  $ testing :List of 4
##   ..$ geneexpr   :'data.frame':  20 obs. of  132 variables:
##   ..$ proteinexpr:'data.frame':  20 obs. of  161 variables:
##   ..$ methylation:'data.frame':  20 obs. of  368 variables:
##   ..$ target     :'data.frame':  30 obs. of  2 variables:

Variable selection, training and prediction are the main functionalities of fuseMLR. We can perform variable selection, train and fuse models for training studies, and predict new studies.

B) Instantiate training resources

We need to set up training resources.

training <- Training$new(id = "training",
                         ind_col = "IDS",
                         target = "disease",
                         target_df = entities$training$target)
# See also training$summary()
## Training        : training
## Status          : Not trained
## Number of layers: 1
## Layers trained  : 0
## n               : 70
  • Prepare new training layers: Training layers are components of a study and represent the second component of a fuseMLR object.
tl_ge <- TrainLayer$new(id = "geneexpr", training = training)
tl_pr <- TrainLayer$new(id = "proteinexpr", training = training)
tl_me <- TrainLayer$new(id = "methylation", training = training)
# We also prepare the meta layer for the meta analysis.
tl_meta <- TrainMetaLayer$new(id = "meta_layer", training = training)
  • Add training data (entities) to layers: Exclude the meta layer, as it is modified internally after the training phase.
train_data_ge <- TrainData$new(id = "geneexpr",
                               train_layer = tl_ge,
                               data_frame = entities$training$geneexpr)
train_data_pr <- TrainData$new(id = "proteinexpr",
                               train_layer = tl_pr,
                               data_frame = entities$training$proteinexpr)
train_data_me <- TrainData$new(id = "methylation",
                               train_layer = tl_me,
                               data_frame = entities$training$methylation)
# An overview of the gene expression training data
## TrainData : geneexpr
## Layer     : geneexpr
## ind. id.  : IDS
## target    : disease
## n         : 50
## Missing   : 0
## p         : 133
# An overview of the gene expression training layer
## TrainLayer            : geneexpr
## Status                : Not trained
## Nb. of objects stored : 1
## -----------------------
##        key     class
## 1 geneexpr TrainData
# An overview of the training resources
## Training        : training
## Status          : Not trained
## Number of layers: 5
## Layers trained  : 0
## n               : 70
  • An upset plot of the training data: Visualize patient overlap across layers.
training$upset( = "freq")

C) Variable selection

We need to set up variable selection methods to our training resources. Note that this can be the same method or different layer-specific methods. For simplicity, we will set up the same method on all layers.

  • Preparation parameters of the variable selection method.
same_param_varsel <- ParamVarSel$new(id = "ParamVarSel",
                                     param_list = list(num.trees = 1000L,
                                                       mtry = 3L,
                                                       probability = TRUE))
## Class: ParamVarSel
## id   : ParamVarSel
## Parameter combination
## $num.trees
## [1] 1000
## $mtry
## [1] 3
## $probability
## [1] TRUE
  • Instantiate the variable selection method and assign training layers.
varsel_ge <- VarSel$new(id = "varsel_geneexpr",
                        package = "Boruta",
                        varsel_fct = "Boruta",
                        param = same_param_varsel,
                        train_layer = tl_ge)

varsel_pr <- VarSel$new(id = "varsel_proteinexpr",
                        package = "Boruta",
                        varsel_fct = "Boruta",
                        param = same_param_varsel,
                        train_layer = tl_pr)
varsel_me <- VarSel$new(id = "varsel_methylation",
                        package = "Boruta",
                        varsel_fct = "Boruta",
                        param = same_param_varsel,
                        train_layer = tl_me)
  • Perform variable selection on our training resources
var_sel_res <- training$varSelection()
##          Layer   variable
## 1     geneexpr     ACVRL1
## 2     geneexpr     AKT1S1
## 3     geneexpr        BAX
## 4     geneexpr     BCL2L1
## 5     geneexpr     CDKN1A
## 6     geneexpr     CTNNB1
## 7     geneexpr       EEF2
## 8     geneexpr      EEF2K
## 9     geneexpr   EIF4EBP1
## 10    geneexpr     MAPK14
## 11    geneexpr      NFKB1
## 12    geneexpr      PREX1
## 13    geneexpr      PRKCD
## 14    geneexpr        PXN
## 15    geneexpr       SHC1
## 16    geneexpr        SRC
## 17    geneexpr      XRCC5
## 18    geneexpr       YAP1
## 19 proteinexpr Caveolin.1
## 20 proteinexpr     Rab.25
## 21 methylation cg09637363
## 22 methylation cg25060573
## 23 methylation cg23989635
## 24 methylation cg22679003
## 25 methylation cg01663570
## 26 methylation cg09186685
## 27 methylation cg20253551
## 28 methylation cg03386722
## 29 methylation cg00241355
## 30 methylation cg26187237
## 31 methylation cg24991452
## 32 methylation cg20042228
## 33 methylation cg23641145
## 34 methylation cg01228636
## 35 methylation cg17489897
## 36 methylation cg21573601
## 37 methylation cg00059930
## 38 methylation cg19427472
## 39 methylation cg16925486
## 40 methylation cg00239419
## 41 methylation cg23323671
## 42 methylation cg07160163
## 43 methylation cg12507125

For each layer, the variable selection results show the chosen variables. In this example, we perform variable selection. Users can opt to conduct variable selection on individual layers if desired.

D) Training

We can now train our models using the subset of selected variables. Users can choose to set up layer-specific learners, but for illustration, we will use the same learner for all layers.

  • Set up the same leaner parameters.
same_param <- ParamLrner$new(id = "ParamRanger",
                             param_list = list(probability = TRUE,
                                               mtry = 1L),
                             hyperparam_list = list(num.trees = 1000L))
  • Set up learners for each layer. We will use a weighted sum, implemented internally by fuseMLR, for the meta-analysis.
lrner_ge <- Lrner$new(id = "ranger",
                      package = "ranger",
                      lrn_fct = "ranger",
                      param = same_param,
                      train_layer = tl_ge)
lrner_pr <- Lrner$new(id = "ranger",
                      package = "ranger",
                      lrn_fct = "ranger",
                      param = same_param,
                      train_layer = tl_pr)
lrner_me <- Lrner$new(id = "ranger",
                      package = "ranger",
                      lrn_fct = "ranger",
                      param = same_param,
                      train_layer = tl_me)
lrner_meta <- Lrner$new(id = "weighted",
                        lrn_fct = "weightedMeanLearner",
                        param = ParamLrner$new(id = "ParamWeighted",
                                               param_list = list(),
                                               hyperparam_list = list()),
                        na_rm = FALSE,
                        train_layer = tl_meta)
  • Train the models with the selected variables.
# Retrieve the target variable for resampling reasons. Resampling will be used by
# fuseMLR to generate meta data.
disease <- training$getTargetValues()$disease
trained <- training$train(resampling_method = "caret::createFolds",
                          resampling_arg = list(y = disease,
                                                k = 10L),
                          use_var_sel = TRUE)
# Let us now check the status of our training resources.
## Training        : training
## Status          : Trained
## Number of layers: 5
## Layers trained  : 4
## n               : 70
# Let us check the status of a layer as well.
## TrainLayer            : geneexpr
## Status                : Trained
## Nb. of objects stored : 4
## -----------------------
##               key     class
## 1        geneexpr TrainData
## 2 varsel_geneexpr    VarSel
## 3          ranger     Lrner
## 4        rangerMo     Model
## On the meta model
tmp_model <- tl_meta$getModel()
##    geneexpr proteinexpr methylation 
##   0.2336235   0.4249688   0.3414078 
## attr(,"class")
## [1] "weightedMeanLearner"
  • Retrieve the basic model of a specific layer.
model_ge <- tl_ge$getModel()
## Class           : Model
## Learner info.   
## -----------------------
## Learner          : ranger
## TrainLayer       : geneexpr
## Package          : ranger
## Learn function   : ranger
## Train data info.      
## -----------------------
## TrainData : geneexpr
## Layer     : geneexpr
## ind. id.  : IDS
## target    : disease
## n         : 50
## Missing   : 0
## p         : 19

E) Predicting

Now, we have created training resources, performed variable selection and trained the models with the chosen variables. In this section, we create testing resources and make predictions for new data.

  • Create the testing object.
testing <- Testing$new(id = "testing", ind_col = "IDS")
  • Create new layers.
nl_ge <- TestLayer$new(id = "geneexpr", testing = testing)
nl_pr <- TestLayer$new(id = "proteinexpr", testing = testing)
nl_me <- TestLayer$new(id = "methylation", testing = testing)
  • Instantiate and add new training data to new layers.
new_data_ge <- TestData$new(id = "geneexpr",
                            new_layer = nl_ge,
                            data_frame = entities$testing$geneexpr)
new_data_pr <- TestData$new(id = "proteinexpr",
                            new_layer = nl_pr,
                            data_frame = entities$testing$proteinexpr)
new_data_me <- TestData$new(id = "methylation",
                            new_layer = nl_me,
                            data_frame = entities$testing$methylation)
  • An upset plot of the training data: Visualize patient overlap across layers.
testing$upset( = "freq")

  • Predict the testing object.
predictions <- training$predict(testing = testing)
## $predicting
## Predicting   : testing
## Nb. layers   : 4
## $predicted_values
##          IDS  geneexpr proteinexpr methylation meta_layer
## 1  patient23 0.3899925  0.59490714  0.17449127 0.40350102
## 2  patient77 0.4222480  0.49866468  0.14058889 0.35856210
## 3  patient62 0.7736817  0.96993571          NA 0.90031823
## 4  patient43 0.3301254          NA          NA 0.33012540
## 5   patient8 0.7346532  0.85212024  0.83084960 0.81741522
## 6  patient74 0.5555329  0.69613294  0.54980476 0.61332790
## 7  patient29 0.3362905  0.46632857  0.27474444 0.37054031
## 8  patient17 0.3997508  0.34566627          NA 0.36485176
## 9  patient25 0.2778349  0.45710040  0.09602103 0.29194448
## 10 patient54 0.7863302          NA  0.84842857 0.82319925
## 11 patient60 0.7415452  0.84184524  0.79166865 0.80128213
## 12 patient44 0.3717952          NA          NA 0.37179524
## 13  patient1 0.8211250  0.93648373          NA 0.89556234
## 14 patient76 0.6840357          NA  0.60861508 0.63925695
## 15 patient16 0.6923929          NA  0.69758968 0.69547832
## 16 patient27 0.3699286          NA  0.20396786 0.27139431
## 17 patient58 0.5648032  0.75506071  0.76331349 0.71342965
## 18 patient52 0.4850317  0.13170119          NA 0.25703870
## 19 patient10 0.2517774          NA          NA 0.25177738
## 20 patient72 0.7087675  0.94573135  0.62339762 0.78032379
## 21 patient39        NA  0.08271032          NA 0.08271032
## 25 patient46        NA  0.22185635  0.51994405 0.35464937
## 26 patient97        NA  0.70887738  0.86840476 0.77994413
## 27 patient31        NA  0.28228095          NA 0.28228095
## 31 patient87        NA  0.29549603  0.26039048 0.27985710
## 33 patient59        NA  0.14183968  0.38772183 0.25137601
## 34  patient2        NA  0.55434325  0.79045437 0.65952675
## 53 patient85        NA          NA  0.15880913 0.15880913
## 60  patient3        NA          NA  0.57764881 0.57764881
  • Prediction performances for layer-specific available patients, and all patients on the meta layer.
pred_values <- predictions$predicted_values
actual_pred <- merge(x = pred_values,
                     y = entities$testing$target,
                     by = "IDS",
                     all.y = TRUE)
x <- as.integer(actual_pred$disease == 2L)

# On all patients
perf_estimated <- sapply(X = actual_pred[ , 2L:5L], FUN = function (my_pred) {
  bs <- BrierScore(x = x[complete.cases(my_pred)],
                   pred = my_pred[complete.cases(my_pred)], na.rm = TRUE)
##    geneexpr proteinexpr methylation  meta_layer 
##   0.1147740   0.1645159   0.0815040   0.1231755
  • Prediction performances for overlapping individuals.
# On overlapping patients
perf_overlapping <- sapply(X = actual_pred[complete.cases(actual_pred),
                           FUN = function (my_pred) {
                             bs <- BrierScore(x = x[complete.cases(actual_pred)], pred = my_pred)
##    geneexpr proteinexpr methylation  meta_layer 
##  0.12551583  0.13679344  0.06749516  0.09629256

Note that our example is based on simulated data for usage illustration; only one run is not enough to appreciate the performances of our models.

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Fuse machine learning in R.






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