A simple Laravel RESTAPI starter kit using Sanctum to kick start RESTful APIs development using Laravel.
Application Name ................................................................... Laravel Rest Api
Laravel Version ...................................................................... 10.4.1
PHP Version ........................................................................... 8.1.10
Database ................................................................................ MYSQL
Create Users
Create (Read | Update | Delete) Customers
Create (Single | Bulk) Invoices against Customers
git clone https://github.com/imgrasooldev/laravel-rest-api.git
cd laravel-rest-api
open .env file (available) at root directory and check (or update) database details.
Go to CLI and run below commands:
composer install
php artisan key:generate
php artisan migrate:fresh --seed
php artisan serve
"If want to dispatch welcome email on register check below:"
=> Fill the email details in .env file (I personally used Mailtrap).
=> (Optional) If you want to dispatch welcome email using Redis, Change "QUEUE_CONNECTION" (available inside .env) to redis and fill redis credential details inside .env file "otherwise change the QUEUE_CONNECTION to database".
Finally hit queue listener by using below command in CLI.
php artisan queue:listen
"If don’t want to dispatch welcome email:"
If you don’t wish to send welcome email on register action, please Comment the below line of code available in signup function inside (root/app/Http/Controllers/Api/V1/AuthController.php).
dispatch(new \App\Jobs\EmailJobs\Auth\SendRegisterMailJob($request->email));
POST /api/v1/register
Body => {
"name": "",
"email": "",
"password": "",
"confirmPassword": ""
POST /api/v1/login
Body => {
"email": "",
"password": ""
GET /api/v1/customers (Pass token from login/register response as bearer-token).
GET /api/v1/customers?customer_id[eq]=50&status[eq]=P&includeInvoices=true
"Include invoice query parameter is to include individual customer invoices inside response."
POST /api/v1/customers
Body => {
"name": "",
"type": "I", //I for Individual, B for Business
"email": "",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"postalCode": ""
PUT /api/v1/customers/{id}
Body => {
"name": "",
"type": "B", //I for Individual, B for Business
"email": "",
"address": "",
"city": "",
"state": "",
"postalCode": ""
PATCH /api/v1/customers/{id}
Body => {
"name": "",
"type": "B", //I for Individual, B for Business
DELETE /api/v1/customers/{id}
GET /api/v1/invoices
GET /api/v1/invoices/{id}
GET /api/v1/invoices?customer_id[eq]=50&status[eq]=P
POST /api/v1/invoices/bulk
Body => [
"customerId": 30,
"amount": 444,
"status": "V",
"billedDate": "2015-08-05 08:49:54",
"paidDate": null
"customerId": 10,
"amount": 444,
"status": "P",
"billedDate": "2019-01-10 20:06:43",
"paidDate": "2016-07-24 20:02:19"
"customerId": 14,
"amount": 444,
"status": "B",
"billedDate": "2018-06-20 19:08:25",
"paidDate": "2017-04-20 10:01:35"
Best of Luck 👍
Rate my work please ⭐