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πŸ€– Reinforcement Learning Specialization

This repository contains the solutions for the courses of the Reinforcement Learning Specialization from the University of Alberta.

πŸ“† I completed the courses in seven rough days.

✏️ This is obviously against the recommended 4-6 months, but I was somewhat familiar with the basics of RL already, so the first two courses went quite easily.

πŸ’£ The courses are quite awesome. The reading assingments might seem a bit overwhelming, and the videos do not seem to give anything new apart from what the book covers, however, the nice visualisations help a lot in actually understanding what the book meant here and there.

πŸ‘« Also, Marta and Adam did a very good job in explaining all the concepts.

πŸ”© The short, concise, but focused videos are also ecnouraging(much better than 20-40 min long ones, like other courses or tutorials have).

πŸ”‘ The videos being partitioned into sections is another smart choice of the creators, it really helps to have a cleaner overview.

πŸ‘₯ The occasional personal appearance in the videos of big names in RL such as Sutton and Barto themselves, David Silver, Csaba SzepesvΓ‘ri and others explaning how reinforcement learning is applied in practice also makes the courses sooo epic.

⚠️ Disclaimer

πŸ™ˆπŸ™‰πŸ™Š I publish the assignments and quizes herewith, purely for reference, and by no means do I encourage anyone to copy-paste from here.

πŸ“ˆ As one may notice, the quizes are by no means perfectly solved. The coding assingments however, which I really cared about and which took a lot of time to solve, all achieved the maximum score.