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DSA Programming Problems in JavaScript

Welcome to the repository of Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA) Programming Problems solved using JavaScript by TechAlgoSpotlight. This collection includes a variety of problems categorized by their types and complexity. Each problem is accompanied by a solution.

Array Problems

Problem Description Solution
Array Rotation Given an integer array A of size N and an integer B, you have to return the same array after rotating it B times towards the right. View
Count Of Elements Given an array A of N integers. Count the number of elements that have at least 1 elements greater than itself. View
Good Pair Given an array A and an integer B. A pair(i, j) in the array is a good pair if i != j and (A[i] + A[j] == B). Check if any good pair exist or not. View
Linear Search - Multiple Occurences Given an array A and an integer B, find the number of occurrences of B in A. View
Max Min of an Array Given an array A of size N. You need to find the sum of Maximum and Minimum element in the given array. View
Reverse in a range Given an array A of N integers and also given two integers B and C. Reverse the elements of the array A within the given inclusive range [B, C]. View
Equilibrium index of an array Your task is to find the equilibrium index of the given array View
Even numbers in a range You are given an array A of length N and Q queries given by the 2D array B of size Q×2. View
In-place Prefix Sum Given an array A of N integers. Construct prefix sum of the array in the given array itself. View
Product array puzzle Given an array of integers A, find and return the product array of the same size where the ith element of the product array will be equal to the product of all the elements divided by the ith element of the array. View
Range Sum Query You are given an integer array A of length N. You are also given a 2D integer array B with dimensions M x 2, where each row denotes a [L, R] query. For each query, you have to find the sum of all elements from L to R indices in A (0 - indexed). View
Closest MinMax Given an array A, find the size of the smallest subarray such that it contains at least one occurrence of the maximum value of the array and at least one occurrence of the minimum value of the array. View
Leaders in an array Given an integer array A containing N distinct integers, you have to find all the leaders in array A. An element is a leader if it is strictly greater than all the elements to its right side. View
Special Subsequences "AG" You have given a string A having Uppercase English letters. You have to find how many times subsequence "AG" is there in the given string. View
Generate all subarrays You are given an array A of N integers. Return a 2D array consisting of all the subarrays of the array View
Maximum Subarray Easy You are given an integer array C of size A. Now you need to find a subarray (contiguous elements) so that the sum of contiguous elements is maximum. But the sum must not exceed B. View
Subarray in given range Given an array A of length N, return the subarray from B to C. View
Sum of All Subarrays You are given an integer array A of length N. You have to find the sum of all subarray sums of A. View
Anti Diagonals Give a N * N square matrix A, return an array of its anti-diagonals. Look at the example for more details. View
Column Sum You are given a 2D integer matrix A, return a 1D integer array containing column-wise sums of original matrix. View
Main Diagonal Sum You are given a N X N integer matrix. You have to find the sum of all the main diagonal elements of A. Main diagonal of a matrix A is a collection of elements A[i, j] such that i = j. View
Matrix Transpose Given a 2D integer array A, return the transpose of A. View
Minor Diagonal Sum You are given a N X N integer matrix. You have to find the sum of all the minor diagonal elements of A. View
Rotate Matrix You are given a n x n 2D matrix A representing an image. View
Row Sum Find Row Sum of given A array. View
Minimum Swaps Given an array of integers A and an integer B, find and return the minimum number of swaps required to bring all the numbers less than or equal to B together. View
Spiral Order Matrix II Given an integer A, generate a square matrix filled with elements from 1 to A2 in spiral order and return the generated square matrix. View
Subarray with given sum and length Given an array A of length N. Also given are integers B and C. Return 1 if there exists a subarray with length B having sum C and 0 otherwise View
Sum of even indices You are given an array A of length N and Q queries given by the 2D array B of size Q*2. Each query consists of two integers B[i][0] and B[i][1]. View

Bit Manipulations

Problem Description Solution
Any base to decimal You are given a number A. You are also given a base B. A is a number on base B. You are required to convert the number A into its corresponding value in decimal number system. View
Check bit You are given two integers A and B. Return 1 if B-th bit in A is set. Return 0 if B-th bit in A is unset View
Decimal to Any Base Given a decimal number A and a base B, convert it into its equivalent number in base B. View
Number of 1 Bits Write a function that takes an integer and returns the number of 1 bits present in its binary representation. View
Set Bit You are given two integers A and B. Set the A-th bit and B-th bit in 0, and return output in decimal Number System. View
Single Number Given an array of integers A, every element appears twice except for one. Find that integer that occurs once. View
Unset i-th bit You are given two integers A and B. If B-th bit in A is set, make it unset. If B-th bit in A is unset, leave as it is. View

Maths Modular Arithmetic

Problem Description Solution
Divisibility by 3 Given a number in the form of an array A of size N. Each of the digits of the number is represented by A[i]. Check if the number is divisible by 3. View
Power with Modules You are given A, B and C . Calculate the value of (A ^ B) % C View
Mod Array You are given a large number in the form of a array A of size N where each element denotes a digit of the number. You are also given a number B. You have to find out the value of A % B and return it. View


Problem Description Solution
Elements Removal Given an integer array A of size N. You can remove any element from the array in one operation. View
Factors sort You are given an array A of N elements. Sort the given array in increasing order of number of distinct factors of each element. View
Largest Number Given an array A of non-negative integers, arrange them such that they form the largest number. View
Noble Integer Given an integer array A, find if an integer p exists in the array such that the number of integers greater than p in the array equals p. View
Tens Digit Sorting Given an array A of N integers. Sort the array in increasing order of the value at the tens place digit of every number. View


Problem Description Solution
Count Sort Given an array A. Sort this array using Count Sort Algorithm and return the sorted array. View
Longest Palindromic Substring Given a string A of size N, find and return the longest palindromic substring in A. View
To Lower You are given a function to_lower() which takes a character array A as an argument. Convert each character of A into lowercase characters if it exists. View
To Upper You are given a function to_upper() which takes a character array A as an argument. Convert each character of A into uppercase characters if it exists. View
Toggle Case You are given a character string A having length N, consisting of only lowercase and uppercase latin letters. View


Problem Description Solution
Count distinct elements Given an array A of N integers, return the number of unique elements in the array. View
Frequency of element query Given an array A. You have some integers given in the array B. For the i-th number, find the frequency of B[i] in the array A and return a list containing all the frequencies. View
Sub-array with 0 sum Given an array of integers A, find and return whether the given array contains a non-empty subarray with a sum equal to 0. View



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