This project wraps the web version of the Ananda Marga Fasting Calendar and works entirely offline without requiring an internet connection.
Head to releases to download the latest release APK.
- Java JDK 17 or later, for example, Eclipse Temurin Java 17 JDK
- Android Studio
must be configured to point to JDK 17- steps for windows
- macos:
export JAVA_HOME=$(/usr/libexec/java_home -v 17)
to see available values use/usr/libexec/java_home -V
- linux:
sudo update-alternatives --config java
or explicitly viaexport JAVA_HOME=/replace/with/correct/path/to/jdk17
Once the requirements are satisfied, verify the correct java JDK version is configured (must be 17
or higher):
javac --version
- Clone the current repository:
git clone
cd Ananda-Marga-Fasting-Calendar-Android
./gradlew assembleDebug
Build a release APK ( ❗ please read
To build a relase APK a release keystore must be created and configured. A new keystore can be created using Android Studio as described below, or from terminal using a command such as the one below (the alias can be any text):
keytool -genkey -v -keystore keystore.jks -keyalg RSA -keysize 4096 -validity 10000 -alias REPLACE-WITH-YOUR-OWN-ALIAS -storetype JKS
An easy way to build a release android APK is to use the Android Studio wizard: on the menu pick Build
-> Generate Signed App Bundle / APK
-> APK
-> Keystore path: Create new and fill in passwords and alias > Next select release
-> Create
To build a release APK from the terminal the following environment variables must be defined:
var name | value |
path to the keystore file |
keystore password |
key password |
key alias |
Once the variables are set and KEYSTORE
points to a valid keystore file, issue the following command:
./gradlew assembleRelease
See also:
- Fork this repository by clicking the Fork button in the top right.
- Click the Actions tab
- In the left-side panel locate and click the Build APK link.
- Click the Run Workflow and then click Run Workflow in the dropdown.
❗ NOTE: To generate release APK via the github workflow github secrets must configured as described in Keystore Config
It is recommended to create a tag such as v0.1
either from github web UI Releases > Draft a new release (click Choose a tag, type the new tag name, and then click create <TAGNAME>) or using git
from your local development environment before triggerring the release build — then the generated APK release name will contain the tag name.