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Marmaduke Woodman committed Mar 29, 2024
1 parent 735f1d3 commit e5491fd
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338 changes: 338 additions & 0 deletions vbjax/app/ndde/
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@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding: utf-8

# In[1]:

get_ipython().run_line_magic('pylab', 'inline')
get_ipython().run_line_magic('config', "InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'")
import jax
import jax.numpy as jp
import numpy as np
import tqdm
import vbjax as vb
from jax.example_libraries.optimizers import adam
import time, pickle

# In[2]:

def load_data(C, M, B, F):
meg00 = np.load('../../Downloads/megmodes-100307.npy').astype('f')[:,:M] / 1e-5
W = C+F
meg00wins = jp.array( meg00[:meg00.shape[0] // W * W].reshape((-1, W, M)) )
print('wins shape and MB', meg00wins.shape, meg00wins.nbytes >> 20)
ntrain = len(meg00wins)//5*4
tr_x = meg00wins[:ntrain]
te_x = meg00wins[ntrain:]
print('tr te shapes', tr_x.shape, te_x.shape)
return tr_x, te_x

def load_meg(M):
meg = jp.load('../../Downloads/megmodes-100307.npy')[1024:-1024,:M]/1e-5
tr = meg[:meg.shape[0]//5*4]
te = meg[tr.shape[0]:]
return tr, te

def gen_ixs(part, C, F, B):
# np much faster than jax for this
import numpy as np
nwin = part.shape[0] // F + B
nwin = nwin // B * B
lastt = part.shape[0] - (C + F)
ix = np.random.randint(0, lastt, (nwin,))
return jp.array(np.array(np.split(ix, ix.size // B)))

def make_get_batch(C, F):
def get_batch(part, ix):
get1 = lambda i: jax.lax.dynamic_slice_in_dim(part, i, C+F)
return jax.vmap(get1)(ix)
return get_batch

# In[3]:

def make_dense_layers(in_dim, latent_dims=[10], out_dim=None, init_scl=0.1, extra_in=0,
act_fn=jax.nn.leaky_relu, key=jax.random.PRNGKey(42)):
"""Make a dense neural network with the given latent layer sizes."""
small = lambda shape: jax.random.normal(key, shape=shape)*init_scl
# flops of n,p x p,m is nm(2p-1)
if len(latent_dims) > 0:
weights = [small((latent_dims[0], in_dim + extra_in))]
biases = [small((latent_dims[0], ))]
print('no latent dims for mlp: linear model only!')
weights, biases = [], []
nlayers = len(latent_dims)

for i in range(nlayers - 1):
weights.append(small((latent_dims[i+1], latent_dims[i])))
biases.append(small((latent_dims[i+1], )))

weights.append(small((out_dim or in_dim, latent_dims[-1] if latent_dims else in_dim)))
biases.append(small((out_dim or in_dim, )))

def fwd(params, x):
weights, biases = params
for i in range(len(weights) - 1):
x = act_fn(weights[i] @ x + biases[i])
return weights[-1] @ x + biases[-1]

return (weights, biases), fwd

def make_run1(mlp, forecast, C, F):

def run1(wb, x):

def op(ctx, y):
cx = mlp(wb, ctx.ravel())
nx = ctx[-1] + 0.1*(-ctx[-1] + cx)
ctx = jp.roll(ctx, shift=-1, axis=0)
ctx =[-1].set(nx)
return ctx, nx if forecast else jp.mean(jp.square(nx - y))

y = jp.r_[:F] if forecast else x[C:]
ctx, outs = jax.lax.scan(op, x[:C], y)
return outs
return run1

def make_loss(runb_loss):
def loss(wb, x):
losses = runb_loss(wb, x)
return jp.mean(losses)
return [jax.jit(_) for _ in (loss, jax.grad(loss), jax.value_and_grad(loss))]

# In[4]:

def save_params(i, wb):
with open(f'/tmp/megnode-v2-{i}.pkl', 'wb') as fd:
pickle.dump(wb, fd)

# In[5]:

def __make_batch_ix(n, b):
ix = np.r_[:n]
ixs = np.array_split(ix, n // b + 1)
return [jp.array(_) for _ in ixs]

# In[6]:

def train(i, tr_x, C, F, loss_and_grads, get_batch, aupdate, aget, awb, batch):
train_loss = []
for ix in gen_ixs(tr_x, C, F, batch):
bx = get_batch(tr_x, ix)
tr_loss, tr_grads = loss_and_grads(aget(awb), bx)
awb = aupdate(i, tr_grads, awb)
train_loss = np.mean(train_loss)
return awb, train_loss

def test(te_x, C, F, loss, get_batch, aget, awb, batch):
test_loss = []
for ix in gen_ixs(te_x, C, F, batch):
bx = get_batch(te_x, ix)
te_loss = loss(aget(awb), bx)
test_loss = np.mean(test_loss)
return test_loss

def run_epochs(wb, tr_x, te_x, C, F, loss, loss_and_grads, get_batch,
niter=200, sched='linear', lr_base=1e-4, batch=2048, patience=3600):
trace = []
ainit, _, aget = adam(lr_base)
awb = ainit(wb)
tik0 = time.time()
for i in (pbar := tqdm.trange(niter, ncols=80)):
tik = time.time()
lr = lr_base
if sched == 'linear':
lr = lr / (1 + i/niter)
_, aupdate, _ = adam(lr)
# train + test
awb, train_loss = train(i, tr_x, C, F, loss_and_grads, get_batch, aupdate, aget, awb, batch)
test_loss = test(te_x, C, F, loss, get_batch, aget, awb, batch)
# progress
msg = f'{lr:0.2g} {train_loss:0.2f} {test_loss:0.2f}'
if i % 10 == 0:
save_params(i, aget(awb))
tok = time.time()
trace.append([lr, train_loss, test_loss, tok-tik])

except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('stopping early')
if (time.time() - tik0) > patience:

return aget(awb), np.array(trace).T

# In[7]:

def run(C, F, M, B=2048, A=[256,256], lr=1e-4, patience=300, niter=2000, continue_wb=None):
get_batch = make_get_batch(C, F)
tr_x, te_x = load_meg(M)
wb, mlp = make_dense_layers(C*M, A, out_dim=M, init_scl=1e-5)
if continue_wb is not None:
wb = continue_wb
run1_loss = make_run1(mlp, forecast=False, C=C, F=F)
runb_loss = lambda wb, x: jax.vmap(lambda x: run1_loss(wb, x))(x)
loss, gloss, loss_and_grads = make_loss(runb_loss)
ixs = gen_ixs(te_x, C, F, B)
bx = get_batch(te_x, ixs[0])
loss(wb, bx)
return run_epochs(wb, tr_x, te_x, C, F, loss, loss_and_grads, get_batch, niter=niter, batch=B, lr_base=lr*(B/512), patience=patience)

#wb, (lr, trl, tel, tt) = run(4, 1, 4, patience=10)

# In[8]:

def plot_losses(trl, tel):
import pylab as pl
pl.loglog(trl, '-', label='train loss', color='k', alpha=0.7)
pl.loglog(tel, '--', label='test loss', color='r', alpha=0.7)
pl.grid(1); pl.legend(); pl.xlabel('epoch'); pl.ylabel('loss')

# - try out different batch-lr relations. sqrt(k) seems to favor small batches, but lower performance. This seems to remain true for large MLPs too.
# - C32, F8, A 8192,4096,2048; lr_base 1e-4: tr gets down to 10 but te goes up, overfitting
# - C128, F32, A 2048x3: still overfitting after 100 epochs
# - C=F=128 B=2048 A=1024,256 no overfit but slow learning
# - random data sampling makes minibatch loss much more jumpy
# - a sweep over C, 8, 16, A=`[1024,256]` shows overfitting tendency with larger C which is also larger arch
# - first layer of `C*M x A[0]` represents largest layer by far: this is low hanging fruit for improvement
# - sweep over C with F=32 shows no overfitting, even for larger C

# In[ ]:

#wb = run(16, 4, 16, A=[256,256], patience=3600, lr=1e-4)[0]
M = 96
F = 128
C = 128

# simple architecture keeps it easily interpretable
# even 4*M, overfits!
A = [4*M, M//4, 4*M] # overfits around 2e4 iterations
A = [2*M]

wb, (_, trl, tel, _) = run(C, F, M, B=2048, A=A, patience=99999, niter=10000, lr=1e-5) #, continue_wb=wb)

# In[ ]:


# In[13]:

plot_losses(trl, tel)

# In[ ]:

wb2, (_, trl2, tel2, _) = run(C, F, M, B=4096, A=A, patience=99999, niter=50000, lr=1e-5, continue_wb=wb)

# In[ ]:

plot_losses(trl2, tel2)

# In[ ]:

w0 = wb[0][0]

# In[ ]:

w0_ = w0.reshape(A[0], C, M)

# In[ ]:


# In[ ]:

imshow(w0_[45].T, vmin=-0.1, vmax=0.1)

# could achieve some fourier basis or just use a cnn?
# the above fits `A[0], C, M` which is like `A[0]*M` filters or each `M` getting `A[0]` filters, with a subsequent sum over `M`.
# but why not

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