This repository stores files that allow you to do insertions using Max/MSP.
These patches require Syphon for Jitter package. Make sure you install the package (available on Max's Package Manager, and via Github), before using playing around with this code.
Because Syphon is OS X only, these patches will only work on OS X.
- empty-input-output-example.maxpat: An empty example file for you to modify.To create a custom insetion using this file, you'll just need to modify the object called [what-you-want];
- crazy-effect.maxpat: A simple example of an insertion built in Max;
- Syphon: Folder containing Syphon for Jitter package. This folder is a copy of the Github repository;
- jitter-effects: Folder containing some example of VJ-like video effects in Jitter (that could be potentially applied to insertions);
Have fun!
--, 2018.