This is my arch linux daily driver configuration!
OS: Arch Linux
Kernel: Linux Zen
Shell: zsh
WM: Qtile (X11)
Theme: KvArcDark# [Qt], Arc-Dark [GTK2/3]
Icons: Arc [Qt], Arc [GTK2/3]
Font: Source Code Pro (9pt) [Qt], Source Code Pro (11pt) [GTK2/3]
Cursor: Bibata-Original-Ice
Terminal: Alacritty & tmux
CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9900K (16) @ 5.00 GHz
GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090 [Discrete]
GPU 2: Intel UHD Graphics 630 @ 1.20 GHz [Integrated]
Memory: 64GiB
In this you can find my system-init python script to run after you do a fresh install, to install core packages and do some system configuration!
Some other configs you might find useful:
- alacritty
- dunst
- nvim
- qtile
- rofi
- spicetify
- tmux
- zsh
Other goodies:
- obsidian custom skin
- midnight commander custom skin
Good luck and have fun! -insidesources
Special thanks/credit for Derek Taylor (DT) https://gitlab.com/dwt1/dotfiles