Update 08.02.2025
- optmized occlusion mask
- Replaced insightface with retinaface detection/alignment for easier installation
- Replaced seg-mask with faster blendmasker
- Added free cropping of final result video
- Added specific target face selection from first frame
Just another Wav2Lip HQ local installation, fully running on Torch to ONNX converted models for:
- face-detection
- face-recognition
- face-alignment
- face-parsing
- face-enhancement
- wav2lip inference.
Can be run on CPU or Nvidia GPU
I've made some modifications such as:
- New face-detection and face-alignment code. (working for ~ +- 60º head tilt)
- Four different face enhancers available, adjustable enhancement level .
- Choose pingpong loop instead of original loop function.
- Set cut-in/cut-out position to create the loop or cut longer video.
- Cut-in position = used frame if static is selected.
- Select the target face.
- Use two audio files, eg. vocal for driving and full music mix for final output.
- This version does not crash if no face is detected, it just continues ...
Type --help for all commandline parameters
Model download - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BGl9bmMtlGEMx_wwKufJrZChFyqjnlsQ?usp=sharing
Original wav2lip - https://github.com/Rudrabha/Wav2Lip
Face enhancers taken from - https://github.com/harisreedhar/Face-Upscalers-ONNX
Face detection taken from - https://github.com/neuralchen/SimSwap
Face occluder taken from - https://github.com/facefusion/facefusion-assets/releases
Blendmasker extracted from - https://github.com/mapooon/BlendFace during onnx conversion
Face recognition for specifc face taken from - https://github.com/jahongir7174/FaceID