A collection of IP table rules to SafeGuard your Minecraft server from ddos attacks For Applying Basic Prot
git clone https://github.com/instax-dutta/Ultimate-Firewall && cd Ultimate-Firewall && bash Ultimate-Firewall.sh
For Applying Aegis's Specified Firewall Settings for specified port
git clone https://github.com/instax-dutta/Ultimate-Firewall && cd Ultimate-Firewall && bash aegis.sh
Single Command to Directly Protect 25565 port only
git clone https://github.com/instax-dutta/Ultimate-Firewall && cd Ultimate-Firewall && bash mcproxy.sh
To remove all firewall rules and ip table rules
git clone https://github.com/instax-dutta/Ultimate-Firewall && cd Ultimate-Firewall && bash reset.sh