Simple implementation of Regret Matching Algorithm for Nash Equilibrium computation via repeated self-play
This is simple implementation of regret matching algorithm for Nash Equilibrium computation for two players zero sum games via repeated self-play. This code uses game of Rock-Paper-Scissors as an example
First install numpy
pip install -r requirements.txt
then run
from regretmatching.rps import RPSPlayer
import numpy as np
a = RPSPlayer()
b = RPSPlayer()
t = 10000
for i in range(0, t):
a_move = a.move()
b_move = b.move()
_2e = np.round(2 * np.max([a.eps(), b.eps()]), 3)
a_ne = a.current_best_response()
b_ne = b.current_best_response()
print("{0} - nash equilibrium for RPS: {1}, {2}".format(_2e, a_ne, b_ne))