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Existing Known Issue List

Sherry Lin edited this page Jul 29, 2024 · 3 revisions

Known Issues

Media-driver may have some known issues as below for feature implementation due to hardware/API limitation or historical reasons.

Video Processing Forward and Backward Reference

In driver code, pFwdRef is considered as future frame and  pBwdRef is previous frame for ADI(Advanced De-Interlace) feature of video processing component. In VAAPI definition, forward_references is past frames and backward_references is future frames. This mis-alignment is introduced by some historical reasons. You could see detail in issues/804 and pull/1162. Considering it's low customer impact and most of usages are from internal testing, so it's marked as known issue here.

Per-platform Build

Generally we'd prefer to use one package to cover all platforms/features. If you are looking for a method minimum platform/feature support, media driver also supports it as our build system is designed for platform and feature independence, so you could disable/enable any platforms for your customization. However this part is minimal maintenance w/ incomplete testing.

This PR#1304 was merged to support part of this request. It could reduce the build binary size a lot by disabling the media kernel binary (shader), even though some of the source code is still compiled into final package. However this patch yet isolate all of the code dependencies, we would greatly appreciate any further valuable patches you can provide.

SkyLake incorrect color

SKL: Green or other incorrect color will be observed in output frames when using YV12/I420 as input format for csc/scaling/blending/rotation, etc. on Ubuntu 16.04 stock (with kernel 4.10). The issue can be addressed with the kernel patch: WaEnableYV12BugFixInHalfSliceChicken7

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