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Adds RFC 7807 support to ASP.NET 4.x Web API applications. Note that this library supports ASP.NET 4.x; ASP.NET Core is not supported.


Add a reference to the IntelligentPlant.ProblemDetails.WebApi NuGet package.


An example self-hosted application can be found here.


To add support for all Web API controller actions via global action and exception filters on a System.Web.Http.HttpConfiguration object, use the AddProblemDetails extension method:

public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) {
    var config = new HttpConfiguration();
    // Enable detailed exceptions to include error messages and stack traces in 500 responses.
    //config.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy = IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always;


When using an OWIN application to host Web API, the OWIN application will return a 401 response in the authorization stage of the pipeline if access to a route is denied, and a 404 response if it cannot identify a matching route for a request, meaning that the Web API filters cannot return problem details for these requests. You can return problem details for 401 and 404 responses by adding a middleware directly to the OWIN pipeline using the UseProblemDetails extension method:

public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) {
    // We only want to return a problem details response on API routes.
    app.UseProblemDetails(new PathString("/api"));
    var config = new HttpConfiguration();
    // Enable detailed exceptions to include error messages and stack traces in 500 responses.
    //config.IncludeErrorDetailPolicy = IncludeErrorDetailPolicy.Always;


Manually Creating Problem Details Responses in API Controllers

The IntelligentPlant.ProblemDetails.WebApi namespace contains extension methods for the ApiController type to allow direct creation of responses containing problem details objects in API controller methods, allowing you to return a problem details response that is appropriate for the exception that occurred. For example:

public async Task Greet(string? name = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) {
    try {
        var result = await ProcessGreeting(Request.GetOwinContext(), name, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
        return Ok(result);
    catch (ArgumentException e) {
        return this.CreateProblemDetailsResponse(statusCode: HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, detail: e.Message);
    catch (System.Security.SecurityException e) {
        return this.CreateProblemDetailsResponse(statusCode: HttpStatusCode.Forbidden, detail: e.Message);
    catch (System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations.ValidationException e) {
        return this.CreateValidationProblemDetailsResponse(e);
    catch (Exception e) {
        return this.CreateServerErrorProblemDetailsResponse(e);

You can also directly create problem details objects using the ProblemDetailsFactory class:

public IHttpActionResult CreateExampleProblem() {
    var problem = ProblemDetailsFactory.Default.CreateProblemDetails(Request.GetOwinContext(), statusCode: 400, title: "This is a problem", extensions: new Dictionary<string, object>() {
        ["some-extension-property"] = new {
            value1 = "some-value",
            value2 = 123

    return this.CreateProblemDetailsResponse(problem);

Handling Exceptions in the OWIN Pipeline

It is also possible to generate problem details responses from unhandled exceptions in the OWIN pipeline. To do this, you can assign a callback function to the ExceptionHandler property on the ProblemDetailsMiddlewareOptions class:

public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) {
    // We only want to return a problem details response on API routes.
    app.UseProblemDetails(new ProblemDetailsMiddlewareOptions() {
        IncludePaths = new [] {
            new PathString("/api")
        ExceptionHandler = ProblemDetailsErrorHandler

private static ProblemDetails? ProblemDetailsErrorHandler(IOwinContext context, Exception error, ProblemDetailsFactory factory) {
    if (error is System.Security.SecurityException) {
        return factory.CreateProblemDetails(context, 403);

    // - handling for other exceptions here -

    // Return null to rethrow the unhandled exception.
    return null;

Handling Web API Exceptions in the OWIN Pipeline

By default, Web API ensures that all unhandled exception in the Web API pipeline are handled using its IExceptionHandler service. However, you may wish to handle Web API exceptions directly in the OWIN pipeline, so that all unhandled application errors pass through the same set of OWIN middleware prior to generating a problem details response for an API call.

You can disable Web API exception handling completely when registering the Web API problem details configuration with the Web API configuration:

public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) {
    // We only want to return a problem details response on API routes.
    app.UseProblemDetails(new ProblemDetailsMiddlewareOptions() {
        IncludePaths = new [] {
            new PathString("/api")
        ExceptionHandler = ProblemDetailsErrorHandler

    var config = new HttpConfiguration();
    config.AddProblemDetails(handleExceptions: false);


private static ProblemDetails? ProblemDetailsErrorHandler(IOwinContext context, Exception error, ProblemDetailsFactory factory) {
    if (error is System.Security.SecurityException) {
        return factory.CreateProblemDetails(context, 403);

    // - handling for other exceptions here -

    // Return null to rethrow the unhandled exception.
    return null;

Transforming Problem Details via Callback

ProblemDetailsFactory defines an OnDetailsCreated callback that will be invoked whenever the factory creates a problem details instance. You can use this callback to e.g. add custom properties to your problem details objects.

public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app) {
    ProblemDetailsFactory.Default.OnDetailsCreated = (context, details) => {
        // Add these properties to every problem detail.
        details.Extensions["callback-added"] = "some-value";
        details.Extensions["utc-time"] = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("u");

    app.UseProblemDetails(new ProblemDetailsMiddlewareOptions() {
        IncludePaths = new [] {
            new PathString("/api")

    var config = new HttpConfiguration();


Note that, rather than adding an extensions property to the problem details JSON representation, both the JSON.NET and System.Text.Json serializers will add a new property to the JSON object for each entry in the Extensions dictionary on the ProblemDetails instance e.g.

  "type": "",
  "title": "Forbidden",
  "status": 403,
  "detail": null,
  "instance": "/api/delete-item/1",
  "callback-added": "some-value",
  "utc-time": "2020-12-11 07:20:00Z"


Adds RFC 7807 support to ASP.NET 4.x Web API applications.





