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Step 5: Writing tests with complex setup dependencies

Plamen Dimitrov edited this page May 7, 2020 · 2 revisions

Step Five: Writing tests with complex setup dependencies


This extra tutorial focuses on how to define a test with more complex setup dependencies like autogenerated ephemeral test nodes, permanent test objects and multi-test dependency cloning.

It is implemented by the tutorial_get and tutorial_finale``variants with the same minimal `` test script code.

Shallow Cartesian config

To tune the complexity up a bit, this extra tutorial makes use of three very different vms playing the roles of a temporary (regular) vm, a special type of vm called permanent vm, and a vm with multiple setup dependencies:

- tutorial_get:
    vms = vm1 vm2 vm3
    roles = temporary multisetup permanent
    temporary = vm1
    multisetup = vm2
    permanent = vm3
    get_state_vm1 = connect
    get_opts_vm1 = switch=on
    get_vm3 = 0root
    get_state_vm3 = ready
    type = tutorial_step_get
    host_dhcp_service = yes
        - explicit_noop:
            get_vm2 = tutorial_gui.client_noop
            get_state_vm2 = guisetup.noop
            set_state_vm2 = getsetup.noop
        - explicit_clicked:
            get_vm2 = tutorial_gui.client_clicked
            get_state_vm2 = guisetup.clicked
            set_state_vm2 = getsetup.clicked
        - implicit_both:
            get_vm2 = tutorial_gui
            set_state_vm2 = getsetup

Variant definitions are the most significant parts of this tutorial since all more elaborate dependencies are configured here using get parameters. The test script remains minimal and makes immediate use of an ephemeral state vm1, the variant-specific state vm2, and the permanent vm3 provided beforehand by reading this configuration. Let's break this down by tracing what each of these test objects represents and how it is set up.

Ephemeral state dependencies

The easiest to consider of the three is the ephemeral state vm vm1 which is simply the virtual machine used in previous tutorials at the off connect state (being online) with an additional switch. Whenever a test vm dependency is defined via the usual get_state = connect, this actually translates to a default use of get = connect to look for setup tests restricted through the filter only=connect. However, get could also be explicitly specified to restrict for some tests while the usually included get_state is always used to decide on what state to look for once a setup test is parsed, run, and the tutorial_get test validates whether its requirements are satisfied. We still rely on the default get value while for vm1 while we become explicit for vm3 by requesting its root node (i.e. creation test) but making use of its ready state. The additional parameter get_opts refines further the behavior of the get procedure, usually adding space separated secondary options in comparison to get_state, get_type, and get_mode. There is also a check_opts parameter described in the README that accompanies the check_state and other similar parameters for this procedure.

In the case above, the get options include switch=on which will switch the state type of the connect state from off to on. It can do this by generating an ephemeral test node (called this way because changing the off state will erase any previous on state setup paths) which will retrieve the off connect state, boot the vm, and set the derived boot state as on connect state. All of this is done purely from the configuration and does not need any additional code implementation. Clearly though, there could be cases where the boot sequence and the overall state switch might require additional fine tuning. In such cases we could define custom ephemeral tests in the corresponding section in the groups config:

- ephemeral:
    start_vm = yes
    kill_vm = no
    get_state = customize
    get_type = off
    set_type = on
    type = shared_manage_vm
    vm_action = boot
        # Additional customization possible only when left running
        - on_customize:
            set_state = on_customize
            type = shared_customize_on

Using an on_customize ephemeral test as an example, we replace the default boot code from the shared_manage_vm test script to shared_customize_on where one could perform additional customization that is possible only when the vm is left running. There might be many more reasons one would like to start with an off (e.g. LVM) state and end up with on (e.g. QCOW2) state that cannot be covered with a default autogenerated ephemeral test. It is still helpful when the simplest cases can be handled without having to add a manual config entry for each on/off state transition as a duplicated setup node. In both cases the ephemeral on state will be reused for the duration of the branch of tests before reverting to another off state.

Permanent test object dependencies

The simplified dump of the Cartesian graph excluding vm2 from running the test tutorial_get.explicit_noop shown here


includes the dependency paths of vm1 and vm3 up to their root states (creation) 0r and their shared root (dependency scan) 0s. The automatically created and thus temporary vm1 then has a (pre)install node 0p which expands into preparational and original installation tests when actually run. It then has other freely configured automated setup nodes (nested a) and the generated ephemeral test as a boot test is denoted as 1b1. We can now look at the way the permanent vm3 is parsed and notice that there is no automated setup and instead a direct dependence on its own root node. This root test will not truly be run and is parsed only to complete the dependency graph as long as the vm is correctly identified as a permanent vm in its variant definition section:

- vm3:
    vms = "vm3"
    # storage
    permanent_vm = yes

Of course, we might still make it possible to create the vm within our tool set instead of truly externally and write a tool for this purpose as we will do here.

Preparing the permanent Ubuntu vm could be internalized and thus automated using a tool if

  • the vm is only made permanent in order to preserve certain properties or further improve setup reuse
  • the preparation is could be automated and is not complex enough or requiring too much human input

To start, the vm can be created and customized using some regular tools that are already available for vm management and then all setup specific to the vm could be moved to a custom tool provided in the sample test suite. Running all steps to prepare the vm should look like this

avocado manu setup=full,permubuntu vms=vm3

at the end of the tool development, adjusting parts of the creation, installation, and customization stages included in the full tool and ultimately writing the code for the permubuntu tool in a file placed in the tools test suite folder. Using a more manual initial set of steps like setup=create|install|deploy would require specifying additional parameter create_permanent_vm=yes in order to no longer prevent the vm root test from being run. The permanent vm3 here is already defined in terms of guest variant and object variant, added to the list of selectable vms in the guest base config and default variants in the objects overwrite config, and finally configured to only use on states in the sets config

# Per-object state type selection
    get_type = on
    set_type = on

Alternatively for the last step one could think of defining off-state-only vms as well that could be vms with permanent logical volumes.

While in the more elaborate case the new vm should also be handled in the creation, installation, and customization stages (if the predefined defaults are not sufficient), if one needs a specific software (e.g. OS) or hardware it might also extend adaptation to the guest-os and guest-hw configs on the guest side. This will naturally require a greater understanding of the default and general Cartesian configuration and the best approach would be to always extend it using the currently defined guest variants as a starting point.

The final possibly necessary step involves tool development as a slight departure from regular test development and we use the opportunity to demonstrate one such instance by writing a tool called "permubuntu" for performing customization to the permanent vm that cannot be put or would require too much deviation for the regular customization step. To be accessible from the command line, the tool module must explicitly expose the manual step which is the tool entry point

__all__ = ["permubuntu"]

If the tool is making use of the Cartesian graph the developer should also make sure to import the necessary classes and decorators

from avocado_i2n.cartgraph import TestNode
from avocado_i2n.intertest_setup import with_cartesian_graph
def permubuntu(config, tag=""):

Perhaps clearly by now, it is also important to follow the same standardized function signature for the entry point function.

The actual implementation within the entry point function could be as easy as general command execution but if it involves Cartesian graph manipulation it would also require knowledge of the API for the cartgraph subpackage as well as possibly the standard test runner (node traverser) and loader (node parser) that come with such graphs. The best advice to give at this stage is to observe how the sample tool does this and mimic such behavior until one is comfortable and becomes more experienced.

Explicit and implicit multi-state dependencies

We can now turn our eyes to the most elaborate dependencies, namely those of vm2. We could define multiple setup test nodes for the same test object by using any desired test restriction in the get parameter. In the example here, we have multiple test dependencies for the vm2 object using get=tutorial_gui. In particular, we could achieve the same effect both through explicit variants like

- explicit_noop:
    get_vm2 = tutorial_gui.client_noop
    get_state_vm2 = guisetup.noop
    set_state_vm2 = getsetup.noop
- explicit_clicked:
    get_vm2 = tutorial_gui.client_clicked
    get_state_vm2 = guisetup.clicked
    set_state_vm2 = getsetup.clicked

where we use get with a test restriction that is expected to resolve into a single test variant, here either a tutorial_gui.client_noop test or a tutorial_gui.client_clicked, or through an implicit variant like

- implicit_both:
    get_vm2 = tutorial_gui
    set_state_vm2 = getsetup

where we use get with a test restriction that is expected to resolve into a test set with multiple subvariants, here both a tutorial_gui.client_noop test and a tutorial_gui.client_clicked test nodes. The explicit method has the advantage of flexibility where we could fully decide what object state to retrieve as we do with guisetup.noop and guisetup.clicked. It could quickly become laborsome and hard to read though if the dependency test set is too large as such configuration should be supplied for each resolved test node. The implicit method (here included as a third variant for comparison) automates all of this by cloning the tutorial_get.implicit_both test for each parsed parent node, resulting in a tutorial_get.implicit_both..guisetup.noop and a tutorial_get.implicit_both...guisetup.clicked tests retrieving the same states as the ones from the explicit configuration. It is important to notice that this method does have get_state parameters and instead autodetects the states that the implicit_both clones will need. A drawback of the implicit method is lesser readability and lesser control over the configuration which is why the explicit method is still more preferable when using just a few dependency variants.

Running all four resulting tutorial_get tests will construct the following somewhat more elaborate Cartesian graph


All of the vm1 and vm3 dependencies are the same but the first observable complication from vm2 is the fact that each one of the two explicit variants 1 and 2 and the two implicit variants 3 and 3d1 (for its first and only duplicate) depends on a two-object test node. The 1a1-vm1vm2 test tutorial_gui.client_noop uses both vm1 and vm2 for the setup of vm2 saved as state guisetup.noop and used by 1 and 3 respectively and in a similar manner the 2a1-vm1vm2 test tutorial_gui.client_clicked does the same with a vm2 state guisetup.clicked used by 2 and 3d1 as the explicitly stated and implicitly generated versions of this test. The simplest use case for such dependencies one could think of are cases where vm2 should be brought to a state that requires multiple participating vms, e.g. imagine that there is a Windows VPN client installed on vm2 that requires connection with a server vm1 in order to set up a VPN profile. However, let's say that the later tests tutorial_get require vm2 with VPN client profile established but with two different configurations, one default as noop and one with extra clicks on a checkbox clicked. The resulting configuration and dependency graph here capture such scenarios in and explicit and an implicit fashion.

Deep Cartesian config

With all the above configuration included, we can now go deeper for a sort of tutorial_finale with the following final variant:

- tutorial_finale:
    vms = vm1 vm2 vm3
    roles = temporary multisetup permanent
    temporary = vm1
    multisetup = vm2
    permanent = vm3
    get_state_vm1 = connect
    get_opts_vm1 = switch=on
    get_vm3 = 0root
    get_state_vm3 = ready
    type = tutorial_step_get
    host_dhcp_service = yes
    get_vm2 = tutorial_get.implicit_both

This additional test group will use the same test script but adds another level of depth to the cloning since its vm2 dependency is the single previous variant tutorial_get.implicit_both which will parse two grandparent setup nodes and be cloned in return, ultimately duplicating the tutorial_finale tests too.

Let's look at a picture to understand this better, i.e. at the Cartesian graph:


The tutorial_finale variants were split into 1 as the clone original tutorial_finale..getsetup.guisetup.noop and 1d1 as its clone. None of the two tests is main in any aspect, the first simply takes the first available parent. The vm2 dependency of 1 is 1a1 which is now the previous test tutorial_get.implicit_both..guisetup.noop and the vm2 dependency of 1d1 is 1a1d1 which is tutorial_get.implicit_both..guisetup.clicked. Both vm2 dependencies involve vm2 being prepared in larger contexts of three participant vms (as indicated in the vm1vm2vm3 part of the 1a1 and 1a1d1 tests) so even more elaborate anticipated scenarios. This could then go as deep as are the needs of the product QA and its test suite.

All tests here used the same permanent vm3 and a booted online vm1. Traversing the graph and in particular a tutorial_gui test node used to prepare a given guisetup vm2 state will bring vm1 back to the state linux_virtuser which is required for the preparation of vm2's guisetup. As linux_virtuser is an off state, this in return will invalidate the ephemeral connect state that was prepared by the boot 1b1 test. However, the graph traversing runner will take care of this by noticing that the connect state is ephemeral and no longer available when preparing to run any test requiring it and will thus run the 1b1 setup test again with a different hash, for instance using a name like internal.stateless.manage.start..9OLZAl. In this way each ephemeral test rerun can be uniquely identified and autogenerated or manually configured ephemeral tests remain compatible with complex setup automation like this.

If you reached this far, you know everything there is to know about configuring complete virtualized networks with state reuse for their different components!