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A logical relations model of a minimal type theory with bounded first-class universe levels mechanized in Lean.

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Bounded First-Class Universe Levels

This is a Lean mechanization of a type theory with first-class universe levels, based on @yiyunliu's mltt-consistency proof written in Rocq. This mechanization of the logical relation takes advantage of Lean's impredicative Prop in place of using induction–recursion. It has been checked with Lean 4.13.0-rc3 and requires Mathlib for some typeclasses. The development can be checked and built using lake build.

Type Theory

The object theory is a type theory with universes à la Russell, first-class bounded levels, simple cumulativity, dependent functions, an empty type, and untyped conversion. First, the below is an overview of the last three features, which should appear unsurprising compared to what was mechanized in Agda. Again, the overview uses variable names, while the mechanization uses de Bruijn indexing.

                Γ ⊢ B : 𝒰 k
x : A ∈ Γ    Γ ⊢ a : A    A ≈ B
─────────    ──────────────────
Γ ⊢ x : A        Γ ⊢ a : B

    Γ ⊢ A : 𝒰 k          Γ ⊢ Πx : A. B : 𝒰 k      Γ ⊢ b : Πx: A. B
Γ, x : A ⊢ B : 𝒰 k        Γ, x : A ⊢ b : B            Γ ⊢ a : A
────────────────────    ──────────────────────    ───────────────────
Γ ⊢ Πx : A. B : 𝒰 k     Γ ⊢ λx. b : Πx : A. B     Γ ⊢ b a : B{x ↦ a}

 Γ ⊢ 𝒰 k : 𝒰 ℓ     Γ ⊢ A : 𝒰 k    Γ ⊢ b : ⊥
────────────────    ─────────────────────────
  Γ ⊢ ⊥ : 𝒰 k            Γ ⊢ abs b : A

────────────────────    + reflexivity,  symmetry,
(λx. b) a ≈ b{x ↦ a}     transitivity, congruence

In the rules for functions and the empty type, well-typedness of their types are directly included as premises to strengthen the induction hypotheses when proving the fundamental theorem. The following simpler typing rules are derivable. The function rule still requires well-typedness of the codomain type to ensure that its universe level matches that of the domain type, since the existence of suprema of levels is not imposed.

    Γ ⊢ A : 𝒰 k
 Γ, x : A ⊢ B : 𝒰 k
  Γ, x : A ⊢ b : B        Γ ⊢ k : Level< ℓ
──────────────────────    ────────────────
Γ ⊢ λx. b : Πx : A. B       Γ ⊢ ⊥ : 𝒰 k

Now here are the typing rules involving universes and levels, which rely on a meta-level notion of elements i, j with an order · < ·. These elements embed into object-level universe levels via the constructor lvl. The metavariables k, represent syntactic level expressions, and Level< ℓ represents bounded levels strictly smaller than . Universes 𝒰 then take a level expression instead of just a natural.

                      Γ ⊢ k₁ : Level< ℓ₁
Γ ⊢ k : Level< ℓ      Γ ⊢ 𝒰 k₂ : 𝒰 ℓ₂            ⊢ Γ    i < j 
────────────────    ─────────────────────    ──────────────────────────
Γ ⊢ 𝒰 k : 𝒰 ℓ      Γ ⊢ Level< k₁ : 𝒰 k₂    Γ ⊢ lvl i : Level< (lvl j)

Γ ⊢ k₁ : Level< k₂    Γ ⊢ k₂ : Level< k₃    Γ ⊢ A : 𝒰 k    Γ ⊢ k : Level< ℓ
────────────────────────────────────────    ────────────────────────────────
           Γ ⊢ k₁ : Level< k₃                         Γ ⊢ A : 𝒰 ℓ

Universes, of course, continue to live in strictly larger universes. Any Level< type, on the other hand, can live in any universe — they don't stand for universes themselves, but the set of labels pointing to each universe, and so can be as big or as small as you like. The introduction rule for lvl can be thought of internalizing the order · < ·, while the other rule for levels can be thought of internalizing its transitivity. The latter allows deriving judgements like x : Level< (lvl 6) ⊢ x : Level< (lvl 9) to allow level variables to be used as if bounded by levels larger than that they were declared with.

Finally, a cumulativity rule allows using a type at a larger universe level. This is weaker than subtyping, since for instance a function f of type Πx : 𝒰 (lvl 9). B cannot directly be assigned type Πx : 𝒰 (lvl 6). B: function types aren't contravariant in the domain with respect to levels. However, cumulativity allows eta-expanding f, namely that (λx. f x) can be assigned type Πx : 𝒰 (lvl 6). B, since the variable x : 𝒰 (lvl 6) can be assigned type 𝒰 (lvl 9) to match f.

Similar to the rule for the empty type, the rule for Level< types includes well-typedness of its universe as a premise. The corresponding simpler typing rule with the premise Γ ⊢ k₂ : Level< ℓ₂ is similarly derivable.

Logical Relation

The semantic model of the type theory is a logical relation inductively defined in impredicative Prop which relates a type to a set of terms, i.e. a predicate on terms. The inductive is parametrized over a semantic universe level and an abstract relation for all lower levels. The top-level relation is defined by well-founded induction on the level. Below is a sketch of the logical relation, omitting details about the impredicative encoding required for functions, since the definition would otherwise not be strictly positive; details can be found in @yiyunliu's paper. Although the mechanization uses the notation ⟦A⟧ i ↘ P, I continue to also use the notation a ∈ ⟦A⟧ᵢ here for better intuition, which represents ∃ P, ⟦A⟧ i ↘ P ∧ P a.

j < k    ∃ P, ⟦A⟧ⱼ ↘ P                   a ⇒⋆ lvl i    i < j
──────────────────────    ─────────    ──────────────────────
   A ∈ ⟦𝒰 (lvl j)⟧ₖ       b ∉ ⟦⊥⟧ₖ     a ∈ ⟦Level< (lvl j)⟧ₖ

∀ a ∈ ⟦A⟧ₖ, f a ∈ ⟦B{x ↦ a}⟧ₖ     A ⇒ B    a ∈ ⟦B⟧ₖ
─────────────────────────────    ──────────────────
      f ∈ ⟦Πx : A. B⟧ₖ                a ∈ ⟦A⟧ₖ

An important property when using this impredicative encoding rather than induction–recursion is determinism: If ⟦A⟧ i ↘ P and ⟦A⟧ i ↘ Q, then P = Q. Because we're handling equalities between predicates, proving determinism requires function extensionality and propositional extensionality.

The semantic universe levels are abstracted out via a typeclass containing a type of levels, an order on the levels, and further typeclasses for the following required properties on the order:

  • Wellfoundedness, to construct logical relation;
  • Transitivity, to ensure the logical relation is cumulative;
  • Trichotomy, to prove determinism of the logical relation; and
  • Cofinality, since every universe must have a type.

As such, the naturals are an appropriate instance of levels, as would be ordinals.


  • level.lean: Typeclass of cofinal, well-ordered levels.
  • syntactics.lean: Syntax, substitution, contexts, and context membership.
  • reduction.lean: Parallel reduction, substitution lemmas, confluence, and conversion.
  • typing.lean: Definitional equality, context well-formedness, well-typedness, and inversion.
  • safety.lean: Progress and preservation.
  • example.lean: Partially-complete typing derivations for some example judgements involving terms with universe polymorphism.

Here, the files diverge. The first path uses the logical relation for closed terms to prove only consistency and canonicity.

  • semantics.lean: Logical relations stating semantic typing and well-formedness, along with important properties.
  • soundness.lean: The fundamental theorem of soundness of typing — syntactic well-typedness implies semantic well-typedness. Consistency is proven as a corollary.

The second path uses the logical relation for open terms and reducibility candidates to prove normalization, along with consistency and canonicity.

  • normal.lean: Normal and neutral forms.
  • candidates.lean: The same logical relation but handling open (possibly neutral) terms, and an adequacy lemma wrt reducibility candidates.
  • normalization.lean: The fundamental theorem of soundness of typing with respect to the open logical relation. Normalization is proven as a corollary.
  • canonicity.lean: Using type safety, showing that closed terms evaluate to values. Consistency and canonicity follow from normalization and evaluation.


This type theory is missing a number of common operations on levels. Some of these would require the corresponding operation from the meta-level elements. For instance, we could add a successor operator ↑ ·, or a supremum operator · ⊔ ·, which are the same operators that Agda has.

                            k₁ : Level< ℓ₁
   k : Level< ℓ             k₂ : Level< ℓ₂
──────────────────    ──────────────────────────
↑ k : Level< (↑ ℓ)    k₁ ⊔ k₂ : Level< (ℓ₁ ⊔ ℓ₂)

These operators reduce on canonical levels (i.e. the internalizations) to the appropriate meta-level operations, written below as additional conversion rules. To support the supremum operator, the meta-level order must be trichotomous to compute a maximum.

───────────────────────    ─────────────────────────────────
↑ (lvl i) ≃ lvl (i + 1)    (lvl i) ⊔ (lvl j) ≃ lvl max(i, j)

They also need to satisfy additional conversion rules to behave properly; the below list is taken from Agda.

  • Idempotence: k ⊔ k ≃ k
  • Associativity: (k₁ ⊔ k₂) ⊔ k₃ ≃ k₁ ⊔ (k₂ ⊔ k₃)
  • Commutativity: k₁ ⊔ k₂ ≃ k₂ ⊔ k₁
  • Distributivity: ↑ (k₁ ⊔ k₂) ≃ (↑ k₁) ⊔ (↑ k₂)
  • Subsumption: k ⊔ (↑ k) ≃ ↑ k

More unconventionally, it's possible to add well-founded induction on universe levels internally to the type theory, since the meta-level elements are already well founded.

Γ, z : Level< k ⊢ B : 𝒰 ℓ
Γ ⊢ f : Πx : Level< k. (Πy : Level< x. B{z ↦ y}) → B{z ↦ x}
Γ ⊢ wf f : Πz : Level< k. B

wf f k ≃ f k (λy. wf f y)

Aside from level operations, it should also be possible to add a typecase operator, since canonicity of closed terms of type 𝒰 k say they must be Π, 𝒰, , or Level<.

Γ ⊢ T : 𝒰 k
Γ ⊢ C : 𝒰 k → 𝒰 ℓ′
Γ, x : 𝒰 k, y : x → 𝒰 k ⊢ a : C (Πz : x. y z)
Γ, x : Level< k ⊢ b : C (𝒰 x)
Γ ⊢ c : C ⊥
Γ, x : Level< ℓ ⊢ d : C (Level< x)                [where does ℓ come from??]
Γ ⊢ case T of
    | Π x y ⇒ a
    | 𝒰 x ⇒ b      : C T
    | ⊥ ⇒ c
    | Level< x ⇒ d

case (Πz : A. B) of | Π x y ⇒ a    | ... ≃ a[x ↦ A, y ↦ λz. B]
case (𝒰 k)      of | 𝒰 x ⇒ b      | ... ≃ b[x ↦ k]
case ⊥           of | ⊥ ⇒ c        | ... ≃ c
case (Level< k)  of | Level< x ⇒ d | ... ≃ d[x ↦ k]    [does k : Level< ℓ hold??]


A logical relations model of a minimal type theory with bounded first-class universe levels mechanized in Lean.




