This repository contains the Jupyter Notebooks available at and used ad training resources to easily start using the IoT-LAB testbed.
We recommend that you follow the start.ipynb
notebook to learn how to use
Jupyter Notebooks.
- Notebooks in riot will let you discover the RIOT
operating system:
- riot/basics contains exercises on basics features of RIOT
- riot/networking contains networking exercises (802.15.4, IPv6, UDP, CoAP and LwM2M)
- riot/lorawan contains exercises on LoRaWAN LPWAN networks
- riot/security contains exercises on security aspects for IoT (hash, crypto, DTLS and OTA)
- Notebooks in contiki-ng contains exercises to discover the Contiki-NG operating system
- Notebooks in testbed shows advanced features of the IoT-LAB testbed:
- for measuring power consumption on IoT-LAB M3 devices
- for sniffing radio paquets between IoT-LAB M3 devices
- Clone this repository:
$ git clone --recursive
- Start a local Jupyterlab server using Docker (only tested on Linux and OSX)
$ cd iot-lab-training
$ IOTLAB_LOGIN=<login> make run-docker
- Connect to JupyterLab at http://localhost:8888/?token=iotlab
You can then edit the notebooks in your browser. Make sure to clear all the outputs before commiting your changes.
All content - notebooks and code snippets - is licensed under the Creative commons license CC-BY-ND