Simple TicTacToe browser game, to run the game you need to set some http server either via VirtualHost either via Location Consist from two pages Board and Stats Demo here
Here is sample apache VirtualHost setting
<VirtualHost *:80 >
DocumentRoot "$pathToProjectFolder"
<Directory "$pathToProjectFolder" >
Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride ALL
DirectoryIndex index.html
Require all granted
ErrorLog "$pathToErrorLogFile"
CustomLog "$pathToLogFile" common
replace all $something with real paths in your OS
set following entry in the hosts file
the game should run after restart of the apache
The will not run if index.html is opened directly via browser ( right button - open with Chrome ), since it requires to make http request in order to transform JSX files
go into tools folder and run
npm install
npm install karma-cli -g
this installs needed packages
the run
karma start karma.conf.js
this runs the tests
For now don't have tests on React components since, this is my first React app and I need some time to figure way out how to make it properly
Contact me directly for any questions.