This program is to test student spelling skill. When the program starts, it will ask for a word list file, which is a file that simply contains a list of words, one word per line. The program then randomizes the words and pronounces each word, as the user types the word. The program then checks spelling correctness.
This currently only works for Windows 10, simply because we're using Microsoft speech engine.
The code is freely available at
NOTE: This code uses Merriam-Webster dictionary web-api, so you'll need to register at and get your API key. Then create a file that contains the api-key, named "dict_api.key", and place it either in:
- current-directory
- same directory as the exe produced by pyinstaller
- home-directory
- install Python 3.6
- git clone
- cd spelling-test
- python -m venv venv
- venv\Scripts\activate.bat
- pip install -e .
- Bug in win32com : nateshmbhat/pyttsx3#6 . Change the last line of venv\Lib\site-packages\win32com\client\ in _GetDescInvokeType() to "return varkind"
- Fix up PyDictionary warning. Edit venv\Lib\site-packages\PyDictionary\ Add ', features="html.parser"' into BeautifulSoup constructor argument.
- Fix PyDictionary debug print when it can't find any meaning. Edit venv\Lib\site-packages\PyDictionary\ In meaning(term) function, change print("Error: The Following Error occured:...) to a pass to disable the print.
- pip install pyinstaller
- pyinstaller spellingtest.spec
- result is in dist/spellingtest.exe