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Simple Blog Application


  1. Custom User Model
  2. Custom forms for Creating and Editing Users using UserCreationForm and UserChangeForm
  3. Login/Logout/Sign Up functionality using Class based Views
  4. Password Change Functionality
  5. Password Reset Functionality
  6. Blog Add, List, View, Update and delete functions
  7. User Specific data
  8. Add Comments
  9. Edit and Delete Comments
  10. Permission and Authorization
  11. Add search function
  12. Add tags using taggit
  13. Show blog post accordings to tags
  14. Add custom template tags
  15. Add recommended post, lastest post and most commented post in detail view
  16. Pagonation
  17. Integrate CKeditor

Features to be added

  1. Pagination in Comment
  2. Update using Class based View

Quick Start

To setup and run project locally on your machine then follow these simple steps

  1. Create a directory for this project and clone this project: mkdir blog cd blog git clone .
  2. Create a virtual env using python python -m venv venv
  3. The project directory looks like: Project Directory
  4. Install docker, docker-compose and docker-scan sudo pacman -S docker docker-compose docker-scan
  5. Build and run the docker container docker-compose up -d --build
  6. Run migrate command
  7. Run collectstatic commands docker-compose exec web python collectstatic
  8. Create super user account docker-compose exec web python createsuperuser
  9. Now you are good to go

Sample Images

Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6