It contains datasets related to Italian drive licenses, a dataset for each region.
These datasets were published as Open Data by the Italian Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport. They have been downloaded in October, 2019 from However, in January, 2020 the Italian Ministry modified the actual available version by limiting the exposed data.
Original column name | English column name | Format | Description |
ID | ID | number | Progressive row ID |
anno_nascita | year of birth | date (AAAA) | Year of birth of the license holder |
comune_residenza | municipality of residence | string | Italian municipality that is the residence of the license holder |
provincia_residenza | province of residence | string | Italian province that is the residence of the license holder |
regione_residenza | region of residence | string | Italian region that is the residence of the license holder |
stato_estero_nascita | foreign birth state | string | Foreign state of birth of the license holder (if any) |
sesso | gender | string (M|F) | Gender of the license holder |
categoria_patente | license category | string (AMS | CS | AM | C | BS | AS | D | BE | B | CE | F | DS | CATEGORIA NON CODIFICATA) | Maximum category obtained by the license holder at the dataset creation/update |
data_rilascio | release date | date (AAAA-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date of the license release NOTE: the time is empty |
abilitato_a | qualification | string (S|N) | It indicates whether regardless of the maximum category, the license has one of the A2, A3, A4 qualifications |
data_abilitazione | qualification date | date (AAAA-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date of the qualification release NOTE: the time is empty |
data_scadenza | expiry date | date (AAAA-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) | Date of the license expiry NOTE: the time is empty |
stato_estero_primo_rilascio | foreign state first release | string | Foreing state first license release (if any) |
punti_patente | License points | Number | Number of license points |
Each dataset is released as a ZIP file containing the original CSV file.