π List of awesome pictures from ShutterStock.
π Simple implementation for MVVM architecture pattern and clean code.
π SOLID principles.
π Unit tests included.
π Standard Coding Style.
π Support Tablet screens.
- Performance and smooth scrolling: I was in need to pagination to keep the app in high performance by reducing server overhead and improve response time. I have used Glide which is a fast and efficient image loading library uses memory and disk caching by default to avoid unnecessary network calls.
- Foundation - Components for core system capabilities, Kotlin extensions and support for multidex and automated testing.
- Test - An Android testing framework for unit and runtime UI tests.
- Architecture - A collection of libraries that help you design robust, testable, and
maintainable apps. Start with classes for managing your UI component lifecycle and handling data
- Data Binding - Declaratively bind observable data to UI elements.
- Lifecycles - Create a UI that automatically responds to lifecycle events.
- LiveData - Build data objects that notify views when the underlying database changes.
- Navigation - Handle everything needed for in-app navigation.
- ViewModel - Store UI-related data that isn't destroyed on app rotations. Easily schedule asynchronous tasks for optimal execution.
- Repository - A Module that handle data operations, You can consider repositories to be mediators between different data sources.
- Kotlin Flows - A stream of data that can be computed asynchronously.
- Paging 3 - For loading and display pages of data from a larger dataset from local storage or over network.
- Third party and miscellaneous libraries
- Retrofit - A simple library that is used for network transaction.
- Glide For image loading.
- Hilt: For dependency injection
- Kotlin Coroutines For managing background threads with simplified code and reducing needs for callbacks.
- Other tools/plugins
- SonarLint plugin - Static Code Analysis that identifies and helps you fix quality and security issues as you code.
- Espresso test recorder - Tool lets you create UI tests for your app without writing any test code.
- Loose coupling between View & ViewModel, ViewModel has no reference to the View. So it isn't affected by configuration changes.
- Aware by lifecycle. ViewModel save data even after rotate mobile.
- Easy to Test.
RecyclerView vs listview
- In RecyclerView, it is mandatory to use ViewHolder pattern Which optimize the performance.
- DiffUtil callback Which optimize the performance.
Activities vs Fragments
- I have used a single-activity architecture which allowed me to take full advantage of the Navigation component, which mean that a single activity that manages and host multiple fragments.
- The fragment is more lite weight than Activity.
Hilt vs Dagger2 vs Koin
- Hilt is built on top of the Dagger, and it comes with some advantages like simplify Dagger code and create a standard set of components and scopes to ease setup.
- As this project is simple, Hilt is the best one. For more complex projects I will go with Dagger2 to avoid some limitation of hilt.
- Hilt does not need factories for ViewModel, koin need.
- Hilt generate the code in the compile time, while koin in runtime.
Coroutines vs RxJava
- For me, Coroutines are simpler & readable than RxJava, and it is working very well in a small projects like that. In more complex projects may be RxJava is better to get benefit of their operators, and to handle a complex data flow. However, Coroutines have some advantages over RxJava like Channel.
Retrofit vs Volley
- For me, Retrofit has a well-designed code, more readable.
- Recommended by Google.
- Glide very effective for almost any case where you need to fetch, resize, cache and display a remote image.
- Support round pictures, thumbnail and placeholder which I needed in this project.
- I wish I could have implemented caching data, but found problems that will take some time, so maybe complete it in the coming iteration.
- Also the UI needs to be much fancier.
- Unit tests are still need to be written.
- I wish I could have extend it to Clean Architecture, maybe update it in the coming iteration.