A demonstration of writing custom mod-plugins to integrate intercom with an expo-managed application.
This is the working repo of the medium article I wrote, which explained the power of Expo plugins and mods in detail.
Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.
Cloning the Repository
git clone https://github.com/islamashraful/intercom-with-expo.git
cd intercom-with-expo
Install the project dependencies using yarn:
bun install
Set Up App Configuration
"extra": {
"eas": {
"projectId": "....."
"androidApiKey": "android_sdk-YOUR-KEY",
"appId": "YOUR_APP_ID",
"iosApiKey": "ios_YOUR_KEY"
Update the INTERCOM
credentials with your own keys.
You can obtain your trial key by signing up on the Intercom website. Also update eas projectId
with your own one.
Create a Development Build
# You can omit `--local` flag if you want a cloud build.
# for ios
eas build --profile development --platform ios --local
# for android
eas build --profile development --platform android --local
Running the Project
Open the android or ios build in the respective simulator and run following command.
bunx expo start --dev-client
- Copy the plugins directory and put it in your app root directory
- Update your
with the credentials
"extra": {
"androidApiKey": "android_sdk-YOUR-KEY",
"appId": "YOUR_APP_ID",
"iosApiKey": "ios_YOUR_KEY"
"plugins": ["./plugins/intercom-config-plugin.js"],
- Update your application code to see Intercom actions, like
from this repo
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
return (
<View style={styles.container}>
title="Open Intercom"
onPress={() => {
- Create a development build of your app, that's it!
const {
} = require("@expo/config-plugins");
// Import intercom, insert following code on MainApplication.kt
// import com.intercom.reactnative.IntercomModule
const withMainApplicationIntercomImport = (expoConfig) =>
withMainApplication(expoConfig, (modConfig) => {
const contents = modConfig.modResults.contents;
const regex = /.*import com\.intercom\.reactnative\.IntercomModule.*/;
const match = contents.match(regex);
if (match) {
return modConfig;
const startIndexOfClassKeyword = contents.indexOf("class MainApplication");
if (startIndexOfClassKeyword < 0) {
return modConfig;
const codeToInject = `// Injected by intercom custom plugin\nimport com.intercom.reactnative.IntercomModule\n\n`;
modConfig.modResults.contents = `${contents.slice(
return modConfig;
// Init intercom, on MainApplication.kt inside onCreate function
const withMainApplicationIntercomInit = (expoConfig) =>
withMainApplication(expoConfig, (modConfig) => {
if (!expoConfig?.extra?.INTERCOM) {
return modConfig;
const contents = modConfig.modResults.contents;
const regex = /.*IntercomModule\.initialize.*/;
const match = contents.match(regex);
if (match) {
return modConfig;
const soLoaderCode = `SoLoader.init(this, OpenSourceMergedSoMapping)`;
const startIndexForSoLoader = contents.indexOf(soLoaderCode);
if (startIndexForSoLoader < 0) {
return modConfig;
const endIndexOfSoLoader = startIndexForSoLoader + soLoaderCode.length;
const codeToInject = `\n\n // Injected by intercom custom plugin \n IntercomModule.initialize(this, "${expoConfig.extra.INTERCOM.androidApiKey}", "${expoConfig.extra.INTERCOM.appId}")\n`;
modConfig.modResults.contents = `${contents.slice(
return modConfig;
// Import intercom on AppDelegate.mm
const withAppDelegateIntercomImport = (expoConfig) =>
withAppDelegate(expoConfig, (modConfig) => {
const contents = modConfig.modResults.contents;
const match = contents.indexOf(`#import <IntercomModule.h>`);
if (match > -1) {
return modConfig;
const startIndexOfDelegateKeyword = contents.indexOf(
"@implementation AppDelegate"
if (startIndexOfDelegateKeyword < 0) {
return modConfig;
const codeToInject = `// Injected by intercom custom plugin\n#import <IntercomModule.h>\n\n`;
modConfig.modResults.contents = `${contents.slice(
return modConfig;
// Init intercom on AppDelegate.mm inside didFinishLaunchingWithOptions
const withAppDelegateIntercomInit = (expoConfig) =>
withAppDelegate(expoConfig, (modConfig) => {
if (!expoConfig?.extra?.INTERCOM) {
return modConfig;
const contents = modConfig.modResults.contents;
const regex = /.*\[IntercomModule initialize.*/;
const match = contents.match(regex);
if (match) {
return modConfig;
const initPropsCode = `self.initialProps = @{};`;
const startIndexForInitProps = contents.indexOf(initPropsCode);
if (startIndexForInitProps < 0) {
return modConfig;
const endIndexOfInitProps = startIndexForInitProps + initPropsCode.length;
const codeToInject = `\n // Injected by intercom custom plugin\n [IntercomModule initialize:@"${expoConfig.extra.INTERCOM.iosApiKey}" withAppId:@"${expoConfig.extra.INTERCOM.appId}"];`;
modConfig.modResults.contents = `${contents.slice(
return modConfig;
// Add camera usage permission to Info.plist
const withInfoPlistCameraPermission = (expoConfig) =>
withInfoPlist(expoConfig, (modConfig) => {
if (modConfig.ios.infoPlist.NSCameraUsageDescription) {
return modConfig;
modConfig.ios.infoPlist["NSCameraUsageDescription"] =
"Access your camera to take photos within a conversation";
return modConfig;
module.exports = (expoConfig) => {
return withPlugins(expoConfig, [