This project is a mini-game where you must collect all the collectibles to leave.
However, if you touch an enemy, you lose!
The project is written in the C language and requires the gcc
compiler to run.
1. Compiling the minigame
To compile, go to the project directory and run :
$ git submodule update --init --recursive
$ make bonus
2. Playing
./so_long_bonus srcs_bonus/maps/map.ber
In the "map" directory, there are three maps that you can customize.
Inside the "map.ber" files, the walls are represented as "1", empty spaces as "0", player spawn as "P", collectibles as "C", enemies as "A", and the exit as "E".
Remember that the map must be surrounded by walls, contain only one player spawn (P), one exit (E), and one or more collectibles (C).
Additionally, the map must form a rectangle and be playable, meaning that the player must be able to access all collectibles and the exit. Otherwise, you will not be able to start the game.